Difference between Dataclass vs namedtuple vs object in python

<<2/”>a href=”https://exam.pscnotes.com/5653-2/”>p>Let’s break down the differences, similarities, pros, cons, and FAQs surrounding dataclass, namedtuple, and object in Python.


Python offers various ways to structure and organize data. dataclass, namedtuple, and regular object (class) are three such mechanisms, each with its own strengths and use cases.

Key Differences

FeatureDataclass (@dataclass)Namedtuple (collections.namedtuple)Object (Regular Class)
MutabilityMutable (by default)ImmutableMutable (by default)
TypingStrong typing with hintsLess strong typingVaries, needs manual type hints
Memory EfficiencyLess efficient than tupleMore efficient than dataclassCan be optimized based on implementation
Ease of UseVery easy with decoratorEasy with factory functionMost flexible, requires more code
InheritanceSupportedLimited supportFully supported
Default MethodsMany (e.g., __eq__)Some (__getitem__, __iter__)Requires manual implementation
RepresentationReadable (__repr__)Readable (__repr__)Varies, needs manual __repr__

Advantages and Disadvantages

Dataclass– Easy to define and use– Less memory efficient than namedtuple
– Strong typing for better code maintainability– Mutable by default (can be made immutable with frozen=True)
– Automatic generation of common methods (__init__, __repr__, __eq__, etc.)
Namedtuple– Immutable, safer for concurrent operations– Less flexible than dataclasses and objects
– Memory efficient– Typing not as strong as dataclasses
– Can be used as dictionary keys
Object (Class)– Most flexible, full control over behavior– Requires more code to define and implement
– Can model complex relationships and behaviors– No automatic generation of common methods


  • All three are used to structure data in Python.
  • All can be used in collections (lists, dictionaries, etc.).
  • All support attribute access (e.g., my_object.attribute).


1. When should I use a dataclass?

Dataclasses are ideal when you need a simple, easy-to-use way to define data structures with type hints and common methods. They are a great replacement for plain classes when you primarily need to store and access data.

2. When should I use a namedtuple?

Use namedtuples when you need an immutable data structure with memory efficiency and the ability to be used as dictionary keys. They are less flexible than dataclasses but offer performance benefits.

3. When should I use a regular object (class)?

Use a regular class when you need maximum flexibility and control over your data structure’s behavior. Classes are ideal for modeling complex relationships and implementing custom methods.

4. Can I make a dataclass immutable?

Yes, you can make a dataclass immutable by adding frozen=True to the @dataclass decorator.

5. Can I inherit from a namedtuple?

While inheritance from namedtuples is possible, it’s often not recommended due to limitations and potential issues. Consider using a dataclass or regular class for inheritance scenarios.

Let me know if you’d like a deeper dive into any of these topics or have more questions.