Difference between Inheritance and composition in java

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>nuances of inheritance and composition in Java, presenting the information in an organized way.


Java, being an object-oriented programming language, provides mechanisms for establishing relationships between classes. Two prominent relationships are inheritance and composition.

  • Inheritance: Establishes a “is-a” relationship. A new class (subclass or child class) is derived from an existing class (superclass or parent class), inheriting its attributes and behaviors.
  • Composition: Establishes a “has-a” relationship. A class contains objects of other classes as its members, allowing it to utilize their functionalities.

Key Differences: Inheritance vs. Composition

MechanismSubclass extends superclassClass contains objects of other classes
Code ReusabilityHigh (subclass inherits from superclass)Moderate (reuse through contained objects)
FlexibilityLess flexible (changes to superclass affect all subclasses)More flexible (can change contained objects without affecting the main class)
DependencyStrong dependency between subclass and superclassWeaker dependency between classes
Exampleclass Car extends Vehicleclass Car { Engine engine; }

Advantages and Disadvantages


– Promotes code reusability and reduces redundancy– Tight coupling between parent and child classes can make the code less flexible.
– Supports the concept of polymorphism– Can lead to complex inheritance hierarchies that are hard to maintain.
– Provides a clear hierarchical structure– Doesn’t work well when the relationship between classes isn’t strictly hierarchical.


– Offers greater flexibility as the relationships between classes are looser.– Requires more initial setup as you need to explicitly define the relationships between objects.
– Promotes encapsulation by keeping classes focused on specific responsibilities.– Can lead to a larger number of objects to manage.
– Easier to test and maintain individual classes.– May require more complex object interactions to achieve certain functionalities.


  • Both are fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming.
  • Both provide mechanisms for code reuse.
  • Both are used to build complex systems by combining simpler components.


  1. When should I use inheritance over composition?
    Use inheritance when there’s a clear “is-a” relationship and the subclass needs to inherit the behaviors of the superclass. Use composition when there’s a “has-a” relationship and the class needs to utilize the functionality of other classes.

  2. Can a class have both inheritance and composition?
    Yes, A class can inherit from another class and also contain objects of other classes.

  3. Does Java support multiple inheritance?
    No, Java does not directly support multiple inheritance to avoid ambiguity (the “diamond problem”). However, it can be simulated using interfaces.

  4. Is composition always better than inheritance?
    Not necessarily. The best choice depends on the specific problem and the relationship between the classes. Composition is generally preferred for more flexible and loosely coupled designs.

  5. How does inheritance affect polymorphism in Java?
    Inheritance is the basis of polymorphism in Java. By creating subclasses that override methods from the superclass, you can achieve runtime polymorphism, where the method executed depends on the actual object type.

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