Features Of Fundamental Rights

Features of Fundamental Rights

Fundamental rights are the basic rights and freedoms that are guaranteed to all citizens of a country by the constitution. They are the most important rights that a person has, and they are essential for a just and fair society.

There are many different features of fundamental rights, but some of the most important ones include:

  • They are inalienable. This means that they cannot be taken away from a person, even by the government.
  • They are universal. This means that they apply to all people, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or any other personal characteristic.
  • They are supreme. This means that they are superior to all other laws, and the government cannot violate them.
  • They are justiciable. This means that they can be enforced in court.

Fundamental rights are essential for a number of reasons. First, they protect the individual from the power of the state. Second, they promote equality and justice. Third, they help to create a more stable and prosperous society.

There are a number of different ways in which fundamental rights can be protected. One way is through the use of a constitution. A constitution is a document that sets out the basic principles and laws of a country. It usually includes a list of fundamental rights, which are guaranteed to all citizens.

Another way to protect fundamental rights is through the use of the courts. The courts can review laws and government actions to ensure that they do not violate fundamental rights. They can also order the government to take action to protect fundamental rights.

Finally, fundamental rights can be protected through the use of education and awareness-raising. It is important for people to understand their rights and how to protect them.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are fundamental rights?

Fundamental rights are the basic rights and freedoms that are guaranteed to all citizens of a country by the constitution. They are the most important rights that a person has, and they are essential for a just and fair society.

What are the different types of fundamental rights?

There are many different types of fundamental rights, but some of the most common ones include the right to life, the right to liberty, the right to equality, the right to freedom of expression, and the right to freedom of religion.

How are fundamental rights protected?

Fundamental rights are protected in a number of ways. One way is through the use of a constitution. A constitution is a document that sets out the basic principles and laws of a country. It usually includes a list of fundamental rights, which are guaranteed to all citizens.

Another way to protect fundamental rights is through the use of the courts. The courts can review laws and government actions to ensure that they do not violate fundamental rights. They can also order the government to take action to protect fundamental rights.

Finally, fundamental rights can be protected through the use of education and awareness-raising. It is important for people to understand their rights and how to protect them.

What are some examples of fundamental rights being violated?

There are many examples of fundamental rights being violated around the world. Some common examples include torture, arbitrary detention, and discrimination.

What can be done to prevent fundamental rights from being violated?

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent fundamental rights from being violated. One important step is to educate people about their rights. Another important step is to strengthen the institutions that are responsible for protecting rights, such as the courts and the police.

What are the consequences of fundamental rights being violated?

The consequences of fundamental rights being violated can be serious. They can include physical harm, psychological harm, and social harm. They can also undermine the rule of law and lead to instability and conflict.


  1. Which of the following is not a fundamental right?
    (A) The right to life
    (B) The right to liberty
    (C) The right to freedom of expression
    (D) The right to own property

  2. Which of the following is the most important fundamental right?
    (A) The right to life
    (B) The right to liberty
    (C) The right to equality
    (D) The right to freedom of expression

  3. How are fundamental rights protected?
    (A) Through the use of a constitution
    (B) Through the use of the courts
    (C) Through the use of education and awareness-raising
    (D) All of the above

  4. What are some examples of fundamental rights being violated?
    (A) Torture
    (B) Arbitrary detention
    (C) Discrimination
    (D) All of the above

  5. What can be done to prevent fundamental rights from being violated?
    (A) Educate people about their rights
