Difference between Malloc and calloc

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>differences between malloc and calloc, their pros and cons, similarities, and some frequently asked questions.


In the C programming language, dynamic memory allocation is a crucial concept that allows you to manage memory during the execution of your program. malloc and calloc are two fundamental functions used for this purpose. While they both serve to allocate memory from the heap, they have subtle but important differences.

Key Differences: Malloc vs. Calloc

PurposeAllocates a single block of memory.Allocates multiple blocks of contiguous memory.
ArgumentsTakes one argument: the size of the memory block in bytes.Takes two arguments: the number of blocks and the size of each block in bytes.
InitializationDoes not initialize the allocated memory. The memory contains garbage values.Initializes all bytes of the allocated memory to zero.
Return ValueReturns a void pointer (void *) to the starting address of the allocated memory block.Returns a void pointer (void *) to the starting address of the allocated memory block.
Typical Use CasesUsed when you need to allocate a chunk of memory and don’t care about the initial values.Used when you need to allocate an array or a structure and want all its Elements to be initialized to zero.

Advantages and Disadvantages



  • Faster: Generally faster than calloc since it doesn’t need to initialize memory.
  • Flexibility: Can be used to allocate any size of memory block.


  • Uninitialized Memory: Requires you to initialize the allocated memory yourself if needed.
  • Potential for Errors: If you forget to initialize the memory, you might end up with unexpected values.



  • Zero Initialization: Allocates and initializes memory to zeros, which can be convenient in many scenarios.
  • Reduced Errors: Less chance of errors caused by uninitialized memory.


  • Slower: Can be slightly slower than malloc, especially for large allocations.
  • Limited to Zeroes: Initializes memory only to zero; if you need other initial values, you’ll need additional code.


  • Dynamic Allocation: Both allocate memory dynamically at runtime.
  • Heap Memory: Both allocate memory from the heap.
  • Void Pointer Return: Both return a void pointer that you need to cast to the appropriate data type.
  • Error Handling: Both return NULL if the allocation fails.

FAQs on Malloc and Calloc

1. When should I use malloc and when should I use calloc?

Use malloc when you need a single block of memory and don’t mind (or want to explicitly control) its initial contents. Use calloc when you need multiple contiguous blocks and want them initialized to zero.

2. Can I resize the memory allocated by malloc or calloc?

Yes, you can use the realloc function to resize memory blocks that were previously allocated with either malloc or calloc.

3. What happens if malloc or calloc cannot allocate the requested memory?

They will both return NULL. It’s crucial to always check the return value to handle memory allocation failures gracefully.

4. How do I free the memory allocated by malloc or calloc?

Use the free function to deallocate the memory when you no longer need it.

5. Are there other functions related to dynamic memory allocation in C?

Yes, you have realloc (for resizing), free (for deallocating), and in C++, you have the new and delete operators that provide similar functionality.

Let me know if you’d like a code example or more detailed explanations on any specific aspect!
