Evergreen Revolution

The Evergreen Revolution

The Evergreen Revolution is a term used to describe the shift towards sustainable living practices. It is a global movement that is gaining momentum as people become more aware of the impact that their lifestyles are having on the EnvironmentEnvironment.

The Evergreen Revolution is based on the principles of sustainability, which means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This can be achieved by reducing our consumption of resources, using
B) Blue Revolution
C) Evergreen Revolution
D) White Revolution
Answer: C) Evergreen Revolution

What is one benefit of crop diversification in agriculture?

A) Increased vulnerability to pests and diseases
B) Reduced market opportunities
C) Enhanced resilience to environmental stresses
D) Decreased Soil fertility
Answer: C) Enhanced resilience to environmental stresses

How does Sustainable Agriculture differ from conventional farming?

A) Sustainable agriculture prioritizes environmental conservation
B) Sustainable agriculture relies heavily on chemical inputs
C) Sustainable agriculture promotes Monoculture
D) Sustainable agriculture ignores social and economic aspects
Answer: A) Sustainable agriculture prioritizes environmental conservation