Difference between Buddhism and Hinduism

BuddhismBuddhism-and-HinduismHinduism-2Difference between Buddhism and Hinduism

Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the world’s oldest religions, and they share many similarities. Both religions originated in India, and they both have a rich history and tradition. However, there are also some key differences between Buddhism and Hinduism.


One of the most important differences between Buddhism and Hinduism is their view of the world. Buddhism teaches that the world is impermanent and full of suffering. Hindus, on the other hand, believe that the world is eternal and that it is possible to achieve moksha, or liberation from suffering.

Another key Difference between Buddhism and Hinduism is their view of the afterlife. Buddhists believe that there is no soul, and that when a person dies, their consciousness is extinguished. Hindus, on the other hand, believe that there is a soul, and that it can be reborn into different bodies.

Finally, Buddhism and Hinduism have different views on the role of rituals and practices. Buddhism is a non-theistic religion, which means that it does not believe in a personal god. As a result, Buddhism does not have many rituals or practices. Hinduism, on the other hand, is a polytheistic religion, which means that it believes in many gods. Hinduism has many rituals and practices, which are designed to please the gods and achieve moksha.

  • Origins and Founders
  • Beliefs about God(s) and Creation
  • The Ultimate Goal
  • The Path to Liberation
  • Practices and Rituals
  • Social Structure and Hierarchy
  • Spread and Influence

Foundational Figures:

Hinduism lacks a single founder, instead tracing its roots to a vast collection of ancient texts like the VedasVedas and UpanishadsUpanishads. Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha (“enlightened one”), is the central figure in Buddhism.

Divine Reality:

Hindus believe in a supreme reality (Brahman) that manifests in multiple forms (devas). Buddhists generally reject the idea of a creator God, focusing on impersonal laws of karma and rebirth.

Ultimate Goal:

Both traditions seek liberation from suffering. In Hinduism, moksha refers to liberation from the cycle of rebirth and reunion with the divine. For Buddhists, nirvana is liberation from suffering through extinguishing desires and achieving enlightenment.

The Path to Liberation:

Hinduism offers multiple paths to moksha, including devotion (bhakti), knowledge (jnana), and action (karma). The Eightfold Path guides Buddhists towards nirvana, emphasizing right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.

Practices and Rituals:

Hindu practices encompass rituals (puja), pilgrimages (yatra), and festivals (Diwali, Holi). Meditation (dhyana) is also important. Buddhist practice centers around the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma (teachings), and Sangha (community). Meditation forms a core practice, with various schools emphasizing different techniques.

Social Hierarchy:

Hindu society traditionally had a caste system, with Social Classes determining roles and occupations. Buddhism emphasizes EqualityEquality, although monastic hierarchies may exist.

Global Influence:

Hinduism remains largely an Indian religion, though with a growing diaspora. Buddhism spread across Asia, with major traditions like Theravada and Mahayana taking root in different regions.


1. What is the difference between Buddhism and Hinduism?

Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the world’s oldest religions, and they share many similarities. However, there are also some key differences between Buddhism and Hinduism. One of the most important differences is their view of the world. Buddhism teaches that the world is impermanent and full of suffering. Hindus, on the other hand, believe that the world is eternal and that it is possible to achieve moksha, or liberation from suffering.

2. Which religion is older, Buddhism or Hinduism?

Hinduism is older than Buddhism. Hinduism is believed to have originated in India around 1500 BCE, while Buddhism is believed to have originated in India around 500 BCE.

3. What are the similarities between Buddhism and Hinduism?

Both Buddhism and Hinduism originated in India, and they both have a rich history and tradition. They also both have a belief in karma, which is the law of cause and effect.

4. What are the differences between Buddhism and Hinduism?

One of the most important differences is their view of the world. Buddhism teaches that the world is impermanent and full of suffering. Hindus, on the other hand, believe that the world is eternal and that it is possible to achieve moksha, or liberation from suffering.

5. Which religion is more popular, Buddhism or Hinduism?

Hinduism is more popular than Buddhism. There are over 1 billion Hindus in the world, while there are only about 500 million Buddhists.

6. Are Hinduism and Buddhism the same religion?

Though they share some roots, Hinduism and Buddhism are distinct religions with different philosophies and practices.

7. What are the key differences in their founding figures?

 Hinduism has no single founder, while Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, is the central figure in Buddhism.

8. How do these religions view God(s)?

 Hindus believe in a supreme reality with multiple forms, while Buddhists generally don’t subscribe to a creator God.

9. What is the ultimate goal for followers of each religion?

 Both aim for liberation from suffering. In Hinduism, it’s called moksha (freedom from rebirth), while Buddhists seek nirvana (enlightenment and extinguishing desires).

10. How do they achieve liberation?

 Hinduism offers various paths (devotion, knowledge, action), while Buddhism follows the Eightfold Path (right view, right intention, etc.).

11. Are there any social differences between these religions?

 Traditionally, Hinduism had a caste system, while Buddhism emphasizes Equality.


Which religion is older, Buddhism or Hinduism?

  • (a) Buddhism
  • (b) Hinduism
  • (CC) Both are equally old.

What are the similarities between Buddhism and Hinduism?

  • (a) Both originated in India.
  • (b) Both have a rich history and tradition.
  • (C) Both have a belief in karma.

What are the differences between Buddhism and Hinduism?

  • (a) Buddhism teaches that the world is impermanent and full of suffering, while Hinduism teaches that the world is eternal and that it is possible to achieve moksha.
  • (b) Buddhism is a non-theistic religion, while Hinduism is a polytheistic religion.
  • (c) Buddhism does not have many rituals or practices, while Hinduism has many rituals and practices.

Which religion is more popular, Buddhism or Hinduism?

  • (a) Buddhism
  • (b) Hinduism
  • (c) Both are equally popular.

What is the ultimate goal of life in these two religions?

  • (a) Nirvana
  • (b) Moksha
  • (c) Salvation

Which religion believes in the concept of reincarnation?

  • a) Buddhism
  • b) Hinduism
  • c) Both

Who is considered the founder of Buddhism?

  • (a) Buddha
  • (b) Vishnu
  • (c) Shiva

Which religious text is central to Hinduism?

  • (a) Vedas
  • (b) Tripitaka
  • (c) Dhammapada

Which religion emphasizes the Four Noble Truths?

  • (a) Buddhism
  • (b) Hinduism
  • (c) Both

Which term refers to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth?

  • (a) Samsara
  • (b) Karma
  • (c) Dharma

Which religion follows the Eightfold Path as a way to achieve enlightenment?

  • (a) Hinduism
  • (b) Buddhism
  • (c) Both

Which deity is central to Hinduism and is often associated with creation?

  • (a) Brahma
  • (b) Vishnu
  • (c) Shiva

Which religion believes in the concept of an eternal soul (atman)?

  • (a) Hinduism
  • (b) Buddhism
  • (c) Both

Which religion originated in India around the 6th century BCE?

  • (a) Buddhism
  • (b) Hinduism
  • (c) Both

