eNAM: Building a Unified Market for Indian Agriculture

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The Electronic National Agriculture Market (eNAM) is a revolutionary online trading platform designed to connect farmers, traders, and buyers across India. Launched in 2016, eNAM aims to eliminate information gaps, streamline transactions, and create a transparent, competitive national market for agricultural commodities.

Objectives of eNAM

  • Enhanced Remuneration for Farmers: eNAM empowers farmers with market information and the ability to sell directly to potential buyers, increasing their bargaining power and earning potential.
  • Market Integration: The platform breaks down geographical barriers, enabling farmers to access a wider pool of buyers across the country.
  • Price Discovery and Transparency: Real-time price information and open bidding ensure a transparent price discovery mechanism.
  • Reduced Intermediaries: Direct transactions on eNAM help reduce dependence on intermediaries and their commissions.
  • Efficient LogisticsLogisticsLogistics: The platform facilitates linkages with logistic providers and warehouses for seamless movement and storage of agri-produce.

How eNAM Works

  1. Assayer and Graders: Agri-commodities are assayed and graded for quality within the eNAM-connected mandi.
  2. Lot Creation: Farmers bring their produce and create electronic lots with details of quality and quantity.
  3. Transparent Bidding: Buyers from across the country can place bids online.
  4. Trade Settlement: After successful bidding, farmers receive payments digitally, promoting transparent transactions.

Success Stories under eNAM

  • Farmer from Maharashtra: A farmer sold his soybean produce on eNAM from a local mandi and fetched a significantly higher price than what he would have received at the mandi alone.
  • Trader from Bihar: A trader expanded his reach by sourcing high-quality produce from eNAM-linked mandis in other states.

FAQs About eNAM

  • Are all agricultural commodities traded on eNAM? Currently, a wide range of crops are listed on eNAM, and the scope is being expanded gradually.
  • How can farmers and traders register on eNAM? Individuals can register on the eNAM portal (www.enam.gov.in) or visit their nearest eNAM-linked mandi for assistance.


  1. The primary purpose of eNAM is to:
    • A. Promote export of Indian agricultural products
    • B. Provide cold storage facilities to farmers
    • CCC. Create a unified national market for agricultural commodities
    • D. Offer agriculture-related skill development courses
  2. Which of these is NOT a direct benefit of eNAM?
  • A. Enhanced price discovery
  • B. Reduced transaction costs
  • C. Increased government subsidies for farmers
  • D. Access to a wider base of buyers

Answer Key: 1-C, 2-C


eNAM stands as a game-changer in the Indian agricultural landscape, leveraging technology to empower farmers and create a more efficient, fair, and integrated market ecosystem. While hurdles remain in onboarding more farmers and mandis, continued emphasis on InfrastructureInfrastructureInfrastructure upgrades, capacity building, and addressing connectivity issues will be crucial for realizing eNAM’s full potential. The success of eNAM lies in its ability to bring tangible benefits to India’s farmers and contribute to the goal of doubling farmers’ income.