Ethical and moral values in governance

Ethical and moral values in governance

The notion of “Good Governance” has become the buzzword these days in wake of Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization. Good governance is commonly described as a style of governance that is efficient, effective, responsive, Corruption free and citizen friendly for ensuring people’s trust in government and promoting social harmony, political stability and Economic Development. Good governance is strictly connected with institutionalized values such as Democracy, observance of Human Rights and Rule of Law and greater efficiency within the public sector.


Accountability has numerous meanings which vary from country to country. In socialist and many developing countries, accountability refers to compliance to rules, laws and regulations. Once this is well established, the accountability that people can expect at the next level is relying on an honest and ethical character of public servants by the citizens, and from there move to satisfying the needs and demands of citizens in relation to contract and reporting requirements, as well as the financial and ethical policies and procedures.

There are three fundamental principles of public accountability of the government. First and foremost is that ‘sovereign power resides in the people’. The second which derives from the first is that: ‘Where the public’s power is entrusted to institutions and officials for the purposes of government, they hold that power of the people to be exercised for the people. They are the public’s trustees.’ The third, which links the second back to the first, is that: ‘Those entrusted with public power are accountable to the public for the exercise of their trust.’

The avenues of public accountability can take three forms:

  • To members of the public directly, either as individuals (e.g. through the administrative law system), or as a community (e.g. in Elections);
  • To agencies such as the Auditor-General, the Ombudsman and the Parliament which act, or should act, for and on behalf of the public; and
  • To official superiors and peers


Transparency in governance basically means people should be able to access public information when they want it. They should be able to know what public officials are doing and how the policies are being implemented. Citizens demand greater transparency from governments and require information on who, why and how of DECISION MAKING. Other aspects of transparency in the Public Service require clarity, that there is integration with other decisions, that it is logical and rational, accountable, truthful and accurate, and open. If citizens have a problem with getting information, in public service delivery, then they may expect presence of an effective and efficient complaint redressal channel. Greater transparency is also key to upholding Integrity in the public sector by reducing the risk of fraud, corruption and mismanagement of public funds. All the departments and public bodies should have computerised information counters so that information and assistance is available to the public on various essential Services and approvals.

Rule of Law 

The rule of law primarily means that everything must be done according to law. Applied to the powers of government, this requires that every government authority which does some act which would otherwise be a wrong or which infringes a man’s Liberty, must be able to justify its action as authorised by Law and in nearly every case this will mean authorised directly or indirectly by legal provisions. However, the rule of law demands something more, since otherwise it would be satisfied by giving the government unrestricted discretionary powers, so that everything that they did was within the law. The secondary meaning of the rule of law, therefore, is that government should be conducted within a framework of recognised rules and principles which restrict discretionary power.



Citizen’s Participation

Citizen’s Participation in governance is fundamental to democracy as ultimate power vests with the people. Interaction is one important aspect in governance. There are complex ways in which public, private and social organizations interact and learn from one another. It is also the manner in which citizens contribute to the governance system, directly and indirectly through their collective participation in civil, public and corporate institution.120 Greater participation is crucial for good governance in two ways: greater participation by citizens in the decision-making process allows greater transparency and can help ensure that political decisions are adapted to the needs of the people affected by them. Second, greater participation is important for democratic legitimacy, which depends on the Investment people have as citizens in their own governing.


This is a corollary of the participation principle and the transparency principle. Responsiveness implies that the governance regulations enable the institutions and processes of governance to be able to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe.


This principle involves ensuring that all members of Society feel that they have a stake in it and do not feel excluded from the mainstream. This particularly applies to ensuring that the views of minorities are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making. This requires mechanisms to ensure that all stakeholder groups have the opportunity to maintain or improve their well being.

Efficiency and Effectiveness

Efficiency of course implies the transaction cost minimization whereas effectiveness must be interpreted in the context of achievement of the desired purpose. Thus for effectiveness it is necessary that the processes and institutions produce results that meet the needs of the organisation while making the best use of Resources at their disposal. Naturally this also means sustainable use of Natural Resources and the protection of the Environment.


Ethical and moral values are essential for good governance. They provide a framework for decision-making and help to ensure that leaders are accountable to the people they serve.

Some of the most important ethical and moral values in governance include:

  • Accountability: Leaders must be accountable for their actions and decisions. They must be willing to answer to the people they serve and be held responsible for their mistakes.
  • Transparency: Leaders must be transparent in their decision-making. They must be open about the reasons for their decisions and the information that they use to make them.
  • Honesty: Leaders must be honest in their dealings with others. They must not lie or deceive the people they serve.
  • Integrity: Leaders must have integrity. They must be honest and fair in their dealings with others, and they must uphold the law.
  • Fairness: Leaders must be fair in their dealings with others. They must not discriminate against anyone based on their race, religion, gender, or any other characteristic.
  • Respect: Leaders must respect the rights and opinions of others. They must listen to the people they serve and be willing to consider their views.
  • Responsibility: Leaders must be responsible for their actions and decisions. They must take care to avoid making decisions that could harm the people they serve.
  • Open-mindedness: Leaders must be open-minded and willing to listen to new ideas. They must be willing to change their minds if they are presented with new information.
  • Courage: Leaders must be courageous in standing up for what they believe in. They must not be afraid to make unpopular decisions if they believe that they are the right thing to do.
  • Compassion: Leaders must be compassionate and care about the well-being of others. They must be willing to help those in need and work to improve the lives of the people they serve.
  • Humility: Leaders must be humble and recognize that they do not have all the answers. They must be willing to listen to others and learn from their mistakes.
  • Wisdom: Leaders must be wise and able to make Sound decisions. They must be able to see the big picture and understand the consequences of their actions.
  • Justice: Leaders must be just and fair in their dealings with others. They must uphold the law and ensure that everyone is treated equally under the law.
  • Prudence: Leaders must be prudent and make decisions that are in the best interests of the people they serve. They must not make decisions that could harm the people they serve or the country as a whole.
  • Temperance: Leaders must be temperate and avoid excessive behavior. They must not be greedy, selfish, or power-hungry.
  • Fortitude: Leaders must be strong and courageous in the face of adversity. They must be able to stand up for what they believe in, even when it is difficult.
  • Charity: Leaders must be charitable and give back to the community. They must use their power and influence to help others and make the world a better place.
  • Diligence: Leaders must be diligent and work hard to achieve their goals. They must be willing to put in the time and effort necessary to make a difference.
  • Kindness: Leaders must be kind and compassionate. They must treat others with respect and understanding.
  • Patience: Leaders must be patient and understanding. They must be able to deal with difficult situations and people without losing their temper.
  • Generosity: Leaders must be generous and willing to share their resources with others. They must not be greedy or selfish.
  • Self-control: Leaders must have self-control and be able to control their emotions. They must not be impulsive or make decisions based on their emotions.
  • Perseverance: Leaders must be persistent and never give up on their goals. They must be able to overcome obstacles and setbacks.
  • Hope: Leaders must be hopeful and believe in the future. They must be able to inspire others to believe in themselves and the possibility of a better future.
  • Faith: Leaders must have faith in themselves, their abilities, and their vision for the future. They must be able to inspire others to have faith in themselves and the possibility of a better future.
  • Love: Leaders must love their country and its people. They must be willing to put the needs of others before their own and work to make the world a better place.

These are just some of the many ethical and moral values that can be found in governance. It is important for leaders to uphold these values in order to create a just and fair society.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about ethical and moral values in governance:

  • What are ethical and moral values?
    Ethical and moral values are principles that guide our behavior and help us make decisions. They are often based on our beliefs about what is right and wrong.

  • Why are ethical and moral values important in governance?
    Ethical and moral values are important in governance because they help to ensure that leaders act in the best interests of the people they serve. They also help to promote trust and transparency in government.

  • What are some examples of ethical and moral values?
    Some examples of ethical and moral values include honesty, integrity, fairness, respect, and compassion.

  • What are some challenges to upholding ethical and moral values in governance?
    Some challenges to upholding ethical and moral values in governance include corruption, Nepotism, and cronyism.

  • What can be done to promote ethical and moral values in governance?
    There are a number of things that can be done to promote ethical and moral values in governance, including:

  • Creating a culture of ethics and integrity in government

  • Providing training on ethical and moral issues
  • Enforcing ethical standards
  • Promoting Transparency and Accountability
  • Holding leaders accountable for their actions

  • What are the benefits of upholding ethical and moral values in governance?
    The benefits of upholding ethical and moral values in governance include:

  • Improved trust and transparency in government

  • Reduced corruption
  • Increased efficiency and effectiveness of government
  • Improved public service delivery
  • A more just and equitable society

  • What are the risks of not upholding ethical and moral values in governance?
    The risks of not upholding ethical and moral values in governance include:

  • Increased corruption

  • Reduced trust and transparency in government
  • Inefficient and ineffective government
  • Poor public service delivery
  • A less just and equitable society

  • What can individuals do to promote ethical and moral values in governance?
    Individuals can promote ethical and moral values in governance by:

  • Being aware of ethical and moral issues

  • Speaking out against unethical behavior
  • Holding leaders accountable for their actions
  • Participating in government and civic activities
  • Voting for ethical and moral leaders
  • Supporting organizations that promote ethical and moral values

Question 1

Which of the following is not a principle of good governance?

(A) Transparency
(B) Accountability
(C) Efficiency
(D) Corruption

(D) Corruption is not a principle of good governance. It is a problem that can undermine good governance.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a way to promote good governance?

(A) Strengthening institutions
(B) Promoting transparency and accountability
(C) Reducing corruption
(D) Increasing Bureaucracy

(D) Increasing bureaucracy is not a way to promote good governance. Bureaucracy can actually make it more difficult to achieve good governance.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a benefit of good governance?

(A) Economic Growth
(B) Reduced POVERTY
(C) Improved social welfare
(D) Increased crime

(D) Increased crime is not a benefit of good governance. Good governance can actually help to reduce crime.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a challenge to good governance?

(A) Corruption
(B) Poverty
(C) Inequality
(D) Peace and security

(D) Peace and security is not a challenge to good governance. Peace and security are actually necessary for good governance to be effective.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a role of the government in promoting good governance?

(A) Providing public goods and services
(B) Regulating the economy
(C) Enforcing the law
(D) Promoting social justice

(D) Promoting social justice is not a role of the government in promoting good governance. The government can play a role in promoting social justice, but it is not the only actor that can do so.

Question 6

Which of the following is not a way to measure good governance?

(A) Transparency
(B) Accountability
(C) Efficiency
(D) Corruption

(D) Corruption is not a way to measure good governance. Corruption is a problem that can undermine good governance, but it is not a way to measure it.

Question 7

Which of the following is not a goal of good governance?

(A) To promote economic growth
(B) To reduce poverty
(C) To improve social welfare
(D) To increase crime

(D) To increase crime is not a goal of good governance. Good governance can actually help to reduce crime.

Question 8

Which of the following is not a characteristic of good governance?

(A) Transparency
(B) Accountability
(C) Efficiency
(D) Corruption

(D) Corruption is not a characteristic of good governance. Corruption is a problem that can undermine good governance.

Question 9

Which of the following is not a principle of good governance?

(A) Rule of law
(B) Participation
(C) Consensus-oriented decision-making
(D) Corruption

(D) Corruption is not a principle of good governance. Corruption is a problem that can undermine good governance.

Question 10

Which of the following is not a benefit of good governance?

(A) Increased economic growth
(B) Reduced poverty
(C) Improved social welfare
(D) Increased crime

(D) Increased crime is not a benefit of good governance. Good governance can actually help to reduce crime.