Difference between Python functions datetime now and datetime today

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>nuances between Python’s datetime.now() and datetime.today() functions.


Python’s datetime module is essential for working with dates and times within your code. Two commonly used functions within this module are datetime.now() and datetime.today(). While they might seem similar, they have subtle but important differences that affect their ideal use cases.

Key Differences in Table Format

Time PrecisionCan provide microsecond precision (platform-dependent)Typically limited to second precision
Timezone AwarenessCan be timezone-aware (if tz argument is provided)Always timezone-naive (represents local time)
Primary Use CaseWhen you need the most accurate time, potentially in UTCWhen you need the current date and time in local time

Advantages and Disadvantages

datetime.now()Higher potential precision, can be timezone-awareSlightly more complex to use if timezone awareness is needed
datetime.today()Simpler to use for local timeLower potential precision, always timezone-naive


  • Both functions return a datetime object representing the current time.
  • Both functions can be used to get the current year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.


  1. Which function is more accurate?
    In general, datetime.now() can be more accurate due to its potential for microsecond precision. However, the actual accuracy depends on your system’s clock.

  2. When should I use timezone awareness?
    Timezone awareness is crucial when working with times that need to be interpreted consistently across different locations or when dealing with events that happen at specific times in UTC.

  3. Is it possible to make datetime.today() timezone-aware?
    Not directly. datetime.today() always returns a timezone-naive datetime object. If you need timezone awareness, use datetime.now() with a tz argument.

  4. Can I use datetime.now() without timezone awareness?
    Yes. If you omit the tz argument, datetime.now() will behave similarly to datetime.today(), returning a timezone-naive object representing your local time.

  5. Which function is faster?
    Both functions have similar performance, with negligible differences in most cases.

Code Examples

from datetime import datetime, timezone

# Get current time with microsecond precision in UTC
now_utc = datetime.now(timezone.utc)

# Get current local time
today = datetime.today()

In-Depth Explanation

  • Timezone-Aware vs. Timezone-Naive: A timezone-aware datetime object knows its offset from UTC, making it suitable for calculations and comparisons across different timezones. A timezone-naive object represents the time without timezone information and is typically interpreted as the local time of the system.

  • Microsecond Precision: Modern systems often have clocks that can measure time with microsecond accuracy. datetime.now() can leverage this precision, while datetime.today() is usually limited to second precision.

  • tz Argument: When you pass a timezone object (e.g., timezone.utc) to datetime.now(), it returns a datetime object that is aware of that timezone.

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