Difference between put and patch request with Advantages and similarities

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>In the realm of RESTful web Services, HTTP methods are the building blocks that facilitate Communication between clients and servers. Among these methods, PUT and PATCH are two that are often misunderstood and confused due to their similar purpose of updating Resources. However, they have distinct differences in terms of functionality and usage. This document provides a detailed comparison between PUT and PATCH requests, covering their key differences, advantages, disadvantages, similarities, and frequently asked questions.

AspectPUT RequestPATCH Request
PurposeReplaces the entire resource with the data provided in the request.Updates only the specified fields in the resource.
IdempotencyIdempotent – multiple identical requests have the same effect as one.Not necessarily idempotent – multiple identical requests can have different effects.
Data RequirementRequires a complete representation of the resource.Requires only the fields to be updated.
EfficiencyLess efficient for large resources as it requires sending the entire resource.More efficient for partial updates as only the changes are sent.
ComplexitySimpler to implement but can be less efficient for partial updates.More complex to implement but efficient for partial updates.
HTTP Status CodesTypically returns 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content).Typically returns 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content).
Use CaseSuitable for complete replacement of a resource.Suitable for partial updates of a resource.
Support for FieldsRequires all fields to be included, even if they are not changed.Only requires the fields that need to be updated.
Server-Side HandlingCan lead to higher server load for large resources.Reduces server load by minimizing data transfer.

Idempotency: PUT requests are idempotent, ensuring that multiple identical requests have the same effect as a single request.
Simplicity: Easier to implement when the complete resource needs to be updated or replaced.
Clarity: Clearly indicates that the entire resource is being replaced, reducing ambiguity.

Inefficiency: Requires the complete resource to be sent, which can be inefficient for large resources.
Higher Bandwidth Usage: Increased data transfer as the entire resource is sent, even if only a small part is changed.
Potential Overwrite: There is a risk of unintentionally overwriting fields if the complete resource is not accurately represented.

Efficiency: Only the fields that need to be updated are sent, reducing data transfer and improving efficiency.
Lower Bandwidth Usage: Minimizes data transfer, which is particularly beneficial for large resources.
Targeted Updates: Allows for precise modifications without affecting the entire resource.

Non-Idempotency: PATCH requests may not be idempotent, leading to different outcomes with multiple identical requests.
Complexity: More complex to implement and handle, as it requires logic to merge the changes into the existing resource.
Potential Inconsistencies: Incorrect implementation can lead to inconsistencies in the resource state.

The primary difference is that PUT replaces the entire resource with the provided data, whereas PATCH updates only the specified fields in the resource.

PUT requests are idempotent, meaning that making the same request multiple times results in the same state of the resource. PATCH requests are not necessarily idempotent, as the same request can have different outcomes if applied multiple times.

Use PUT when you need to replace the entire resource or when the complete resource data is available. Use PATCH when you only need to update specific fields within the resource.

No, PUT and PATCH are designed for different purposes. PUT should be used for complete resource replacement, while PATCH is for partial updates. Using them interchangeably can lead to incorrect resource states and inefficiencies.

PUT requires all fields to be included in the request, as it replaces the entire resource. Missing fields in a PUT request will result in those fields being removed from the resource. PATCH, on the other hand, only requires the fields that need to be updated, leaving other fields unchanged.

Both PUT and PATCH requests typically return 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) upon successful updates. If the resource is created as a result of the request, a 201 (Created) status code may be returned.

If a PUT request contains an incomplete resource representation, the server will replace the existing resource with the provided data, potentially leading to the loss of any fields that were not included in the request.

There is no inherent size limit for PUT and PATCH requests imposed by the HTTP protocol. However, practical limits may be imposed by the server, Network, or client to handle large payloads effectively.

PUT can be used for creating resources if the resource does not already exist. PATCH is generally not used for resource creation but rather for updating existing resources.

PUT requests can impact performance negatively for large resources due to the need to transfer the entire resource data. PATCH requests are more performance-friendly for partial updates, as they minimize data transfer.

Both PUT and PATCH requests should implement proper authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can update resources. Additionally, input validation and data sanitization are crucial to prevent injection attacks and ensure data Integrity.

Yes, both PUT and PATCH requests can and should be used over HTTPS to ensure secure communication between the client and server, protecting the data from being intercepted or tampered with during transmission.

Concurrency issues can be handled using techniques such as optimistic locking, where a version number or timestamp is included in the resource. The server checks this version before applying updates to ensure that no conflicting updates occur simultaneously.

PUT and PATCH requests are generally not cached because they modify server-side resources. However, the responses to these requests can be cached if the server includes appropriate cache-control headers.

The Content-Type header in PUT and PATCH requests indicates the media type of the resource being sent to the server. For example, application/json is commonly used to specify that the request body contains JSON data.

PUT and PATCH requests adhere to RESTful principles by providing standard methods for updating resources. PUT aligns with the principle of idempotency, while PATCH offers a more efficient way to perform partial updates, both contributing to a stateless and consistent API design.

Yes, JSON Patch (RFC 6902) is a format for specifying updates to a JSON document and can be used in PATCH requests. It provides a standardized way to describe changes to a resource, making partial updates more structured and reliable.

Yes, PUT and PATCH requests can be used alongside other HTTP methods like GET, POST, and DELETE to provide a comprehensive API for managing resources. Each method serves a specific purpose, contributing to a well-rounded and functional API design.

Errors in PUT and PATCH requests should be handled by returning appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages. Common status codes include 400 (Bad Request) for invalid data, 401 (Unauthorized) for authentication issues, 403 (Forbidden) for authorization issues, 404 (Not Found) for non-existent resources, and 409 (Conflict) for concurrency issues.

By understanding the key differences, advantages, disadvantages, similarities, and common questions about PUT and PATCH requests, developers can make informed decisions on which method to use for updating resources in their RESTful APIs, ensuring efficient and reliable communication between