Ethical Values of Guru nanak

Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism. He was a contemporary of Kabir-2/”>Kabir. He was born in a Khatri family at Talwandi (Nankana Sahib) in the district of Seikhpura in West Punjab, now in Pakistan.

He was sent to school at the age of seven to learn Hindi, Sanskrit and Persian. Different types of miraculous stories are associated with the astonishing wisdom of child Nanak.

Nanak had played a very dominant role in the Bhakti Movement of Medieval India. Both Sufism and Bhakti had contributed to the development of Nanak’s religious philosophy. So his teachings were composite by nature comprising of the noblest principles of Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism and Islam. At the same time he discarded the retrograde Elements of both religions.

Nanak believed in the presence of a soul in every human being. Good actions of a man help the soul to merge with the Eternal soul that is God. Evil actions increase the burden of sin for which the soul cannot rise high and remains in darkness. So each individual must do good and be virtuous to get eternal liberation from the bondage of the world.

hus Nanak’s teachings rested upon two themes—praise of virtues and condemnation of vices. In other words moral conduct and emphasis on moral values constituted the foundation of his teachings.

Like all Sufi saints Nanak was in favour of accepting a guru who would guide the individual in all his conduct. In his own words, “Without guru, nobody can attain God. Under the guru’s instruction, God’s word is heard and knowledge is acquired.” So the presence of a guru is essential for every man for his own spiritual emancipation.

Nanak was very practical in his outlook. He wanted to bring an end to the conflict among various religions. That is why he vehemently rejected the caste system, authority of the Vedas and the Quran and idolatry or image-worship. He never laid any emphasis upon renunciation of the world. Rather he stressed upon upholding moral values and rejection of religious hypocrisy, falsehood, selfishness and violence.

Nanak had both Hindu as well as Muslim disciples. His catholicity of spirit and loving approach aimed at bridging the gap between the two communities by establishing harmony between them. He endeavored towards this end till his death in 1538 A.D.

His mission and teachings were carried on by a line of nine successors who worked devoutly for about a century after his death. His teachings were included in the Adi Granth compiled by the fifth Guru, Arjun Das. It was during the time of later Gurus that the followers of Nanak began to be known as Sikhs – a distinct religious unit.


Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of Sikhism, a monotheistic religion that originated in the Punjab region of India in the 15th century. He is considered the first of the ten Sikh Gurus, and his teachings form the basis of Sikh scripture.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji emphasized the importance of living a life of truth, honesty, humility, compassion, forgiveness, self-control, contentment, service to others, devotion to God, unity, Equality, peace, and love. These values are still central to Sikhism today, and they continue to inspire people around the world.

Truth is one of the most important values in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that truth is the foundation of all other virtues. He said, “Truth is the highest virtue, and falsehood is the lowest.” He also said, “Truth is the Light of the world, and falsehood is its darkness.”

Honesty is another important value in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that honesty is essential for living a good life. He said, “An honest person is always happy, while a dishonest person is always miserable.” He also said, “Honesty is the best policy.”

Humility is also important in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that humility is the key to true greatness. He said, “The greatest person is the one who is humble.” He also said, “Humility is the highest virtue.”

Compassion is another important value in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that we should have compassion for all living beings. He said, “We should treat all beings with love and respect.” He also said, “Compassion is the highest form of religion.”

Forgiveness is also important in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that we should forgive those who have wronged us. He said, “Forgiveness is the key to peace of mind.” He also said, “Forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give.”

Self-control is also important in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that we should control our thoughts, words, and actions. He said, “We should not let our emotions control us.” He also said, “Self-control is the key to happiness.”

Contentment is also important in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that we should be content with what we have. He said, “We should not be greedy for more.” He also said, “Contentment is the key to peace of mind.”

Service to others is also important in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that we should serve others without expecting anything in return. He said, “We should help those who are in need.” He also said, “Service to others is the highest form of worship.”

Devotion to God is also important in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that we should devote our lives to God. He said, “God is the source of all happiness.” He also said, “Devotion to God is the key to salvation.”

Unity is also important in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that we should all be united as one people. He said, “We should not discriminate against others based on their religion, caste, or creed.” He also said, “Unity is the key to peace and prosperity.”

Equality is also important in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that all people are equal in the eyes of God. He said, “There is no difference between a man and a woman, a rich person and a poor person, or a high-caste person and a low-caste person.” He also said, “Equality is the key to a just and fair Society.”

Peace is also important in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that we should all strive for peace. He said, “We should not harm others, either physically or emotionally.” He also said, “Peace is the highest goal of life.”

Love is also important in Sikhism. Guru Nanak Dev Ji taught that we should love all beings, regardless of their religion, caste, or creed. He said, “Love is the most powerful force in the universe.” He also said, “Love is the key to happiness and fulfillment.”

The values taught by Guru Nanak Dev Ji are still relevant today. They can help us live happy, fulfilling lives. They can also help us create a more just and peaceful world.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about ethical values:

  • What are ethical values?
    Ethical values are principles that guide our behavior and help us make decisions about what is right and wrong. They are based on our beliefs about what is important in life and what kind of person we want to be.

  • What are some examples of ethical values?
    Some examples of ethical values include honesty, Integrity, respect, compassion, fairness, and responsibility.

  • Why are ethical values important?
    Ethical values are important because they help us live a good life. They guide us in our relationships with others and help us make decisions that are in line with our beliefs. They also help us build trust and respect with others.

  • How can we develop ethical values?
    We can develop ethical values by Learning about them, practicing them, and reflecting on our actions. We can also learn from the examples of others who live by ethical values.

  • What are some challenges to living by ethical values?
    Some challenges to living by ethical values include temptation, peer pressure, and difficult situations. It can be difficult to stand up for what we believe in when we are faced with temptation or pressure from others. It can also be difficult to make ethical decisions in difficult situations.

  • How can we overcome these challenges?
    We can overcome these challenges by staying true to our beliefs, being strong in our convictions, and seeking support from others. We can also remind ourselves of the importance of ethical values and the benefits of living a life that is guided by them.

  • What are some benefits of living by ethical values?
    Some benefits of living by ethical values include a sense of inner peace, strong relationships, and a positive impact on the world. When we live by ethical values, we feel good about ourselves and our actions. We also build strong relationships with others who share our values. And we can make a positive impact on the world by being role models and by helping others to live by ethical values.

  1. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in:
    (a) 1469
    (b) 1469 AD
    (c) 1469 AD in Talwandi, Punjab
    (d) All of the above

  2. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the first Guru of the Sikh religion.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  3. Guru Nanak Dev Ji emphasized the importance of:
    (a) Truth
    (b) Compassion
    (c) Equality
    (d) All of the above

  4. Guru Nanak Dev Ji traveled extensively throughout India and the Middle East.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  5. Guru Nanak Dev Ji founded the city of Kartarpur.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  6. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings are still relevant today.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  7. Guru Nanak Dev Ji is considered to be one of the most important figures in Indian history.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  8. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings have inspired millions of people around the world.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  9. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings are based on the principles of truth, compassion, and equality.
    (a) True
    (b) False

  10. Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings have helped to promote peace and understanding between different religions and cultures.
    (a) True
    (b) False