

Federalism, mode of political organization that unites separate states or other polities within an overarching political system in a way that allows each to maintain its own Integrity. Federal systems do this by requiring that basic policies be made and implemented through negotiation in some form, so that all the members can share in making and executing decisions. The political principles that animate federal systems emphasize the primacy of bargaining and negotiated coordination among several power centres; they Stress the virtues of dispersed power centres as a means for safeguarding individual and local liberties.

The various political systems that call themselves federal differ in many ways. Certain characteristics and principles, however, are common to all truly federal system:

Written Constitution

First, the federal relationship must be established or confirmed through a perpetual covenant of union, usually embodied in a written constitution that outlines the terms by which power is divided or shared; the constitution can be altered only by extraordinary procedures. These constitutions are distinctive in being not simply compacts between rulers and ruled but involving the people, the general government, and the states constituting the federal union. The constituent states, moreover, often retain constitution-making rights of their own.


The political system itself must reflect the constitution by actually diffusing power among a number of substantially self-sustaining centres. Such a diffusion of power may be termed dencentralization. Dencentralization is a way of ensuring in practice that the authority to participate in exercising political power cannot be taken away from the general or the state governments without common Consent.

Areal Division Of Power

A third element of any federal system is what has been called in the United States territorial Democracy. This has two faces: the use of areal divisions to ensure neutrality and Equality in the representation of the various groups and interests in the Polity and the use of such divisions to secure local autonomy and representation for diverse groups within the same civil Society.

Federalism in india

The constitution of India has not described India as a federation. However, ARTICLE 1 of Indian constitution describes India as a ‘’Union of States.’’ This means India is a union comprising of various states which are an integral part of it. Here, the states cannot break away from the union. They do not have the power to secede from the union. In a true federation, the constituting units or the states have the freedom to come out of the union. Federal features of Indian federation are as follows:

Two sets of Government

There are 2 sets of government in India and that is Union Government and central government. Central government looks after the whole country and State Government mainly works for the states. Working of both governments are different.

Division of Powers

Powers between central government and state government have been divided by Constitution of India. The seventh schedule of the Indian constitution provides how the division of powers is made between state and central government. Both central and state governments have separate power and responsibilities.  The 7th schedule of Indian constitution consists of union list, state list, and concurrent list.

Written Constitution

India has the one of the largest constitution in the world which consist of 395 articles 22 parts and 12 schedules. Every article of Indian constitution is clearly written down and has been discussed in full detail.



Supremacy of the Constitution

The Constitution of India is regarded as supreme law of land. No law can be made or passed against the constitution of India. The Constitution of India is above all citizens and organizations of the country.


In India, the legislature is bicameral. It has two houses and that are Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. The upper house of the parliament which represents the states is Rajya Sabha and the lower house of the parliament which represents the people in general is Lok Sabha.


Federalism is a System of Government in which power is shared between a central government and regional governments. The central government is responsible for matters that affect the entire country, such as Foreign Policy and national defense. The regional governments are responsible for matters that affect only their own region, such as Education and healthcare.

Federalism is often used to balance the power of the central government with the power of the regional governments. This can help to prevent tyranny of the majority, as each region has a say in how the country is run. Federalism can also help to promote diversity, as each region can maintain its own unique culture and traditions.

There are many different types of federalism, but the most common type is a system in which the central government has certain powers that are exclusive to it, and the regional governments have certain powers that are exclusive to them. The central government also has the power to delegate some of its powers to the regional governments, and the regional governments have the power to delegate some of their powers to the central government.

The United States is a good example of a Federal System of Government. The United States Constitution divides power between the federal government and the state governments. The federal government has the power to declare war, coin Money, and regulate interstate commerce. The state governments have the power to regulate education, healthcare, and criminal law.

Canada is another good example of a federal system of government. The Canadian Constitution divides power between the federal government and the provincial governments. The federal government has the power to declare war, coin money, and regulate Trade and Commerce. The provincial governments have the power to regulate education, healthcare, and property and civil rights.

Germany is a federal system of government in which the central government is called the “federal government” and the regional governments are called “states.” The federal government has the power to declare war, coin money, and regulate trade and commerce. The states have the power to regulate education, healthcare, and criminal law.

India is a federal system of government in which the central government is called the “Union government” and the regional governments are called “states.” The Union government has the power to declare war, coin money, and regulate trade and commerce. The states have the power to regulate education, healthcare, and criminal law.

Unitary states are a type of government in which power is concentrated in the central government. The central government has the power to make laws and policies that apply to the entire country. The regional governments have very little power, and they are often subordinate to the central government.

Unitary states are often used in countries that are small or that have a strong national identity. They can also be used in countries that have a history of political instability.

The United Kingdom is a good example of a unitary state. The United Kingdom Parliament has the power to make laws and policies that apply to the entire country. The regional governments, such as the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly, have very little power, and they are often subordinate to the United Kingdom Parliament.

France is another good example of a unitary state. The French Parliament has the power to make laws and policies that apply to the entire country. The regional governments, such as the Corsican Assembly and the Breton Assembly, have very little power, and they are often subordinate to the French Parliament.

Unitary states and federal states are two different Types of government. Unitary states are characterized by a strong central government, while federal states are characterized by a division of power between the central government and regional governments.

There are many advantages and disadvantages to both unitary states and federal states. Unitary states can be more efficient and effective in making decisions, but they can also be less responsive to the needs of the people. Federal states can be more responsive to the needs of the people, but they can also be less efficient and effective in making decisions.

The best type of government for a particular country depends on a variety of factors, such as the size of the country, the history of the country, and the political culture of the country.

What is a nation-state?

A nation-state is a country that is made up of people who share a common culture, history, and language.

What is a unitary state?

A unitary state is a country in which all power is held by the central government.

What is a confederation?

A confederation is a group of independent states that have joined together for a common purpose, such as defense or trade.

What is a federation?

A federation is a country in which power is shared between the central government and the regional governments.

What are the advantages of federalism?

The advantages of federalism include:

  • It allows for greater local control over government.
  • It can help to prevent tyranny of the majority.
  • It can promote diversity and Multiculturalism.

What are the disadvantages of federalism?

The disadvantages of federalism include:

  • It can lead to conflict between the central government and the regional governments.
  • It can be inefficient and bureaucratic.
  • It can be difficult to coordinate policy across different regions.

What is the difference between federalism and confederalism?

The main difference between federalism and confederalism is that in a federal system, the central government has more power than the regional governments, while in a confederal system, the regional governments have more power than the central government.

What is the difference between unitary government and federal government?

The main difference between a unitary government and a federal government is that in a unitary government, all power is held by the central government, while in a federal government, power is shared between the central government and the regional governments.

What is the difference between a unitary state and a federal state?

The main difference between a unitary state and a federal state is that in a unitary state, there is only one level of government, while in a federal state, there are two or more levels of government.

What is the difference between a confederation and a federation?

The main difference between a confederation and a federation is that in a confederation, the regional governments are more powerful than the central government, while in a federation, the central government is more powerful than the regional governments.

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a federal government?
    (A) The central government has supreme authority over the states.
    (B) The states have a certain degree of autonomy.
    (C) The central government and the states share power.
    (D) The central government is responsible for foreign affairs and national defense.

  2. Which of the following is an example of a unitary government?
    (A) The United States
    (B) Canada
    (C) Australia
    (D) The United Kingdom

  3. Which of the following is an example of a federal government?
    (A) The United States
    (B) Canada
    (C) Australia
    (D) The United Kingdom

  4. Which of the following is a power that is typically reserved for the central government in a federal system?
    (A) Taxation
    (B) Education
    (C) Health care
    (D) Police

  5. Which of the following is a power that is typically shared by the central government and the states in a federal system?
    (A) Transportation
    (B) Environment
    (C) Criminal law
    (D) Social welfare

  6. Which of the following is a power that is typically reserved for the states in a federal system?
    (A) Marriage and divorce
    (B) Gun control
    (C) Gambling
    (D) Public education

  7. Which of the following is a benefit of a federal system of government?
    (A) It allows for greater flexibility and innovation at the state level.
    (B) It provides a system of checks and balances between the central government and the states.
    (C) It allows for greater local control over government.
    (D) All of the above.

  8. Which of the following is a drawback of a federal system of government?
    (A) It can be difficult to coordinate policy between the central government and the states.
    (B) It can lead to inequality between the states.
    (C) It can be difficult to resolve disputes between the central government and the states.
    (D) All of the above.

  9. Which of the following is an example of a conflict between the central government and the states in the United States?
    (A) The Civil War
    (B) The War of 1812
    (C) The American Revolution
    (D) The Mexican-American War

  10. Which of the following is an example of a court case that has affected the balance of power between the central government and the states in the United States?
    (A) McCulloch v. Maryland
    (B) Gibbons v. Ogden
    (C) Plessy v. Ferguson
    (D) Brown v. Board of Education