Difference between Local and global variable in python

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>h2>Local vs. Global Variables in Python

In Python, variables play a crucial role in storing data. However, depending on where they are defined, their accessibility within your program changes. This concept is known as variable scope. There are two primary types of variable scope in Python: local and global.


  • Local variables: These variables are defined within a function or block of code (like an if statement). They are only accessible within that specific function or block.
  • Global variables: These variables are defined outside of any function or block, at the global level of your program. They can be accessed from anywhere in your code, including inside functions.

This distinction is essential for writing clean, maintainable, and well-organized Python code. Here’s a table summarizing the key differences:

FeatureLocal VariableGlobal Variable
ScopeLimited to the function or blockAccessible from anywhere in the code
DefinitionInside a function or blockOutside all functions and blocks
Access ModifierNo special keyword neededglobal keyword required for modification inside functions
LifetimeExists only during function executionExists for the entire program duration
Examplex = 5 inside a functionmessage = "Hello" outside all functions

Advantages and Disadvantages

Local Variables:


  • Improved Code Readability: Local variables make code easier to understand by keeping the scope of variables limited to a specific function.
  • Reduced Risk of Name Conflicts: Local variables prevent accidental modification of variables with the same name used in different parts of the code.
  • Encapsulation: Local variables promote data encapsulation, where data is protected within the function and not easily accessible from outside.


  • Limited Accessibility: Local variables can only be accessed within their scope, which might require passing them as arguments if needed in other functions.

Global Variables:


  • Shared Data Across Functions: Global variables can be a quick way to share data between different parts of your program without the need for constant argument passing.


  • Reduced Readability: Global variables can make code harder to understand as their origin and usage might not be immediately clear.
  • Increased Risk of Name Conflicts: Since they are accessible everywhere, global variables can lead to unintended modifications and unexpected behavior.
  • Tight Coupling: Global variables create dependencies between different parts of the code, making it difficult to test and maintain individual functions.

Similarities Between Local and Global Variables

  • Both local and global variables can store any data type supported by Python (integers, strings, lists, etc.).
  • Both can be assigned values using the assignment operator (=).
  • Both can be reassigned new values throughout the program.

FAQs on Local and Global Variables

  • When to use local variables?

Use local variables whenever possible. They promote code readability, reduce the risk of name conflicts, and encourage better code organization.

  • When to use global variables?

Global variables should be used sparingly. Consider them only if data truly needs to be shared across the entire program, and no alternative approach like argument passing or object-oriented programming techniques exists.

  • Can I modify a global variable inside a function?

Yes, but you need to declare the variable as global using the global keyword before modifying it. However, this is generally discouraged due to the potential drawbacks mentioned earlier.

  • What are the alternatives to global variables?

  • Function arguments: Pass data as arguments to functions that need it.

  • Return values: Functions can return data that can be used by other parts of the code.

  • Classes and objects: In object-oriented programming, data can be stored within objects and accessed through methods, promoting better encapsulation and organization.


Understanding local and global variables is essential for effective Python programming. By leveraging local variables for most scenarios and using global variables judiciously, you can write cleaner, more maintainable, and less error-prone code. Remember, local variables are generally preferred for their advantages, while global variables should be used cautiously and only when necessary.