Efforts of Telangana Congress & BJP in Highlighting the Issue of Telangana Statehood

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>h4>Historical Background of Telangana Statehood Movement

The demand for a separate Telangana state has deep roots dating back to the post-independence period. The region, which was part of the erstwhile princely state of Hyderabad, merged with Andhra Pradesh in 1956 based on linguistic lines. However, disparities in development and administrative neglect soon led to growing discontent among the people of Telangana. The initial movement for statehood gained momentum in the late 1960s, culminating in the first major agitation in 1969, known as the Telangana Agitation. The movement saw significant support from students and intellectuals, highlighting the region's economic, social, and cultural marginalization.

Role of the Congress Party in Telangana Statehood

Early Stance and Political Calculations

The Indian National Congress, which has historically been the dominant political force in Andhra Pradesh, initially adopted a cautious approach towards the Telangana issue. The party's Leadership was wary of setting a precedent for other regions with similar demands. However, the Congress could not ignore the growing unrest and demands for a separate state, especially as it risked losing political ground to Regional Parties that championed the cause.

Key Figures and Advocacy

Leaders within the Congress, particularly from Telangana, began to press for a more definitive stance on the issue. Prominent leaders like P.V. Narasimha Rao, a former Prime Minister and a native of Telangana, subtly advocated for addressing regional disparities. However, it was not until the leadership of Sonia Gandhi that the party began to take more concrete steps.

The 2009 General Elections and Aftermath

The turning point came during the 2009 general elections when the Congress, under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi, included the promise of addressing the Telangana issue in its manifesto. The party's alliance with the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), a party founded explicitly to fight for a separate Telangana state, was a strategic move to garner support in the region.
Following the elections, the Congress faced intense pressure to deliver on its promise. The indefinite fast by K. Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR), the TRS chief, in late 2009, significantly escalated the situation, leading to widespread protests and unrest. The Central Government, led by the Congress, was compelled to make a crucial announcement on December 9, 2009, initiating the process for the formation of Telangana.

The Srikrishna Committee

In 2010, the Congress-led UPA government constituted the Srikrishna Committee to examine the issue. The committee submitted its report in December 2010, suggesting several Options, including the formation of a separate Telangana state. However, it also recommended maintaining the status quo with measures to address regional imbalances. The Congress continued to face challenges in balancing internal party dynamics and managing dissent from its Andhra Pradesh unit.

Final Decision and State Formation

Despite the challenges, the Congress leadership ultimately decided in favor of bifurcating Andhra Pradesh. On July 30, 2013, the Congress Working Committee passed a resolution recommending the creation of Telangana. The Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Bill was passed by Parliament in February 2014, leading to the formal creation of Telangana on June 2, 2014. The Congress sought to claim credit for fulfilling the long-standing demand and expected electoral gains in Telangana. However, the party faced severe backlash in the Seemandhra region.

Role of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Telangana Statehood

Early Position and Support

The BJP has consistently supported the demand for smaller states, including Telangana, viewing them as a means to ensure better governance and development. The party's early support for Telangana can be traced back to its 1997 resolution advocating the creation of smaller states like Uttarakhand, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh, along with Telangana. This stance was rooted in the belief that smaller states could lead to more focused administrative efforts and regional development.

Advocacy and Political Strategy

During the 1990s and early 2000s, the BJP included the promise of Telangana statehood in its electoral manifestos. The party's national leadership, including leaders like Atal Bihari Vajpayee and L.K. Advani, expressed support for the cause. However, the BJP's inability to gain significant political ground in Andhra Pradesh limited its influence in pushing the issue forward during this period.

Alliance with TRS

The BJP strategically aligned with the TRS, which emerged as the principal proponent of the Telangana statehood movement. This alliance was crucial in the 2009 general elections, where the BJP sought to bolster its presence in Telangana by supporting the regional demand. The BJP's support lent credibility to the movement, as it underscored the cross-party appeal of the statehood demand.

Role in Parliamentary Proceedings

During the UPA-II tenure, the BJP played a critical role in the parliamentary proceedings related to Telangana. The party consistently raised the issue in Parliament, pressing the Congress-led government to fulfill its promise. Senior BJP leaders, including Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley, vocally supported the Telangana cause during debates and discussions. The BJP's support was instrumental during the passage of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Bill in 2014. The party's stance was seen as a commitment to its earlier promises and its broader ideological position on smaller states.

Post-Statehood Scenario

Post the formation of Telangana, the BJP aimed to establish itself as a significant political force in the new state. The party emphasized its role in supporting the statehood demand and positioned itself as a credible alternative to the TRS. The BJP's focus was on leveraging its national presence to promise better governance and development for Telangana. The party's strategy included highlighting central schemes and projects that could benefit the state, thereby appealing to the electorate.

Comparative Analysis of Congress and BJP Efforts

Political Calculations and Alliances

Both the Congress and the BJP made strategic political calculations in their approach to the Telangana issue. The Congress's alliance with the TRS in 2009 was a critical move that signaled its commitment to the cause, despite internal and regional opposition. The BJP's consistent support and alliance with the TRS demonstrated its ideological commitment to smaller states and regional development.

Advocacy and Legislative Efforts

The Congress's advocacy was marked by significant internal challenges and balancing acts, given the party's strong presence in both Telangana and Seemandhra regions. The BJP's advocacy, while consistent, was more straightforward, rooted in its broader policy of supporting smaller states. Both parties played crucial roles in the legislative process, with the BJP's support being pivotal during the final stages of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Bill's passage.

Public Perception and Electoral Impact

The Congress aimed to claim the primary credit for the creation of Telangana, hoping to translate this achievement into electoral gains. However, the backlash in Seemandhra and the subsequent electoral performance in 2014 highlighted the complexities of regional politics. The BJP, on the other hand, used its support for Telangana to strengthen its political base in the new state, positioning itself as a significant player in Telangana's political landscape.

Challenges and Criticisms

Internal Party Dynamics

Both the Congress and the BJP faced internal challenges in their respective parties regarding the Telangana issue. The Congress had to navigate significant opposition from its Seemandhra leaders, who feared losing political ground. The BJP, while more unified in its support, had to ensure that its stance did not alienate potential allies and supporters in other regions.

Balancing Regional Interests

Balancing the interests of Telangana and Seemandhra was a significant challenge for the Congress. The party's decision to support the bifurcation led to political repercussions in Seemandhra, where it faced severe criticism and electoral losses. The BJP's broader policy of supporting smaller states mitigated some of these challenges, but it too had to navigate regional sensitivities.

Implementation and Governance

Post the formation of Telangana, both parties faced the challenge of ensuring effective governance and addressing the developmental needs of the new state. The Congress's efforts were scrutinized for the actual implementation of promises made during the statehood movement. The BJP, while emphasizing its support for Telangana, had to demonstrate tangible benefits through central schemes and projects.

Legacy and Continuing Influence

Congress's Legacy

The Congress's decision to support the creation of Telangana is seen as a significant milestone in the party's history. Despite the political backlash in Seemandhra, the Congress's role in fulfilling the long-standing demand for statehood is acknowledged as a notable achievement. The party's challenge remains in leveraging this legacy to regain political ground in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

BJP's Continuing Influence

The BJP's support for Telangana has helped the party establish a foothold in the new state. The party continues to emphasize its role in the statehood movement and positions itself as a key player in Telangana's political landscape. The BJP's focus on development and governance aims to consolidate its support base and expand its influence in the region.

Impact on Regional Politics

The creation of Telangana has significantly altered the political dynamics in the region. Both the Congress and the BJP's roles in the statehood movement have influenced their political strategies and alliances. The emergence of Telangana has led to new political alignments and challenges, shaping the future of regional politics in both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

The efforts of the Telangana Congress and BJP in highlighting the issue of Telangana statehood have played a crucial role in the eventual creation of the state. Both parties navigated complex political landscapes, made strategic alliances, and engaged in significant advocacy to support the statehood demand. The legacy of these efforts continues to influence the political dynamics in Telangana and the broader region, shaping the future of governance and development in the new state.
