Development of Sociological Thought in India

Development of Sociological Thought in India

Sociology is the general study of social life, groups and societies. Sociology is a humanistic social science .It study the behavior of human beings in Society. Sociology is concerned with social relationships of man with man and social interactions. It is the scientific study of social relationships, their variety, their forms and whatever affects them. It aims to study social action, not in its economic, political, religious or ethical sense, but the way it influences the social behaviour. It is the social nature of human action that concerns sociologists. Sociology is the science of social reality and Social Institutions. As a science of society, sociology studies social institutions, social groups, Social Processes and social organizations.

Written records about the Indian Society can be traced back to the ancient Indian mythological, religious and spiritual texts such as the Veda, Upanishads, Pura nas, Smritis, writings of Kautilya and Sukracharya that talk volumes about rites, laws, customs, economy, Polity, culture, morality, aesthetics and science.

All these writings are replete with insights concerning social order and stability, mobility, human interrelationship and social governance For instance Kautilya‟s rtha Shastra is a monumental treatise on political economy and Shukracharya‟s Niti Shastra offers vast wisdom on morality, social customs, ethics, folkways and mores.

“Charaksamhita” of 8 century B.C advise the healers to take into account the norms, values and customs of the people who would come to them.

Most of the classical accounts of Indian Society can be found in the writings of Meghasthenes, the Greek ambassador to the court of Chandragupta Maurya. Detailed socio-cultural description of Indian society is also found in the works of three Chinese Travelers,Fa-Hien(400-411 A.D),Yoan Change (624-644 AD) and 1-Tsing (671-695 AD).

Also a sociological approach may be marked in the famous Aarab traveler Al-Bironi‟s (973-1030) description of the social life and customs of the people. Valuable information on socio-cultural conditions and daily life of people of India are available from the narratives of Ibn Batutta (1333-1347) Famous Muslim scholar in Akbar‟s court (1556-1605) but Fazal is known for his work “ in-i- kbari” It gives a wonderful description of society in all its aspects in kbar‟s time bd-al-Rahman Ibn-khaldun (1332-1406) the famous Islam scholar is known for his popular treatise “Muqaddamah” where he describes the rise and fall of states and gives Stress on geographical and climatic factors as causes of Social Change. However the above scholars were not sociologists in the modern sense. But they were keen observers of social life and society and thereby providing valuable material for sociology.

During British period, Missionaries and British officials made earnest effort to study the social life and culture of people of India. Dr. François Buchanan conducted an ethnographic survey of Bengal in 1807 which is still considered as a brilliant work of sociological importance.

Sociology emerged as a separate academic discipline in Indian universities in the 1 half of 20 century. At the beginning it was associated with Anthropology. However, the Growth of sociology and anthropology passed through three phases such as.

  1. First phase – 1773-1900.
  2. Second phase – 1901-1950.
  3. Third phase – 1950 till date.

The first department of sociology started in Bombay University in 1919 followed by the University of Lucknow in 1920s. Osmania University offered sociology as one of the Options at B.A level in 1928 and as an independent MA programme in 1946. Subsequently, other Indian universities started opening Sociology as a PG program after Independence.,

Sociological thought in India has a long and rich history. It can be traced back to the ancient Vedic texts, which were written over 3,000 years ago. These texts contain a wealth of information on social organization, religion, and philosophy.

In the medieval period, Indian thought was influenced by the Islamic invasions. The Muslim rulers brought with them their own ideas about society and religion, which had a profound impact on Indian thought.

The colonial period saw the introduction of Western ideas about society and social organization. These ideas were often in conflict with traditional Indian values, and this led to a great deal of debate and discussion.

After independence, Indian sociologists began to develop their own unique approach to sociology. They drew on both traditional Indian thought and Western ideas, and they developed a body of work that is both distinctive and valuable.

Contemporary Indian sociology is concerned with a wide range of issues, including social inequality, POVERTY, development, and Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization. Indian sociologists are also working to develop new theoretical frameworks that can be used to understand the complex social changes that are taking place in India.

The development of sociological thought in India is a fascinating and important topic. It is a topic that is still evolving, as India continues to develop and change.

Here are some of the key thinkers in the development of sociological thought in India:

  • Rammohun Roy (1772-1833) was a Bengali polymath who is considered to be the father of modern Indian thought. He was a social reformer, religious thinker, and political activist. He is best known for his work on religious Tolerance and social reform.
  • Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay (1838-1894) was a Bengali writer, poet, and social reformer. He is considered to be one of the pioneers of modern Indian Literature. He is best known for his novel Anandamath, which is considered to be the first Indian nationalist novel.
  • Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) was a lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and civil rights activist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from British rule. He is internationally honored for his philosophy of nonviolence and his Leadership of the Indian independence movement.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964) was the first Prime Minister of India. He was a leading figure in the Indian independence movement and a principal architect of the Republic of India. He is best known for his role in leading India to independence and for his contributions to the development of Indian Democracy.
  • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (1891-1956) was an Indian jurist, economist, politician, and social reformer who campaigned against social discrimination against Dalits, Women, and labor. He was the principal architect of the Constitution of India and is considered to be the father of the Indian Constitution.
  • M.N. Roy (1887-1954) was an Indian revolutionary, politician, and philosopher. He was one of the founders of the Communist Party of India and the Indian National Congress. He is best known for his work on Marxist theory and his contributions to the development of Indian nationalism.
  • D.R. Ambedkar (1891-1956) was an Indian jurist, economist, politician, and social reformer who campaigned against social discrimination against Dalits, women, and labor. He was the principal architect of the Constitution of India and is considered to be the father of the Indian Constitution.
  • Amartya Sen (born 1933) is an Indian economist and philosopher who has made contributions to welfare economics, social choice theory, economic and social Justice, economic theories of famines, and indexes of the measure of well-being of citizens of developing countries. Sen was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1998 for his work in welfare economics.

These are just a few of the many important thinkers who have contributed to the development of sociological thought in India. The field of sociology in India is still relatively young, but it has already made significant contributions to our understanding of society.

What is sociology?
Sociology is the study of human social behavior and its origins, development, organizations, and institutions. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, social change, and social problems.

What are the different branches of sociology?
The main branches of sociology are:
* Social theory: This branch of sociology deals with the development of theories about society and social behavior.
* Social structure: This branch of sociology deals with the study of the social structures that make up society, such as Social Classes, social groups, and social institutions.
* Social change: This branch of sociology deals with the study of how society changes over time.
* Social problems: This branch of sociology deals with the study of social problems, such as poverty, crime, and discrimination.

What are some of the key concepts in sociology?
Some of the key concepts in sociology include:
* Social structure: This refers to the way in which society is organized and how people interact with each other.
* Social class: This refers to a group of people who share a similar economic position in society.
* Social group: This refers to a group of people who share a common characteristic, such as race, ethnicity, or religion.
* Social institution: This refers to a set of social norms and values that are organized to meet the basic needs of society, such as the family, the economy, and the government.
* Social change: This refers to the process by which society changes over time.
* Social problem: This refers to a condition that is harmful to society and that needs to be addressed.

What are some of the major sociological theories?
Some of the major sociological theories include:
* Functionalism: This theory argues that society is a complex system of interrelated parts that work together to meet the basic needs of society.
* Conflict theory: This theory argues that society is divided into groups with different interests, and that these groups are in conflict with each other.
* Symbolic interactionism: This theory argues that society is a product of the interactions between individuals.
* Feminist theory: This theory argues that society is patriarchal, and that this has a negative impact on women.
* Postmodern theory: This theory argues that society is fragmented and that there is no single truth.

What are some of the major sociological research methods?
Some of the major sociological research methods include:
* Surveys: This is a method of collecting data by asking people questions.
* Interviews: This is a method of collecting data by talking to people in person or over the phone.
* Observation: This is a method of collecting data by watching people in their natural settings.
* Content analysis: This is a method of collecting data by analyzing written or visual materials.
* Experiments: This is a method of collecting data by manipulating one variable and observing the effect on another variable.

What are some of the major contributions of sociology?
Sociology has made a number of important contributions to our understanding of society. These include:
* The development of a body of knowledge about social order, social change, and social problems.
* The development of a number of sociological theories that help us to understand society.
* The development of a number of sociological research methods that allow us to collect data about society.
* The application of sociological knowledge to the solution of social problems.

What are some of the challenges facing sociology?
Some of the challenges facing sociology include:
* The difficulty of studying a complex and ever-changing society.
* The challenge of developing theories that can explain a wide range of social phenomena.
* The challenge of conducting research that is both valid and reliable.
* The challenge of applying sociological knowledge to the solution of social problems.

What is the future of sociology?
The future of sociology is uncertain. However, sociology is a valuable tool for understanding society and solving social problems. It is likely that sociology will continue to play an important role in the 21st century.

  1. Which of the following is not a major sociological theory?
    (A) Functionalism
    (B) Conflict theory
    (C) Marxism
    (D) Development of Sociological Thought in India

  2. Which of the following is not a major sociological concept?
    (A) Social structure
    (B) Socialization
    (C) Deviance
    (D) Development of Sociological Thought in India

  3. Which of the following is not a major sociological research method?
    (A) Survey
    (B) Experiment
    (C) Participant observation
    (D) Development of Sociological Thought in India

  4. Which of the following is not a major sociological issue?
    (A) Poverty
    (B) Inequality
    (C) Crime
    (D) Development of Sociological Thought in India

  5. Which of the following is not a major sociological institution?
    (A) Family
    (B) Religion
    (C) Education
    (D) Development of Sociological Thought in India

  6. Which of the following is not a major sociological perspective?
    (A) Macro
    (B) Micro
    (C) Symbolic interactionism
    (D) Development of Sociological Thought in India

  7. Which of the following is not a major sociological theorist?
    (A) Max Weber
    (B) Émile Durkheim
    (C) Karl Marx
    (D) Development of Sociological Thought in India

  8. Which of the following is not a major sociological journal?
    (A) American Sociological Review
    (B) American Journal of Sociology
    (C) Sociology of Education
    (D) Development of Sociological Thought in India

  9. Which of the following is not a major sociological association?
    (A) American Sociological Association
    (B) British Sociological Association
    (C) Canadian Sociological Association
    (D) Development of Sociological Thought in India

  10. Which of the following is not a major sociological textbook?
    (A) Sociology: The Basics by Anthony Giddens
    (B) The Sociological Imagination by C. Wright Mills
    (C) Social Theory by Anthony Giddens
    (D) Development of Sociological Thought in India