Difference between Mutable and immutable in python

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>world of mutable and immutable objects in Python.


In Python, everything is an object. Each object has a unique identity, a type, and a value. The distinction between mutable and immutable objects lies in whether their values can be changed after creation.

Key Differences: Mutable vs. Immutable in Python

FeatureMutable ObjectsImmutable Objects
DefinitionObjects whose value can be modified after creation.Objects whose value cannot be changed once created.
ExamplesLists, dictionaries, setsNumbers (int, float, complex), strings, tuples, frozen sets
Memory UsageChanges are done in-place, potentially saving memory.Modifications create new objects, increasing memory usage.
HashingGenerally not hashable unless contents are also immutable (e.g., a tuple of immutable objects).Hashable, making them suitable as keys in dictionaries.
Thread SafetyRequire explicit synchronization mechanisms for safe concurrent access.Inherently thread-safe as their state cannot change.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Mutable Objects

  • Advantages:

    • Memory Efficiency: In-place modifications can save memory, especially for large data structures.
    • Flexibility: Easily adaptable to changing requirements.
    • Shared State: Useful for objects that need to be modified by multiple parts of a program.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Unexpected Side Effects: Changes in one part of the program can affect other parts that reference the same object.
    • Thread Safety Concerns: Require careful synchronization in multi-threaded environments.

Immutable Objects

  • Advantages:

    • Thread Safety: Inherently safe for concurrent access, simplifying multi-threaded programming.
    • Predictable Behavior: Easier to reason about as their state remains constant.
    • Suitable as Keys: Can be used as keys in dictionaries and Elements in sets.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Memory Overhead: Modifications require creating new objects, potentially leading to higher memory consumption.
    • Less Flexible: Less adaptable to changing requirements.


  • Both mutable and immutable objects are fundamental building blocks in Python.
  • They can be used to store and manipulate data.
  • They can be passed as arguments to functions and returned as results.

FAQs on Mutable and Immutable Objects in Python

  1. Why is it important to understand the difference between mutable and immutable objects?

    • This understanding is crucial for writing correct and efficient code. It helps you avoid unexpected side effects, manage memory usage, and ensure thread safety.
  2. Can an immutable object contain mutable objects?

    • Yes, an immutable object like a tuple can contain mutable objects like lists. However, the tuple itself remains immutable, meaning you can’t change which list is inside the tuple, but you can modify the contents of that list.
  3. Are there performance implications of using mutable or immutable objects?

    • Generally, operations on immutable objects can be faster because their state doesn’t change. However, frequent modifications of immutable objects can lead to memory overhead due to the creation of new objects.
  4. How can I make a mutable object behave like an immutable one?

    • You can use techniques like deep copying to create a new object with the same values but a different identity. This effectively makes it immutable as changes to the copy won’t affect the original.
  5. What are some best practices for working with mutable and immutable objects?

    • Use immutable objects whenever possible for their safety and predictability.
    • Be cautious when modifying mutable objects, especially in shared contexts.
    • Consider using deep copying to create immutable versions of mutable objects when needed.
    • Familiarize yourself with Python’s built-in functions and libraries for working with these object types.

Let me know if you’d like more details or examples on any specific aspect!