Election Petition

Election Petition

An election petition is a legal action that is filed in court to challenge the results of an election. The purpose of an election petition is to determine whether the election was conducted fairly and whether the results are accurate.

Election petitions are typically filed by candidates who lost an election. However, they can also be filed by voters who believe that the election was not conducted fairly.

To file an election petition, a candidate or voter must first file a notice of application with the court. The notice must include the name of the candidate or voter, the name of the election, and the grounds for the petition.

Once the notice of application is filed, the court will schedule a hearing. At the hearing, the candidate or voter will present evidence to support their claim. The other party will also have an opportunity to present evidence.

After the hearing, the court will issue a decision. The court may dismiss the petition, order a new election, or declare the results of the election invalid.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an election petition?

An election petition is a legal action that is filed in court to challenge the results of an election. The purpose of an election petition is to determine whether the election was conducted fairly and whether the results are accurate.

Who can file an election petition?

An election petition can be filed by a candidate who lost an election, or by a voter who believes that the election was not conducted fairly.

What are the grounds for filing an election petition?

There are a number of grounds on which an election petition can be filed. These include:

  • That the election was not conducted fairly
  • That the results of the election are inaccurate
  • That the candidate who won the election was not qualified to be a candidate

What happens after an election petition is filed?

Once an election petition is filed, the court will schedule a hearing. At the hearing, the candidate or voter who filed the petition will present evidence to support their claim. The other party will also have an opportunity to present evidence.

After the hearing, the court will issue a decision. The court may dismiss the petition, order a new election, or declare the results of the election invalid.

What are the consequences of filing an election petition?

If an election petition is successful, the court may order a new election to be held. The candidate who filed the petition may also be awarded damages.

What are the risks of filing an election petition?

There are a number of risks associated with filing an election petition. These include:

  • The petition may be dismissed by the court.
  • The petitioner may be ordered to pay costs to the other party.
  • The petitioner may be found guilty of contempt of court.

What should I do if I am considering filing an election petition?

If you are considering filing an election petition, you should speak to an attorney who specializes in election law. The attorney can help you determine whether you have a valid claim and can represent you in court.


  1. What is an election petition?
    (A) A legal action that is filed in court to challenge the results of an election.
    (B) A document that is filed with the court to request a new election.
    (C) A document that is filed with the court to challenge the qualifications of a candidate.

  2. Who can file an election petition?
    (A) A candidate who lost an election.
    (B) A voter who believes that the election was not conducted fairly.
    (C) Both a candidate who lost an election and a voter who believes that the election was not conducted fairly.

  3. What are the grounds for filing an election petition?
    (A) That the election was not conducted fairly.
    (B) That the results of the election are inaccurate.
    (C) That the candidate who won the election was not qualified to be a candidate.

  4. What happens after an election petition is filed?
    (A) The court will schedule a hearing.
    (B) The court will issue a decision.
    (C) Both the court will schedule a hearing and the court will issue a decision.

  5. What are the consequences of filing an election petition?
    (A) The court may order a new election to be held.
    (B) The candidate who filed the petition may be awarded damages.
    (C) Both the court may order a new election to be held and the candidate who filed the petition may be awarded damages.

  6. What are the risks of filing an election petition?
    (A) The petition may be dismissed by the court.
    (B) The petitioner may be ordered to pay costs to the other party.
    (C) The petitioner may be found guilty of
