FAME India Scheme: Driving India’s Electric Mobility Transition

The Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles in India (FAME India) Scheme, launched in 2015, is a flagship government initiative aimed at propelling India’s transition towards electric mobility (EVs). Recognizing the urgency to reduce vehicular pollution and fuel dependency, the scheme seeks to make EVs more affordable and accessible.

Objectives of FAME India

  • Demand Creation: Stimulate demand for electric vehicles through incentives and awareness campaigns.
  • Charging Infrastructure: Promote the development of a robust network of charging stations to address range anxiety concerns.
  • Domestic Manufacturing: Encourage domestic production of electric vehicles and components to build a self-reliant EV ecosystem.
  • Research and Development: Support R&D in EV technologies for innovation and affordability.

Components of FAME India

The FAME India scheme has two primary phases:

  • FAME India Phase I: Initiated in 2015, focused on hybrid and electric technologies for public transport, 2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, and 4-wheelers.
  • FAME India Phase II: Launched in 2019, with a larger financial outlay and greater emphasis on public and shared transportation and electric two-wheelers.

Key Interventions under FAME India

  • Direct Subsidies: Provides upfront incentives to reduce the purchase price of electric vehicles.
  • Charging Infrastructure Development: Supports the establishment of charging stations through financial assistance.
  • Fleet Electrification: Focuses on electrifying public transport buses and government vehicle fleets.

Impact of FAME India

  • Increased EV Adoption: The scheme has contributed to the growing number of electric vehicles on Indian roads.
  • Growth of Charging Network: Though still developing, the charging infrastructure has been bolstered.

Case Study: Electrification of Public Buses

Cities under FAME India are procuring electric buses, reducing pollution and offering cleaner public transport options.

FAQs About FAME India

  • Who can avail of FAME India benefits? EV manufacturers, buyers, and entities setting up charging infrastructure.
  • How to claim the benefits? The subsidy is often directly integrated into the purchase price of electric vehicles.


  1. The primary focus of the FAME India Scheme is to:
    • A. Promote export of agricultural products
    • B. Eradicate rural poverty
    • C. Promote electric mobility
    • D. Construct modern infrastructure
  2. Which of these is NOT a direct focus area of FAME India?
  • A. Electric buses
  • B. Charging infrastructure
  • C. Electric 2-wheelers
  • D. Development of traditional handicrafts

Answer Key: 1-C, 2-D


The FAME India Scheme plays a key role in India’s shift towards sustainable transport. Its success depends on continued policy support, increased private investment, and addressing barriers such as the higher upfront cost of EVs and ensuring a robust charging network. FAME India has the potential to transform India’s transportation landscape, reduce emissions, and contribute to a cleaner future.

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