District Planning Committee

District Planning Committee

A District Planning Committee (DPC) is a body constituted by the State Government to prepare a draft development plan for the district. The DPC is headed by the District Collector and consists of representatives from various departments of the State Government, local bodies, and other stakeholders.

The DPC is responsible for preparing a draft development plan for the district, which is then submitted to the State Planning Commission for approval. The draft development plan should be based on the needs and aspirations of the people of the district and should take into account the available resources.

The DPC should also monitor the implementation of the development plan and make necessary changes to ensure that the plan is implemented effectively.

Functions of the District Planning Committee

The functions of the District Planning Committee are as follows:

  • To prepare a draft development plan for the district.
  • To monitor the implementation of the development plan.
  • To make necessary changes to the development plan to ensure that it is implemented effectively.
  • To coordinate the activities of various departments of the State Government and local bodies in the implementation of the development plan.
  • To promote public participation in the planning process.
  • To review the progress of development in the district and make recommendations for improvement.

Composition of the District Planning Committee

The District Planning Committee is composed of the following members:

  • The District Collector, who is the Chairman of the DPC.
  • The District Magistrate.
  • The Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla Parishad.
  • The Chief Executive Officer of the Nagar Panchayat.
  • The Chief Executive Officer of the Municipal Corporation.
  • The District Development Officer.
  • The District Revenue Officer.
  • The District Agriculture Officer.
  • The District Education Officer.
  • The District Health Officer.
  • The District Engineer.
  • The District Forest Officer.
  • The District Police Superintendent.
  • The District Registrar.
  • The District Welfare Officer.
  • The District Labour Officer.
  • The District Industries Officer.
  • The District Planning Officer.
  • Two representatives of the State Planning Commission.
  • Two representatives of the State Finance Commission.
  • Two representatives of the State Economic and Social Commission.
  • Two representatives of the State Legislative Assembly.
  • Two representatives of the State Legislative Council.
  • Two representatives of the Panchayati Raj Institutions.
  • Two representatives of the Urban Local Bodies.
  • Two representatives of the Non-Governmental Organizations.
  • Two representatives of the Trade and Industry Associations.
  • Two representatives of the Chambers of Commerce.
  • Two representatives of the Farmers’ Organizations.
  • Two representatives of the Labour Organizations.
  • Two representatives of the Women’s Organizations.
  • Two representatives of the Youth Organizations.
  • Two representatives of the Minorities Organizations.
  • Two representatives of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Organizations.
  • Two representatives of the Other Backward Classes Organizations.

Meetings of the District Planning Committee

The DPC shall meet at least once in six months. The meetings of the DPC shall be convened by the Chairman of the DPC.

The quorum for a meeting of the DPC shall be one-third of the total number of members of the DPC.

The DPC may invite any person to attend its meetings as an observer.

Decisions of the District Planning Committee

The decisions of the DPC shall be taken by a majority of the votes of the members present at the meeting.

In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the DPC shall have a casting vote.

Powers of the District Planning Committee

The DPC has the following powers:

  • To collect information and data relating to the development of the district.
  • To conduct surveys and studies relating to the development of the district.
  • To hold consultations with various stakeholders in the development of the district.
  • To prepare a draft development plan for the district.
  • To monitor the implementation of the development plan.
  • To make necessary changes to the development plan to ensure that it is implemented effectively.
  • To coordinate the activities of various departments of the State Government and local bodies in the implementation of the development plan.
  • To promote public participation in the planning process.
  • To review the progress of development in the district and make recommendations for improvement.

Role of the District Planning Committee in the development of the district

The DPC plays a vital role in the development of the district. The DPC is responsible for preparing a draft development plan for the district, which is then submitted to the State Planning Commission for approval. The draft development plan should be based on the needs and aspirations of the people of the district and should take into account the available resources.

The DPC should also monitor the implementation of the development plan and make necessary changes to ensure that the plan is implemented effectively.

