Difference between Municipal Corporation and Municipality

Difference between Municipal Corporation and Municipality

A municipal corporation is a type of local government that is responsible for providing services to a city or town. A municipality is a smaller type of local government that is responsible for providing services to a smaller area, such as a village or neighborhood.

There are several key differences between municipal corporations and municipalities. First, municipal corporations have a larger population than municipalities. Second, municipal corporations have more powers than municipalities. Third, municipal corporations have a more complex structure than municipalities.

Key Differences


The population of a municipal corporation is typically much larger than the population of a municipality. For example, the population of the City of Los Angeles is over 3 million people, while the population of the City of Burbank is just over 100,000 people.


Municipal corporations have more powers than municipalities. For example, municipal corporations can levy taxes, issue bonds, and create their own laws. Municipalities, on the other hand, have more limited powers. For example, municipalities can only levy taxes that are authorized by the state government.


Municipal corporations have a more complex structure than municipalities. For example, municipal corporations typically have a mayor, a city council, and a number of other elected officials. Municipalities, on the other hand, typically have a mayor and a city council.


Some examples of municipal corporations include the City of Los Angeles, the City of New York, and the City of Chicago. Some examples of municipalities include the City of Burbank, the City of Glendale, and the City of Pasadena.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a municipal corporation and a municipality?

A municipal corporation is a type of local government that is responsible for providing services to a city or town. A municipality is a smaller type of local government that is responsible for providing services to a smaller area, such as a village or neighborhood.

What are the key differences between municipal corporations and municipalities?

The key differences between municipal corporations and municipalities include population, powers, and structure. Municipal corporations have a larger population, more powers, and a more complex structure than municipalities.

What are some examples of municipal corporations?

Some examples of municipal corporations include the City of Los Angeles, the City of New York, and the City of Chicago.

What are some examples of municipalities?

Some examples of municipalities include the City of Burbank, the City of Glendale, and the City of Pasadena.


  1. Which of the following is a type of local government?
    (A) Municipal corporation
    (B) Municipality
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) Neither (A) nor (B)

  2. Which of the following is a key difference between municipal corporations and municipalities?
    (A) Population
    (B) Powers
    (C) Structure
    (D) All of the above

  3. Which of the following is an example of a municipal corporation?
    (A) The City of Los Angeles
    (B) The City of New York
    (C) The City of Chicago
    (D) All of the above

  4. Which of the following is an example of a municipality?
    (A) The City of Burbank
    (B) The City of Glendale
    (C) The City of Pasadena
    (D) All of the above


In conclusion, there are several key differences between municipal corporations and municipalities. Municipal corporations have a larger population, more powers, and a more complex structure than municipalities.
