Difference between Plusplusi and iplusplus in c

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>the pre-increment (++i) and post-increment (i++) operators in C, along with their advantages, disadvantages, similarities, and some frequently asked questions.


In the realm of C programming, increment and decrement operators play a pivotal role in manipulating numerical values. The pre-increment (++i) and post-increment (i++) operators are unary operators, meaning they operate on a single operand (in this case, the variable i). While both operators serve the fundamental purpose of increasing the value of i by 1, their subtle differences can significantly impact the outcome of your code.

Key Difference in Tabular Format

FeaturePre-Increment (++i)Post-Increment (i++)
Order of OperationsIncrement, then useUse, then increment
Value of ExpressionNew value of iOriginal value of i
Common Use CaseStandalone statementsExpressions with side effects
Examplej = ++i;j = i++;
Result (if i is 5)i becomes 6, j becomes 6i becomes 6, j becomes 5

Advantages and Disadvantages

Pre-Increment (++i)– Slightly faster in some scenarios– Can be less intuitive when used within complex expressions
Post-Increment (i++)– More intuitive when used in common loop constructs (for)– Slightly slower in some scenarios due to an additional temporary variable requirement


  • Both operators increment the value of the variable i by 1.
  • Both can be used in standalone statements or as part of larger expressions.
  • Both are essential tools in iterative tasks and value manipulation within C programs.

FAQs on Pre-Increment and Post-Increment

  1. Is there a performance difference between ++i and i++?

    • In most modern compilers, the performance difference is negligible. However, historically, pre-increment was sometimes slightly faster because it didn’t require the creation of a temporary variable to store the original value.
  2. Which operator should I use?

    • Use pre-increment (++i) when you simply need to increment the value and the current value isn’t immediately required.
    • Use post-increment (i++) when you need to use the current value before incrementing, such as in loop counters (for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)).
  3. Can I use these operators with data types other than integers?

    • Technically, yes, but it’s generally not recommended. Increment and decrement operators are primarily designed for use with integral types (int, char, etc.).
  4. Why does the order of operations matter?

    • The order of operations determines whether the increment happens before or after the variable’s value is used in an expression. This is crucial when the expression has side effects (like assignment to another variable).
  5. Are there other increment/decrement operators in C?

    • Yes, there are also pre-decrement (--i) and post-decrement (i--) operators, which function similarly but decrease the value by 1.

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