Emancipation of the Depressed class

Emancipation of the Depressed class

Liberal Discourse of Emancipation

  • The use of ‘Liberty’ to describe the physical ‘ability to do what I want’, the power to satisfy our wishes, or the extent of the choice of alternatives open to us has been deliberately fostered as part of the socialist argument.
  • Once this identification of freedom with power is admitted, there is no limit to the sophisms by which the attractions of the word ‘liberty’ can be used to support measures which destroy individual liberty, no end to the tricks by which people can be exhorted in the name of liberty to give up their liberty.
  • It has been with the help of this equivocation that the notion of collective power over circumstances has been substituted for that ofindividual liberty and that in totalitarian states liberty has been suppressed in the name of liberty.
  • Hayek also famously noted that “liberty” and “freedom” have probably been the most abused words in recent history

Reform Movements and Emancipation

  • Social reform as a movement m India commenced early in the nineteenth century under the aegis of the British rule.
  • With the British conquest, India was overwhelmed by an alien civilization far advanced in material sciences as well as in political and economic thought.
  • The new ideas and new ways of life that the British brought with them stirred the Society/”>Indian Society to its depths and created an intellectual ferment in the minds of the thinking people.
  • English Education introduced by the British rulers brought about a great change m social and religious outlook of the people.
  • It gave the ideas of individual freedom, Human Rights, Equality, rationalism, Secularism-2/”>Secularism and Democracy. It instilled in the minds of the educated persons a spirit of enquiry into the basis of their social system. They began to challenge current beliefs, customs, and social practices. These individuals were the pioneers of social reform movement m India.

Jotiba Govindrao Phule (1827 -1890)

  • The Greatest Shudra of Modem India, who made the lower classes of Hindus conscious of their slavery to the higher classes and who preached the gospel that for India social democracy was more vital than independence from foreign rule.
  • It was Phule, who first pronounced the anti-Brahman affection m Maharashtra, with his book Ghulamgin (1872), and his organization, the Satyashodak Samaj (1873) emphasizing the need to save the “lower classes from the hypocritical Brahmans and their opportunistic scriptures.

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891 -1956)

  • Dr Ambedkar has been the predominant character in the Dalit movement was a member of class of the untouchables, within the Mahar community or caste Even though being born in an illiterate community, he managed to complete his education of law in United States and United Kingdom; moreover he earned degrees from Columbia and London Universities.
  • He returned India back in 1923 because he received an advanced and modem education, he was an open-minded leader and had a wide vision. He was after fresh and up to date view patterns rather than the traditional ones.
  • He sought equal rights for every citizen of India and he was unpleasant with discriminative nature of conventional Hindu social structure
  • Dr Ambedkar also organized protests against the caste and gender discrimination that put untouchables and Women off countless rights and led women “numerous incidents of abuse, rape and kidnapping by police and outsiders.”
  • Ambedkar helped adopting a western style of societal relations in the constitution, for all citizens, and the ARTICLE 15 banned any kind of discrimination among citizens, besides the Article 17 abolishing specifically the practice of the untouchability in any form Actually, as far as Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism is based on a distinction and Classification of people, then m a sense this article disallows practice of Hinduism.
  • In regard of recovering the equality principle a number of other articles were inserted m the constitution.
  • They mention the standard of preserving injustice by caring economic and educational interests of the weaker m addition to providing reserved seats for Scheduled Castes and Tribes in the House of the People for ten years and this term was extended for several times. Numerous articles were formulated to support those pieces

Gandhi’s Harijans (1869 -1948),

  • As far as their standpoints towards the untouchability problem of India were distinct, Mahatma Gandhi and Dr Ambedkar were political rivals Actually, Gandhiji was concerned with the idea of freeing India from the British dominion and ignored the untouchables, but paid effort only to silence them.
  • He was neither willing to demolish the traditional Hindu social order nor bestow the depressed classes separate representation in the Congress On the other side, Dr. Ambedkar was the voice of the untouchables in the Indian political scene Ambedkar expressed the wishes of the untouchables that can be concisely listed as basic Human Rights and political representation.
  • One of the principles of Mahatma Gandhi was sarva dharma samabhava meaning equality of all religions.
  • Even though the depressed classes were deprived of the right to worship, they were considered as Hindus, so they were not benefiting from this understanding of Great Soul.
  • In the eyes of Gandhiji, the untouchables were factionists, who were breaking the unity among Hindus.

Justice Ranade (1842-1901)

  • Who provided ideological basis for the social reform movement.
  • Ranade’s vision of social reform was so sweeping as to cover all aspects of human progress. He advocated reform in all aspects.
  • He said, “we want to work on no single line, but to work on all lines”.
  • Ranade adopted a realistic approach towards social reform.
  • He supplemented with religious texts and western knowledge his critical arguments, which were legally grounded.
  • Ranade kept himself in personal touch with all kinds of reform movements in different provinces of India.
  • According to him the work of social reform was the work of liberation.


The emancipation of the oppressed is a long and ongoing process that has been fought for by many different groups throughout history. Some of the most important movements for emancipation include the abolition of slavery, women’s suffrage, civil rights for African Americans, labor rights, indigenous rights, disability rights, LGBTQ+ rights, religious freedom, economic justice, environmental justice, peace and nonviolence, global justice, and animal rights.

The abolition of slavery was one of the earliest and most important movements for emancipation. Slavery was a system in which people were owned by other people and forced to work without pay. It was a brutal and dehumanizing system that existed for centuries in many parts of the world. The abolitionist movement began in the 18th century and eventually led to the abolition of slavery in most countries.

Women’s suffrage was another important movement for emancipation. Women were denied the right to vote for centuries, but they fought for their right to participate in the political process. The women’s suffrage movement was successful in many countries, including the United States, where women gained the right to vote in 1920.

Civil rights for African Americans was another major movement for emancipation. African Americans were enslaved in the United States for centuries, and even after slavery was abolished, they continued to face discrimination and segregation. The civil rights movement began in the 1950s and 1960s, and it led to significant progress in the fight for equality for African Americans.

Labor rights are another important issue related to the emancipation of the oppressed. Workers have long been exploited by their employers, and they have fought for better working conditions and wages. The labor movement has been successful in improving the lives of workers in many countries.

Indigenous rights are another important issue related to the emancipation of the oppressed. Indigenous peoples have been displaced and marginalized for centuries, and they are still fighting for their rights. The indigenous rights movement has been successful in raising awareness of the plight of indigenous peoples and in winning some important victories.

Disability rights are another important issue related to the emancipation of the oppressed. People with disabilities have been discriminated against and excluded from society for centuries. The disability rights movement has been successful in winning important victories, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act.

LGBTQ+ rights are another important issue related to the emancipation of the oppressed. LGBTQ+ people have been persecuted and discriminated against for centuries. The LGBTQ+ rights movement has been successful in winning important victories, such as the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States.

Religious freedom is another important issue related to the emancipation of the oppressed. People of all faiths have been persecuted and discriminated against for centuries. The religious freedom movement has been successful in winning important victories, such as the passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Economic justice is another important issue related to the emancipation of the oppressed. The gap between the rich and the poor has been growing for decades, and many people are struggling to make ends meet. The economic justice movement is fighting for policies that will create a more just and equitable economy.

Environmental justice is another important issue related to the emancipation of the oppressed. People of color and low-income communities are often disproportionately affected by environmental pollution. The environmental justice movement is fighting for policies that will protect the Environment and ensure that everyone has access to clean air and water.

Peace and nonviolence are another important issue related to the emancipation of the oppressed. War and violence have caused immense suffering throughout history. The peace and nonviolence movement is fighting for a world without war or violence.

Global justice is another important issue related to the emancipation of the oppressed. The gap between the rich and the poor countries has been growing for decades, and many people in developing countries are living in POVERTY. The global justice movement is fighting for policies that will create a more just and equitable world.

Animal rights is another important issue related to the emancipation of the oppressed. Animals are often treated as property and are subjected to cruelty and abuse. The animal rights movement is fighting for the rights of animals and for an end to animal exploitation.

These are just some of the many issues related to the emancipation of the oppressed. The fight for emancipation is a long and ongoing one, but it is a fight that is worth fighting.

What is the Emancipation Proclamation?

The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, in the midst of the American Civil War. It changed the federal legal status of more than 3.5 million enslaved African Americans in the designated areas of the South from slave to free. Although many African Americans remained in slavery beyond January 1, 1863, the Proclamation laid the legal foundation for their acceptance into the Union as citizens once territories in the South were brought under Union army control.

What was the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation?

The Emancipation Proclamation had a significant impact on the course of the Civil War. It energized the Union war effort by giving hope to African Americans and their abolitionist allies, and it undermined the Confederacy’s claim that it was fighting to protect slavery. The Proclamation also led to the enlistment of more than 200,000 African American soldiers and sailors in the Union army and navy. These soldiers and sailors played a vital role in the Union victory.

What were the long-term effects of the Emancipation Proclamation?

The Emancipation Proclamation had a profound impact on the history of the United States. It helped to end slavery in the United States, and it paved the way for the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery throughout the country. The Proclamation also helped to secure the victory of the Union in the Civil War, and it led to the Reconstruction era, which was a time of great progress for African Americans.

What are some of the challenges that African Americans faced after the Emancipation Proclamation?

After the Emancipation Proclamation, African Americans faced many challenges. They were often denied the right to vote, and they were subjected to violence and discrimination. They also had to contend with the legacy of slavery, which had left them impoverished and uneducated. Despite these challenges, African Americans made great progress in the years after the Civil War. They established schools and churches, and they built businesses and communities. They also fought for their rights, and they eventually won the right to vote and to participate fully in American society.

What are some of the achievements of African Americans since the Emancipation Proclamation?

African Americans have made many achievements since the Emancipation Proclamation. They have served in the military, held elected office, and excelled in the arts, sciences, and business. They have also played a leading role in the civil rights movement, which has helped to secure their full rights as citizens. African Americans have made a significant contribution to American society, and they continue to make progress in the fight for equality.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the topics of the emancipation of the depressed class, without mentioning the topic itself:

  1. Which of the following is not a reason for the emancipation of the depressed class?
    (A) The depressed class was discriminated against.
    (B) The depressed class was denied access to education and EMPLOYMENT.
    (C) The depressed class was forced to live in poverty.
    (D) The depressed class was not allowed to participate in government.

  2. Which of the following is not a result of the emancipation of the depressed class?
    (A) The depressed class has gained access to education and employment.
    (B) The depressed class has improved its standard of living.
    (C) The depressed class has been able to participate in government.
    (D) The depressed class has been able to achieve social and political equality.

  3. Which of the following is not a challenge faced by the depressed class after its emancipation?
    (A) The depressed class continues to face discrimination.
    (B) The depressed class continues to be denied access to education and employment.
    (C) The depressed class continues to live in poverty.
    (D) The depressed class continues to be excluded from government.

  4. Which of the following is not a way to address the challenges faced by the depressed class?
    (A) Provide the depressed class with access to education and employment.
    (B) Provide the depressed class with financial assistance.
    (C) Provide the depressed class with legal assistance.
    (D) Provide the depressed class with social support.

  5. Which of the following is not a goal of the emancipation of the depressed class?
    (A) To achieve social and political equality for the depressed class.
    (B) To improve the standard of living of the depressed class.
    (C) To provide the depressed class with access to education and employment.
    (D) To eliminate discrimination against the depressed class.

I hope these MCQs are helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.