Educational Policy of Gujarat

Educational Policy of Gujarat

The Gujarat Elementary Education Rules, 2010

Admission of pupils

No Elementary School shall normally admit a child who has not completed 6th year of age on the date of admission. However if a child is desirous to be admitted on completion of 5 years of age he shall be admitted, provided he has completed 5 years of age as on 1st June of that year.

Admission of children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group in unaided schools

The children from weaker sections and disadvantaged groups will be children of those families that belong to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled tribes and the other backward castes for which the recognition of such special status by the State Government by means of a certificate of any competent authority will be sufficient. Children belonging to economically weaker sections will be those whose families are listed in the Below POVERTY Line (BPL) lists at that particular time.

The onus of admitting children of the specified categories to the extent of at least twenty- five percent of the strength of a class (in class I or the pre-primary sections wherever existent) should be on the managements of the private unaided schools.

Norms and Standards for School

  • There should be adequate space in every class room for students and teachers for conducting class room activities comfortably.
  • Every new School should have adequate facilities for playground. For existing schools where it is not possible to have playground of the required area in the school premises, it should be within walking distance of the school. However Government may specify separate norms for urban/rural areas from time to time.
  • The state shall endeavor to provide hot cooked meals through centralized facilities. The State shall encourage association of reputed NGOs for management of Mid-day Meal Programmee. However schools should provide adequate space for cooking, storage of commodities and serving where the centralized system is not made available.
  • There should be adequate, satisfactory sanitary arrangements for boys and girls, and teachers.
  • Provision should be made for safe and adequate drinking water facility.
  • Each school should provide barrier-free access specially suited for Children with Special Needs.

Opening of new Elementary Schools or take over a private school

A district or municipal education committee with the previous sanction of the Director or an officer authorized by him in this behalf, shall, wherever necessary, open a new elementary school or take over a private school or incur additional expenditure on Elementary School maintained by it.


Girls Education Rathyatra

Gujarat state holds 15th place in the country for Literacy rate, and 21st place for female literacy in 2001. Hence the state Government has introduced girl’s education Rathyatra with an intention of putting the state amongst the first few in the literacy rate and to improve the female literacy rate in villages having less than 35% female literacy rate to achieve 100% enrolment of girls in std. 1st.

The main aim of Girl’s RathYatra is that, all children eligible for enrolment, especially girls, where enrolled in Primary schools, and those children who had left the schools those re-enrolled. This scheme concentrated in 2002 at the places, which had less than 20% female literacy rate, and in 2005 less than 35% female literacy rate. This celebration of Rathyatra goes on three days to bring awareness in parents and girl students.

In the budget of the year 2005-06 the provision of vidyalaxmi Bonds worth Rs. 15 crores for 1,50,000 girls have been made. Out of the scheme amount bonds have been distributed during kanya Kelavani Yatra itself.

Vidyadeep Scheme

Gujarat state suffered a devastating earthquake on 26th January 2001. This took a very large toll of both children and teachers. The state government has implemented the Vidyadeep scheme in memory of the children who were victims of the devastating earthquake. The aim and object of the State Government in introducing the scheme is to satisfy its social duty towards the parents and guardians in their distress due to accidental death of their school going children. This scheme provides 24-hour insurance cover to each of the 85-lac students in all primary school. In case of accidental death of a student studying in primary school, the guardian is given Rs.25000. the entire premium for the Vidyadeep insurance scheme is being paid by the sate government. So far, the guardian of 943 children has already been paid an insurance amount of Rs. 302.50 lacs.

School Health Checkup Programme

Gujarat State has achieved the pride of place in being the first in the country to introduce the special School Health Check up Programme. Medical officers conduct health check ups on all school going children. All the children are made aware of his/her health though health education. Minor ailments of such children are treated in the school itself. Those children who require further treatment are referred to the nearest center where they are examined and treated by specialists. Spectacles are provided free of cost to all children who require them. The children, who suffer from heart, kidney problems and from cancer, are sent to Supper Specialty Hospitals.

Computer Education Scheme in Primary Education

With a view to provide computer education in primary schools in the state, the state Government has implemented a programme of donating one computer to those primary schools having 5 to 7 standards, which have electricity, appropriate furniture, and teachers of the school having computer training and one or more computers are donated to the schools by other donors. In the year 2004-05 about 1000 computers were provided to such schools against computers received from other donors. The government made a provision of about Rest 400 lacs for the year 2005-06 under computer donation scheme. In the month of December-2005, 377 computers have been received as donation.


The Educational Policy of Gujarat is a comprehensive document that outlines the state’s vision for education. It was developed in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, including educators, parents, students, and business leaders. The policy is based on the belief that education is essential for the state’s economic and social development. It aims to provide all students with access to quality education that will prepare them for success in life.

The policy has a number of key objectives, including:

  • Ensuring that all children have access to quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances.
  • Promoting Equity and social Justice in education.
  • Developing a highly skilled workforce that can meet the needs of the state’s economy.
  • Fostering creativity and innovation.
  • Promoting lifelong Learning.

The policy framework is based on the following principles:

  • Equity: All students should have equal access to quality education.
  • Quality: Education should be of high quality and relevant to the needs of students and the state’s economy.
  • Relevance: Education should be relevant to the needs of students and the state’s economy.
  • Efficiency: Education should be efficient and effective in using Resources.
  • Accountability: The state and its education system should be accountable for the quality of education.

The policy outlines a number of strategies for achieving its objectives. These include:

  • Investing in Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE and facilities.
  • Developing a qualified and professional teaching force.
  • Providing quality curriculum and pedagogy.
  • Assessing and evaluating student learning.
  • Promoting research and innovation.
  • Ensuring quality assurance.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the policy.
  • Institutionalizing the policy.

The policy is a significant step forward in the development of education in Gujarat. It has the potential to transform the lives of millions of children and young people. However, its success will depend on the commitment of the state and its education system to implementing and institutionalizing the policy.

The following are some of the key challenges that need to be addressed in order to implement the policy successfully:

  • Ensuring that all children have access to quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances. This will require significant Investment in infrastructure and facilities, as well as in the development of a qualified and professional teaching force.
  • Promoting equity and social justice in education. This will require addressing the root causes of educational inequality, such as poverty, gender discrimination, and caste discrimination.
  • Developing a highly skilled workforce that can meet the needs of the state’s economy. This will require ensuring that students have access to quality Vocational Education and training, as well as to opportunities for higher education.
  • Fostering creativity and innovation. This will require creating an Environment in which students are encouraged to think critically and to solve problems creatively.
  • Promoting lifelong learning. This will require providing opportunities for adults to continue their education and to develop new skills.

The Educational Policy of Gujarat is a bold and ambitious document. It has the potential to transform the lives of millions of children and young people. However, its success will depend on the commitment of the state and its education system to implementing and institutionalizing the policy.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about education in Gujarat:

  1. What is the literacy rate in Gujarat?

The literacy rate in Gujarat is 79.3%, which is higher than the national Average of 74.04%.

  1. What is the number of schools in Gujarat?

There are over 100,000 schools in Gujarat, including government schools, private schools, and aided schools.

  1. What is the medium of instruction in Gujarat?

The medium of instruction in Gujarat is Gujarati, Hindi, and English.

  1. What is the school curriculum in Gujarat?

The school curriculum in Gujarat is based on the National Curriculum Framework (NCF).

  1. What are the major exams in Gujarat?

The major exams in Gujarat are the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) exams.

  1. What are the major universities in Gujarat?

The major universities in Gujarat are the Gujarat University, the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, and the Gujarat Technological University.

  1. What are the major educational reforms in Gujarat?

The major educational reforms in Gujarat include the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), the Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS), and the Right to Education Act (RTE).

  1. What are the major challenges in education in Gujarat?

The major challenges in education in Gujarat include the lack of quality teachers, the lack of infrastructure, and the high dropout rate.

  1. What are the major initiatives to address the challenges in education in Gujarat?

The major initiatives to address the challenges in education in Gujarat include the Gujarat Education Policy (GEP), the Gujarat School Quality Improvement Programme (GSQIP), and the Gujarat Teacher Eligibility test (GTET).

  1. What is the future of education in Gujarat?

The future of education in Gujarat is bright. The state government is committed to providing quality education to all children. The state has also taken several initiatives to improve the quality of education. With these initiatives, the state is well on its way to achieving its goal of providing quality education to all children.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the topics of education, without mentioning the topic of Educational Policy of Gujarat:

  1. Which of the following is not a goal of education?
    (A) To prepare students for the workforce
    (B) To help students develop their critical thinking skills
    (C) To indoctrinate students with a particular set of beliefs
    (D) To help students become well-rounded individuals

  2. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining a student’s success in school?
    (A) The student’s intelligence
    (B) The student’s socioeconomic status
    (C) The quality of the school the student attends
    (D) The student’s motivation

  3. Which of the following is the best way to improve the quality of education in the United States?
    (A) Increase funding for education
    (B) Reduce class sizes
    (C) Hold teachers more accountable
    (D) Implement more standardized testing

  4. Which of the following is the most common form of bullying?
    (A) Physical bullying
    (B) Verbal bullying
    (C) Relational bullying
    (D) Cyberbullying

  5. Which of the following is the best way to prevent bullying?
    (A) Talk to your children about bullying
    (B) Teach your children how to stand up to bullies
    (C) Report bullying to school officials
    (D) All of the above

  6. Which of the following is the most common type of learning disability?
    (A) Dyslexia
    (B) Dyscalculia
    (C) Dysgraphia
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is the best way to help a child with a learning disability?
    (A) Get the child diagnosed by a professional
    (B) Provide the child with extra support and resources
    (C) Encourage the child to never give up
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is the best way to improve the Quality Of Life for teachers?
    (A) Increase teacher pay
    (B) Reduce teacher workload
    (C) Provide more support for teachers
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining a school’s success?
    (A) The quality of the teachers
    (B) The quality of the students
    (C) The quality of the school Leadership
    (D) The quality of the school facilities

  10. Which of the following is the best way to improve the quality of schools in the United States?
    (A) Increase funding for education
    (B) Reduce class sizes
    (C) Hold schools more accountable
    (D) Implement more standardized testing

I hope these MCQs were helpful!