Farm Yard Manure

Farm Yard Manure

Farm yard manure (FYM) is a type of organic fertilizer that is made from the waste products of farm animals, such as cattle, pigs, and chickens. FYM is a valuable source of nutrients for plants, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It can also help to improve SoilSoil structure and drainage.

  • Composition of FYM
  • Factors Affecting FYM Quality
  • Decomposition of FYM
  • Benefits of FYM for Soil Health
  • FYM as a Nutrient Source
  • Methods of FYM Application
  • FYM Preparation and Composting
  • Storage and Handling of FYM
  • Potential Drawbacks of FYM
  • Precautions When Using FYM
  • Composition of FYMFYM consists of:
    • Animal Excreta: Feces and urine from LivestockLivestock (cattle, horses, pigs, PoultryPoultry, etc.).
    • Bedding Material: Straw, sawdust, or other bedding mixed with the excreta.
    • Leftover Feed: Undigested food residues add to the nutrient content.

    Factors Affecting FYM Quality

    The quality and nutrient content of FYM vary depending on:

    • Animal Species: Different Livestock produce manure with varying compositions and nutrient ratios.
    • Diet: The animal’s feed influences the mineral and organic matter content of the manure.
    • Bedding Material: Affects the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (CC:N ratio) and decomposition rate.
    • Handling and Storage: Proper storage prevents nutrient losses through leaching or volatilization.

    Decomposition of FYM

    FYM undergoes a breakdown process:

    • Microbial Activity: Bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms decompose the organic matter in FYM.
    • Humus Formation: The decomposition process creates stable humus, which improves Soil Structure and water-holding capacity.
    • Nutrient Release: Nutrients become available to plants in both readily available and slow-release forms.

    Benefits of FYM for Soil Health

    FYM is a natural soil amendment offering numerous benefits:

    • Improved Soil Structure: Adds organic matter, promoting better aggregation, aeration, and drainage.
    • Enhanced Water-Holding Capacity: Humus acts like a sponge, helping soil retain moisture.
    • Increased Microbial Activity: Provides a food source for beneficial soil organisms, creating a thriving soil ecosystem.

    FYM as a Nutrient Source

    FYM contains essential plant nutrients, although typically in lower concentrations than commercial fertilizers:

    • Macronutrients: Supplies nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), as well as secondary nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.
    • Micronutrients: Provides trace elements like iron, zinc, and manganese.

    Methods of FYM Application

    • Direct Incorporation: Tilling fresh or partially decomposed FYM into the soil before planting.
    • Composting: Fully composted FYM can be used as a top dressing or soil amendment.
    • Liquid Manure: Diluted and applied as a liquid fertilizer or used to make compost tea.

    FYM Preparation and Composting

    Transforming raw manure into compost offers advantages:

    • Reduces Odors: Composting breakdowns odorous compounds.
    • Kills Weed Seeds and Pathogens: The heat generated during composting destroys unwanted seeds and potential pathogens.
    • Concentrates Nutrients: The composting process produces a more nutrient-dense end product.

    Storage and Handling of FYM

    Proper storage minimizes nutrient losses and environmental impact:

    • Covered Storage: Protects from rainfall, preventing leaching of nutrients.
    • Composting Pile Management: Turning and maintaining adequate moisture in compost piles ensures optimal decomposition.

    Potential Drawbacks of FYM

    • Variable Nutrient Content: Unlike commercial fertilizers, the exact nutrient composition of FYM can vary.
    • Weed Seeds: May contain weed seeds if not properly composted.
    • Pathogen Risk: Raw or improperly composted manure can potentially carry pathogens.

    Precautions When Using FYM

    • Composting is Best: Compost raw manure to ensure safety and maximize benefits.
    • Avoid Direct Contact: Use gloves when handling, especially raw manure.
    • Food Crops: For edible crops, use well-composted FYM and consider application timing to minimize food safety risks.


FYM is typically applied to soil as a liquid or solid. Liquid manure is applied through irrigation systems, while solid manure is applied by spreading it on the surface of the soil or incorporating it into the soil with a tiller.

The benefits of using FYM as a fertilizer include:

  • It is a natural and renewable resource.
  • It is a cost-effective way to improve soil fertility.
  • It can help to reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.
  • It can improve soil structure and drainage.
  • It can help to suppress WeedsWeeds and pests.

The drawbacks of using FYM as a fertilizer include:

  • It can be difficult to apply evenly.
  • It can be messy and odorous.
  • It can contain harmful pathogens.
  • It can be difficult to store.

How to Use Farm Yard Manure

To use FYM as a fertilizer, you will need to determine the amount of manure that you need to apply. The amount of manure that you need to apply will depend on the type of crop that you are growing, the soil type, and the climate.

Once you have determined the amount of manure that you need to apply, you will need to decide how to apply it. You can apply FYM as a liquid or solid. Liquid manure is applied through irrigation systems, while solid manure is applied by spreading it on the surface of the soil or incorporating it into the soil with a tiller.

If you are applying FYM as a liquid, you will need to dilute it with water before applying it. The amount of water that you need to add will depend on the type of manure that you are using and the soil type.

If you are applying FYM as a solid, you will need to spread it evenly on the surface of the soil. You can then incorporate it into the soil with a tiller or leave it on the surface of the soil to decompose.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is farm yard manure?

Farm yard manure (FYM) is a type of organic fertilizer that is made from the waste products of farm animals, such as cattle, pigs, and chickens. FYM is a valuable source of nutrients for plants, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It can also help to improve soil structure and drainage.

How do I use farm yard manure?

To use FYM as a fertilizer, you will need to determine the amount of manure that you need to apply. The amount of manure that you need to apply will depend on the type of crop that you are growing, the soil type, and the climate.

Once you have determined the amount of manure that you need to apply, you will need to decide how to apply it. You can apply FYM as a liquid or solid. Liquid manure is applied through irrigation systems, while solid manure is applied by spreading it on the surface of the soil or incorporating it into the soil with a tiller.

If you are applying FYM as a liquid, you will need to dilute it with water before applying it. The amount of water that you need to add will depend on the type of manure that you are using and the soil type.

If you are applying FYM as a solid, you will need to spread it evenly on the surface of the soil. You can then incorporate it into the soil with a tiller or leave it on the surface of the soil to decompose.

What are the benefits of using farm yard manure?

The benefits of using FYM as a fertilizer include:

  • It is a natural and renewable resource.
  • It is a cost-effective way to improve soil fertility.
  • It can help to reduce the need for chemical fertilizers.
  • It can improve soil structure and drainage.
  • It can help to suppress Weeds and pests.

What are the drawbacks of using farm yard manure?

The drawbacks of using FYM as a fertilizer include:

  • It can be difficult to apply evenly.
  • It can be messy and odorous.
  • It can contain harmful pathogens.
  • It can be difficult to store.

Where can I buy farm yard manure?

You can buy farm yard manure from a variety of sources, including:

  • Local farmers
  • Garden centers
  • Online retailers

How much does farm yard manure cost?

The cost of farm yard manure will vary depending on the source, the quality of the manure, and the amount that you purchase.

What are organic fertilizers?

Organic fertilizers are derived from natural sources such as plant matter, animal waste, or microbial by-products and are used to provide essential nutrients to plants in a slow-release form.

How do organic fertilizers differ from synthetic fertilizers?

Organic fertilizers are made from natural ingredients and release nutrients slowly over time, whereas synthetic fertilizers are chemically manufactured and often provide nutrients in readily available forms.

What are the benefits of using organic fertilizers in gardening?

Organic fertilizers improve soil structure, enhance microbial activity, promote nutrient retention, and reduce the risk of nutrient leaching and soil erosion.

How can organic fertilizers improve soil health?

Organic fertilizers enrich the soil with organic matter, stimulate beneficial microbial populations, increase soil fertility, and promote long-term sustainability of agricultural ecosystems.

Are organic fertilizers suitable for all types of plants?

Yes, organic fertilizers can be used for a wide range of plants, including vegetables, fruits, ornamentals, and crops, providing them with essential nutrients and improving overall plant health.

How often should organic fertilizers be applied to plants?

The frequency of organic fertilizer application depends on various factors such as soil fertility, plant nutrient requirements, growth stage, and environmental conditions, and should be adjusted accordingly.

Are organic fertilizers environmentally friendly?

Yes, organic fertilizers are environmentally friendly as they are derived from natural and renewable sources, reduce reliance on synthetic chemicals, and promote sustainable agricultural practices.

Can organic fertilizers be used in combination with other fertilizers?

Yes, organic fertilizers can be used alone or in combination with other fertilizers, depending on specific nutrient needs, soil conditions, and plant requirements, to achieve optimal results while minimizing environmental impacts.


  1. What type of fertilizer is derived from natural sources such as plant matter, animal waste, or microbial by-products?
    • A) Synthetic fertilizer
    • B) Inorganic fertilizer
    • C) Chemical fertilizer
    • D) Organic fertilizer
    • Correct answer: D) Organic fertilizer
  2. How do organic fertilizers differ from synthetic fertilizers?
    • A) Organic fertilizers release nutrients slowly, while synthetic fertilizers release them quickly.
    • B) Organic fertilizers are manufactured in laboratories, while synthetic fertilizers are derived from natural sources.
    • C) Organic fertilizers are cheaper than synthetic fertilizers.
    • D) Organic fertilizers are only suitable for certain types of plants.
    • Correct answer: A) Organic fertilizers release nutrients slowly, while synthetic fertilizers release them quickly.
  3. What is one benefit of using organic fertilizers in gardening?
    • A) They are easier to apply than synthetic fertilizers.
    • B) They provide nutrients in readily available forms.
    • C) They improve soil structure and microbial activity.
    • D) They have a longer shelf life than synthetic fertilizers.
    • Correct answer: C) They improve soil structure and microbial activity.
  4. Which of the following is an environmentally friendly aspect of organic fertilizers?
    • A) They are derived from non-renewable sources.
    • B) They contain synthetic chemicals that can harm the EnvironmentEnvironment.
    • C) They promote soil health and reduce nutrient leaching.
    • D) They require large amounts of energy to produce.
    • Correct answer: C) They promote soil health and reduce nutrient leaching.
  5. Can organic fertilizers be used for all types of plants?
    • A) Yes, they are suitable for all plants.
    • B) No, they are only suitable for ornamental plants.
    • C) Yes, but they may not provide all necessary nutrients.
    • D) No, they are only suitable for indoor plants.
    • Correct answer: C) Yes, but they may not provide all necessary nutrients.
  6. How do organic fertilizers contribute to Sustainable Agriculture?
    • A) By depleting soil nutrients.
    • B) By promoting soil erosion.
    • C) By improving soil fertility and reducing reliance on synthetic chemicals.
    • D) By increasing greenhouse gas emissions.
    • Correct answer: C) By improving soil fertility and reducing reliance on synthetic chemicals.