Difference between Network os and distributed os

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>Network operating systems (NOS) and distributed operating systems (DOS), covering their differences, pros, cons, similarities, and frequently asked questions:


In the realm of computer networking, operating systems play a crucial role in managing Resources and facilitating Communication. Network operating systems (NOS) and distributed operating systems (DOS) are two distinct types of operating systems designed to handle networked environments.

A network operating system (NOS) primarily focuses on enabling communication and resource sharing among computers connected to a network. It acts as a central hub for managing files, printers, security, and user access.

A distributed operating system (DOS), on the other hand, takes a more decentralized approach. It distributes tasks and resources across multiple interconnected computers to enhance performance, reliability, and scalability.

Key Differences: Network OS vs. Distributed OS

FeatureNetwork Operating System (NOS)Distributed Operating System (DOS)
Primary GoalProvide local Services to remote clients (e.g., file sharing, printing)Manage and distribute resources across multiple computers efficiently
ArchitectureClient-server (often two-tier)Peer-to-peer (often n-tier)
TransparencyLow (users are aware of remote access)High (users perceive the system as a single entity)
ScalabilityHigh (easy to add new clients)Moderate (adding new nodes can be more complex)
Fault ToleranceLessHigh (designed to handle node failures gracefully)
ExamplesWindows Server, Novell NetWareAmoeba, V system

Advantages and Disadvantages

Network Operating System (NOS)


  • Ease of use: Familiar user interface and straightforward management.
  • Cost-effective: Less expensive hardware requirements compared to DOS.
  • Centralized control: Simplified administration and security management.


  • Single point of failure: Server failure can disrupt the entire network.
  • Limited scalability: Performance can degrade with a large number of clients.
  • Security vulnerabilities: Centralized server can be a target for attacks.

Distributed Operating System (DOS)


  • High performance: Tasks are distributed, leading to faster processing.
  • Fault tolerance: System can continue operating even if some nodes fail.
  • Resource sharing: Efficient utilization of resources across the network.


  • Complexity: More challenging to implement and manage than NOS.
  • Cost: Requires powerful hardware for each node.
  • Security concerns: Distributed nature can make security management difficult.


  • Both NOS and DOS operate in networked environments.
  • They enable resource sharing and communication between computers.
  • Both strive to provide a seamless user experience.


Q1: Which is better, NOS or DOS?

A: The choice depends on your specific needs. NOS is simpler and more affordable, while DOS offers better performance and fault tolerance.

Q2: Can I use a regular operating system like Windows or Linux as a NOS?

A: Yes, you can configure them to act as a NOS by installing additional Software and services.

Q3: Are cloud computing platforms examples of DOS?

A: While cloud platforms utilize distributed architectures, they don’t strictly fall under the traditional definition of DOS.

Q4: What are some future trends in NOS and DOS?

A: The future of NOS and DOS lies in increased integration with cloud computing, improved security measures, and greater emphasis on virtualization.

Let me know if you’d like more details on any specific aspect of NOS or DOS!
