

Eco-System-An ecosystem is defined as a structural and functional unit of Biosphere consisting of community of living beings and the physical Environment, both interacting and exchanging materials between them. It includes Plants, trees, animals, fish, birds, micro-organisms, water, Soil, and people.

When an ecosystem is healthy (i.e. sustainable) it means that all the Elements live in balance and are capable of reproducing themselves

Components of Ecosystem

The components of the ecosystem is categorised into abiotic of non-living and biotic of living components. Both the components of ecosystem and environment are same.

  1. Abiotic Components

the inorganic and non-living parts of the world. consists of soil, water, air, and Light energy etc. involves a ,large number of chemicals like Oxygen, nitrogen-, etc. and physical processes including Volcanoes-2/”>Volcanoes, Earthquakes, floods, forest fires, climates, and weather conditions.

Abiotic factors are the most important determinants of where and how well an organism exists in its environment. Although these factors interact with each other, one single factor can-limit the range of an organism.


  1. a) Energy

Energy from the sun is essential for maintenance of life. Energy determines the distribution of organisms in the environment.

  1. b) Rainfall
  2. c) Temperature :-Temperature is a critical factor of the environment which greatly influences survival of organisms. Organisms can tolerate only a certain range of temperature and humidity.
  3. d) Atmosphere :It is made up of 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen , 0.038% carbon dioxide and other inert gases (0.93% Argon, Neon etc).
  4. e) Substratum :Land is covered by soil and a wide variety of microbes, protozoa, Fungi and small animals (invertebrates) thrive in it
  5. f) Materials:

(i) Organic compound

Such as proteins, Carbohydrates, lipids, humic substances are formed from inorganic compound on decomposition.

(ii) Inorganic compound

Such as carbon, carbon dioxide, water, sulphur, nitrates, phosphates, and ions of various metals are essential for organisms to survive.

  1. g) Latitude and altitude

Latitude has a strong influence on an area’s temperature, resulting in change of climates such as polar, tropical, and temperate. These climates determine different natural biomes. From sea level to highest peaks, wild life is influenced by altitude. As the altitude increases, the air becomes colder and drier, affecting wild life accordingly.( wild life decrease as altitude increase)

  1. Biotic Components :Biotic components include living organisms comprising plants, animals and microbes and are classified according to their functional attributes into producers and consumers.

Primary producers – Autotrophs (self-nourishing) Primary producers are basically green plants (and certain bacteria and algae). They synthesise carbohydrate from simple inorganic raw materials like carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight by the process of Photosynthesis for themselves, and supply indirectly to other non- producers.

In terrestrial ecosystem, producers are basically herbaceous and woody plants, while in AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM producers are various species of microscopic algae.

  1. b) Consumers — Heterotrophs or phagotrophs (other nourishing)

Consumers are incapable of producing their own food (photosynthesis).

They depend on organic food derived from plants, animals or both.

Consumers can be divided into two broad groups

(i) Macro consumers- They feed on plants or animals or both and are categorised on the basis of their food sources.

Herbivores are primary consumers which feed mainly on plants e.g. cow, rabbit.

Secondary consumers feed on primary consumers e.g. wolves.

Carnivores which feed on secondary consumers are called tertiary consumers e.g. lions which can eat wolves.

Omnivores are organisms which consume both plants and animals e.g. man.

(ii) Micro consumers – Saprotrophs (decomposers or osmotrophs)

They are bacteria and fungi which obtain energy and nutrients by decomposing dead organic substances (detritus) of plant and animal origin.

The products of decomposition such as inorganic nutrients which are released in the ecosystem are reused by producers and thus recycled.

Earthworm and certain soil organisms (such as nematodes, and arthropods) are detritus feeders and help in the decomposition of organic matter and are called detrivores.

Classification of Eco-system

  1. Natural Ecosystem-

Terrestrial- Forests, Grasslands, Deserts

Aquatic- Fresh Waters, Saline Waters, Marine Waters

Ecotone :- a zone of junction between two or more diverse ecosystems. For e.g. the mangrove forests represent an ecotone between marine and terrestrial ecosystem.

Characteristics of Ecotone

It may be very narrow or quite wide. It has the conditions intermediate to the adjacent ecosystems. Hence it is a zone of tension.

It is linear as it shows progressive increase in species composition of one in coming community and a simultaneous decrease in species of the other out going adjoining community.

A well developed ecotones contain some organisms which are entirely different from that of the adjoining communities.

Sometimes the number of species and the Population density of some of the species is much greater in this zone than either community. This is called edge effect For example the density of birds is greater in the mixed habitat of the ecotone between the forest and the desert.


a description of all the biological, physical and chemical factors that a species needs to survive, stay healthy and reproduce. No two species have exact identical niches. Niche plays an important role in conservation of organisms.

Types of Niche

  1. Habitat niche – where it lives
  2. Food niche – what is eats or decomposes & what species it competes with
  3. Reproductive niche -how and when it reproduces.
  4. Physical & chemical niche – temperature, land shape, land slope, humidity & other requirement.


The terrestrial part of the biosphere is divisible into enormous regions called biomes, which are characterized, by Climate, vegetation, animal life and general soil type.

No two biomes are alike.

The most important climatic factors are temperature and Precipitation.

  1. Tundra– Northern most region adjoining the ice bound poles. Devoid of trees except stunted shrubs in the southern part of tundra biome, ground Flora includes lichen, mosses and sedges.

The typical animals are reindeer, arctic fox polar bear, snowy owl, lemming, arctic hare, ptarmigan. Reptiles and amphibians are almost absent

  1. Taiga- Northern Europe, Asia and North America. Moderate temperature than tundra. Also known as boreal forest.

The dominating vegetation is coniferous evergreen mostly spruce, with some pine and firs. The Fauna consists of small seed eating birds, hawks, fur bearing carnivores, little mink, elks, puma, Siberian tiger, wolverine, wolves etc.

  1. Temperate Deciduous Forest- Extends over Central and Southern Europe, Eastern North America, Western China, Japan, New Zealand etc.

Moderate Average temperature and abundant rainfall. These are generally the most productive agricultural areas of the earth The flora includes trees like beech, oak, maple and cherry. Most animals are the familiar vertebrates and invertebrates.

  1. Tropical rain forest- Tropical areas in the equatorial regions, which is a bound with life. Temperature and rainfall high.

Tropical rainforest covers about 7% of the earth’s surface & 40% of the world’s plant and animal species.

Multiple storey of broad-leafed evergreen tree species are in abundance.

Most animals and epiphytic plants(An epiphyte is a plant that grows harmlessly upon another plant) are concentrated in the canopy or tree top zones

  1. Savannah- Tropical region: Savannah is most extensive in Africa

Grasses with scattered trees and fire resisting thorny shrubs.

The fauna include a great diversity of grazers and browsers such as antelopes, buffaloes, zebras, elephants and rhinoceros; the carnivores include lion, cheetah, hyena; and mongoose, and many rodents

  1. Grassland– North America, Ukraine, etc . Dominated by grasses. Temperate conditions with rather low rainfall. Grasses dominate the vegetation. The fauna include large herbivores like bison, antelope, cattle, rodents, prairie dog, wolves, and a rich and diverse array of ground nesting bird
  2. Desert- Continental interiors with very low and sporadic rainfall with low humidity. The days are very hot but nights are cold. The flora is drought resistance vegetation such as cactus, euphorbias, sagebrush. Fauna : Reptiles, Mammals and birds.

Aquatic Zones

Aquatic systems are not called biomes,

The major differences between the various aquatic zones are due to salinity, levels of dissolved nutrients; water temperature, depth of sunlight penetration.

  1. Fresh Water Ecosystem-Fresh water ecosystem are classified as lotic (moving water) or lentic (still or stagnant water).
  2. Marine Ecosystem-
  3. Estuaries-Coastal bays, river mouths and tidal marshes form theestuaries. In estuaries, fresh water from rivers meet ocean water and the two are mixed by action of tides.

Estuaries are highly productive as compared to the adjacent river or Sea,

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms and the nonliving environment with which they interact. Ecosystems can be small, such as a pond, or large, such as a forest. They can be found on land, in water, or in the air.

The living organisms in an ecosystem are called biotic factors. The nonliving factors are called abiotic factors. Biotic factors include plants, animals, and Microorganisms. Abiotic factors include air, water, soil, and sunlight.

The biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem interact in a complex web of relationships. These relationships are essential for the survival of the ecosystem.

One of the most important relationships in an ecosystem is the food chain. A food chain is a series of organisms that are linked together by their feeding relationships. The first organism in a food chain is a producer. Producers are able to make their own food using sunlight. Plants are the most common producers.

The next organisms in a food chain are consumers. Consumers cannot make their own food, so they must eat other organisms. Consumers are divided into herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores. Herbivores eat plants. Carnivores eat animals. Omnivores eat both plants and animals.

The final organisms in a food chain are decomposers. Decomposers break down the dead bodies of plants and animals. They return nutrients to the soil, which can then be used by producers.

Food webs are more complex than food chains. A food web is a Network of food chains that are interconnected. In a food web, each organism may be part of several different food chains.

The energy that flows through an ecosystem is from the sun. The sun provides energy to plants, which use it to make food. Animals eat plants or other animals, and they use the energy from the food to survive. Decomposers break down dead organisms, and they release the energy back into the ecosystem.

The water cycle is the process by which water moves on, above and below the Earth’s surface. The sun’s energy drives the water cycle by evaporating water from the Earth’s surface. This water vapor rises into the atmosphere, where it cools and condenses into clouds. The clouds release the water back to the Earth as precipitation, such as rain or snow. The water then flows back into the Oceans, lakes, and rivers, or it seeps into the ground.

Ecosystems provide many important Services to humans. These services are called ecosystem services. Ecosystem services include:

  • Food production
  • Water purification
  • Air purification
  • Climate regulation
  • Pollination
  • Waste disposal
  • Recreation

Ecosystem services are essential for human Health and well-being. They are also important for the economy. The value of ecosystem services has been estimated to be trillions of dollars per year.

Ecosystems are under threat from human activities. These activities include:

These activities are causing the loss of Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity, the degradation of ecosystems, and the disruption of ecosystem services.

It is important to protect ecosystems. We can do this by:

  • Conserving biodiversity
  • Reducing pollution
  • Mitigating climate change
  • Using resources sustainably

By protecting ecosystems, we can ensure the continued provision of ecosystem services. We can also protect the health and well-being of humans and the economy.

What is a biome?

A biome is a large area of land or water that has a particular climate and certain types of plants and animals.

What are the different types of biomes?

There are many different types of biomes, including forests, grasslands, deserts, tundra, and oceans.

What are the characteristics of each biome?

The characteristics of each biome vary depending on the climate and the types of plants and animals that live there. For example, forests are characterized by tall trees, while grasslands are characterized by short grasses.

What are the benefits of biomes?

Biomes provide many benefits to humans, including food, water, and oxygen. They also help to regulate the climate and provide habitats for many different species of plants and animals.

What are the threats to biomes?

Biomes are threatened by human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. These activities can lead to the loss of biodiversity, the degradation of ecosystems, and the extinction of species.

What can we do to protect biomes?

We can protect biomes by reducing our impact on the environment. This includes conserving resources, reducing pollution, and protecting endangered species. We can also support organizations that are working to protect biomes.

What is the future of biomes?

The future of biomes is uncertain. If we continue to damage the environment, biomes will continue to be threatened. However, if we take steps to protect them, they can continue to provide us with many benefits.

What is the difference between a biome and an ecosystem?

A biome is a large area of land or water that has a particular climate and certain types of plants and animals. An ecosystem is a community of living organisms and the non-living environment with which they interact.

What are the different types of ecosystems?

There are many different types of ecosystems, including terrestrial ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, and marine ecosystems.

What are the characteristics of each ecosystem?

The characteristics of each ecosystem vary depending on the climate, the types of plants and animals that live there, and the non-living environment. For example, a FOREST ECOSYSTEM is characterized by tall trees, while a DESERT ECOSYSTEM is characterized by short grasses and sparse vegetation.

What are the benefits of ecosystems?

Ecosystems provide many benefits to humans, including food, water, and oxygen. They also help to regulate the climate and provide habitats for many different species of plants and animals.

What are the threats to ecosystems?

Ecosystems are threatened by human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. These activities can lead to the loss of biodiversity, the degradation of ecosystems, and the extinction of species.

What can we do to protect ecosystems?

We can protect ecosystems by reducing our impact on the environment. This includes conserving resources, reducing pollution, and protecting endangered species. We can also support organizations that are working to protect ecosystems.

What is the future of ecosystems?

The future of ecosystems is uncertain. If we continue to damage the environment, ecosystems will continue to be threatened. However, if we take steps to protect them, they can continue to provide us with many benefits.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of ecosystem?
    (A) Forest
    (B) Desert
    (C) Ocean
    (D) Ecosystem

  2. The main difference between a terrestrial ecosystem and an aquatic ecosystem is that
    (A) terrestrial ecosystems are found on land, while aquatic ecosystems are found in water.
    (B) terrestrial ecosystems are dominated by plants, while aquatic ecosystems are dominated by animals.
    (C) terrestrial ecosystems are more complex than aquatic ecosystems.
    (D) terrestrial ecosystems are more stable than aquatic ecosystems.

  3. The main factor that determines the type of ecosystem in an area is
    (A) the climate.
    (B) the soil.
    (C) the altitude.
    (D) the latitude.

  4. The food chain in an ecosystem is a series of organisms that are linked together by the transfer of energy. The first organism in a food chain is called the
    (A) producer.
    (B) consumer.
    (C) decomposer.
    (D) scavenger.

  5. The decomposers in an ecosystem are the organisms that break down dead organisms and return nutrients to the soil. The main decomposers in an ecosystem are
    (A) bacteria.
    (B) fungi.
    (C) animals.
    (D) plants.

  6. The relationship between a predator and its prey is an example of a
    (A) symbiotic relationship.
    (B) parasitic relationship.
    (C) competitive relationship.
    (D) predatory relationship.

  7. A keystone species is a species that has a large impact on the ecosystem, even though it may make up a small Percentage of the total number of organisms in the ecosystem. An example of a keystone species is
    (A) the sea otter.
    (B) the bald eagle.
    (C) the grizzly bear.
    (D) the wolf.

  8. An invasive species is a species that is not native to an ecosystem and that can cause harm to the ecosystem. An example of an invasive species is
    (A) the zebra mussel.
    (B) the kudzu vine.
    (C) the Asian carp.
    (D) all of the above.

  9. Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. Biodiversity is important because it
    (A) provides us with food, medicine, and other resources.
    (B) helps to regulate the climate.
    (C) helps to prevent the spread of diseases.
    (D) all of the above.

  10. One way to protect biodiversity is to create Protected Areas, such as national parks and nature reserves. Protected areas help to protect ecosystems and the species that live in them. Another way to protect biodiversity is to reduce our impact on the environment. We can do this by conserving energy, recycling, and reducing our consumption of resources.