Difference between Jquery hide and jquery remove methods in jquery

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>the jQuery hide and remove methods, structured as you requested:


jQuery, a popular JavaScript library, simplifies how we interact with HTML Elements on a webpage. Two fundamental methods, .hide() and .remove(), offer distinct ways to manipulate the visibility and existence of elements within the Document Object Model (DOM).

Key Difference (Table Format)

ActionMakes elements invisible.Deletes elements from the DOM.
DOM ImpactElements remain in the DOM, taking up space but not visible.Elements are completely removed, freeing up space.
EventsEvent handlers on hidden elements are preserved.Event handlers on removed elements are destroyed.
PerformanceGenerally faster, as it’s a CSS manipulation.Can be slower, especially with large numbers of elements.
ReversalEasily reversed using .show().Requires re-creating the element to bring it back.

Advantages and Disadvantages

jQuery .hide()

  • Advantages:
    • Simple to use and understand.
    • Retains element’s data and event handlers.
    • Quick and efficient for toggling visibility.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Hidden elements still occupy space in the layout.
    • Not suitable if you need to completely remove elements.

jQuery .remove()

  • Advantages:
    • Frees up memory and Resources by removing elements.
    • Useful for dynamic content updates.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Destroys event handlers associated with the elements.
    • Requires re-creating elements if you want them back.


  • Both methods are chainable with other jQuery functions.
  • Both can be applied to single or multiple elements selected using selectors.
  • Both can accept optional callback functions to be executed after the action.


1. When should I use .hide() instead of .remove()?

Use .hide() when you want to temporarily make elements invisible, perhaps for toggling content or creating visual effects. Use .remove() when you want to permanently delete elements from the page.

2. Can I undo .remove()?

While you cannot directly undo .remove(), you can store a reference to the removed element and then re-insert it into the DOM later. However, this might be less efficient than simply hiding and showing the element.

3. Does .hide() affect the element’s children?

Yes, .hide() hides the selected element and all its descendants. To hide only the element itself, you can use .css('visibility', 'hidden') instead.

4. How can I remove an element’s content without removing the element itself?

You can use the .empty() method to remove all child nodes and text content from an element while keeping the element itself in the DOM.

5. Is it better to use .hide() or set display: none in CSS directly?

Using .hide() is often more convenient, especially when you need to manipulate elements dynamically based on user interactions or other events. Setting display: none in CSS is more suitable for static styling or initial page setup.

Example Usage

// Hide a paragraph

// Remove a button

Let me know if you’d like more examples or have any further questions!
