Economic Consolidation

Economic consolidation is a process that occurs when a small number of companies come to dominate an industry. This can happen through mergers, acquisitions, or other forms of business combination. Economic consolidation can have a number of effects on the economy, including increased prices, reduced competition, and lower innovation.

What is economic consolidation?

Economic consolidation is a process that occurs when a small number of companies come to dominate an industry. This can happen through mergers, acquisitions, or other forms of business combination. Economic consolidation can have a number of effects on the economy, including increased prices, reduced competition, and lower innovation.

What are the causes of economic consolidation?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to economic consolidation, including:

  • Technological change: New technologies can make it easier for companies to merge or acquire other companies. For example, the development of the internet has made it easier for companies to sell their products and services to a global audience, which has led to increased consolidation in a number of industries.
  • Regulatory changes: Changes in government regulations can also lead to economic consolidation. For example, the deregulation of the telecommunications industry in the United States in the 1980s led to a wave of mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunications industry.
  • Economic factors: Economic factors, such as recessions, can also lead to economic consolidation. During a recession, companies may be more likely to merge or acquire other companies in order to reduce costs or increase market share.

What are the effects of economic consolidation?

Economic consolidation can have a number of effects on the economy, including:

  • Increased prices: Economic consolidation can lead to increased prices for consumers. This is because when there are fewer companies in an industry, they have more power to set prices.
  • Reduced competition: Economic consolidation can also lead to reduced competition. This is because when there are fewer companies in an industry, they have less incentive to compete on price or quality.
  • Lower innovation: Economic consolidation can also lead to lower innovation. This is because when there are fewer companies in an industry, they have less incentive to invest in research and development.

What are the policy implications of economic consolidation?

Economic consolidation is a complex issue with a number of potential policy implications. Some policymakers believe that economic consolidation can be beneficial, as it can lead to increased efficiency and productivity. Others believe that economic consolidation can be harmful, as it can lead to increased prices, reduced competition, and lower innovation.

The policy implications of economic consolidation will vary depending on the specific industry and the specific circumstances. In some cases, policymakers may choose to take steps to prevent or limit economic consolidation. In other cases, policymakers may choose to take steps to promote economic consolidation.

Frequently asked questions

What are some examples of economic consolidation?

Some examples of economic consolidation include:

  • The merger of Exxon and Mobil in 1999
  • The acquisition of AT&T by SBC Communications in 2005
  • The merger of Citigroup and Wachovia in 2008

What are the benefits of economic consolidation?

Some potential benefits of economic consolidation include:

  • Increased efficiency: Economic consolidation can lead to increased efficiency, as companies can eliminate duplicate operations and streamline their operations.
  • Increased productivity: Economic consolidation can also lead to increased productivity, as companies can pool resources and expertise.
  • Lower prices: Economic consolidation can lead to lower prices, as companies can pass on cost savings to consumers.

What are the drawbacks of economic consolidation?

Some potential drawbacks of economic consolidation include:

  • Reduced competition: Economic consolidation can lead to reduced competition, as fewer companies are competing in an industry. This can lead to higher prices and lower quality products and services.
  • Increased market power: Economic consolidation can lead to increased market power, as companies can use their size to control prices and stifle competition.
  • Less innovation: Economic consolidation can lead to less innovation, as companies are less likely to invest in research and development when they have a dominant market position.

What are the policy options for dealing with economic consolidation?

Some policy options for dealing with economic consolidation include:

  • Antitrust laws: Antitrust laws can be used to prevent or limit economic consolidation.
  • Merger reviews: Merger reviews can be used to assess the potential impact of a merger on competition and consumers.
  • Regulation: Regulation can be used to limit the market power of large companies.
  • Taxation: Taxation can be used to discourage economic consolidation.


  1. Economic consolidation is a process that occurs when:
    (a) A small number of companies come to dominate an industry.
    (b) A large number of companies come to dominate an industry.
    (c) The government takes control of an industry.
    (d) The industry is deregulated.