Development of Posts and Telegraph in British India

Development Of Posts And Telegraph:-



Britain’s involvement in the postal Services of India began in the eighteenth century. Initially the service was administered by the East India Company who established post offices in Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta (now Kolkata) between 1764 and 1766.

East India Company and the British Post Office in India:-

Warren Hastings (Governor General of British India from 1773-1784) opened the posts to the public in March 1774. Prior to this the main purpose of the postal system had been to serve the commercial interests of the East India Company. Serving economic and political needs of the ruling authority remained a driving force in the development of the postal service.

Post Office Act (1837) reserved the government the exclusive right to convey letters in the territories of the East India Company.

In 1850 a report was commissioned into the working of the Post Office in India. This report introduced uniform postage rates dependent on weight alone (previously charges had been calculated on weight and distance). It recommended that a Manual of Instructions be supplied to postmasters to encourage uniformity of practice. The recommendations of this report led to the introduction of Act XVII in 1854. However the reforms had a mixed success with some areas persisting in old practices.

From the late eighteenth century political power began to slip away from the East India Company. The Company was finally abolished in 1858 and India became a Crown colony ruled directly by Parliament.


The first postal stamp in India was introduced on 1 July 1852 in the Scinde district. In 1854 the introduction of uniform postage rates led to the development of the first postage stamps valid for use throughout India. As with the introduction of uniform postage in Britain this led to a rapid increase in use of the postal system. The volume of mail doubled between 1854 and 1866, and again between 1866 and 1871.

The first pictorial stamps were issued in 1931. There was a victory issue in 1946, followed shortly by a first Dominion issue. The three stamps in the Dominion issue depicted the Ashoka Pillar, the new flag of India, and an aeroplane.



Mail Communications with England:-

In addition to the managing the postal services of British India, the Post Office was involved in the transmission of correspondence between England and India.

In the 1820s Thomas Waghorn began investigations into improving mail routes between England and India. This led to the establishment of the overland route between Alexandria and Suez. Mails had previously taken three months to reach England, but Waghorn’s letters accomplished the same journey in just 35 days. Letters conveyed by Waghorn carried their own cachet ‘Care of Mr Waghorn’. After ten years of Waghorn’s efforts the British Government and the East India Company were convinced of the viability of this route and took it over.

The India Mail Service carried diplomatic mail between the two countries. This service involved specially appointed Post Office staff of higher grades accompanying the mail from London to Marseilles where responsibility would be transferred to the P&O purser of the ship bound for India. These staff was referred to as India Mail Officers.




Already in 1849 the East India Company had decided to construct a telegraph system along the railway lines. The telegraph became an urgent necessity on account of the Afghan war and the impending war with Burma. The first line, between Calcutta and Diamond Harbour, opened in 1851 and was used to send shipping news from the coasts to Calcutta. The major lines were completed before 1855. This remarkable speed of construction resulted from both strategic needs and Lord Dalhousie’s personal interest in the plan. The telegraph was a private enterprise in England and the United States and a state enterprise in continental Europe. In India it turned out to be a state enterprise for military reasons, despite Dalhousie’s general aversion to state monopolies.

Development in Telegraph system took place in the mid nineteenth century. Telegraph Communication was essential for effective and safe railway signalling. In 1851 telegraphs had been extended over 4,250 miles of India. This linked forty-six receiving stations. They were from Calcutta to Agra and the northwest. It connected Bombay, Madras and Ootacamund. There were around 17,500 miles of telegraph lines by 1865. By the end of the century it reached 52,900 miles. India’s 100,000 lines carried 17 million telegraphic messages a year by the early twentieth century.

The telegraph rose directly from political imperatives. Telegraph system was basically a response to the need for a rapid and reliable system of information. These telegraph lines demonstrated their importance by carrying their authority’s early intimations of the up-country revolt in May 1857. In India it turned out to be a state enterprise for military reasons, despite Dalhousie’s general aversion to state monopolies. By 1857 the telegraph had proved itself a critical military tool. Not surprisingly, it symbolized evil for the mutineers. With vengeance, they destroyed telegraph establishments wherever they could (and never used it to their advantage). With this lesson behind itself, the Crown rule saw massive expansion of the telegraph system within the country and between India and Europe. From then onward, the commercial uses of the telegraphs began to overwhelm strategic needs, leading to extremely rapid Growth in the use of the system.

This system was also adopted by Indian and European businessmen. By the early twentieth century the government officials and nationalist politicians was unable to function without telegrams. The telegraph system incorporated India into administrative and commercial Network once submarine cables were completed between India and Britain in 1870.

There was also a personal interest involved in the rapid construction of the telegraph system in India in the 1850s. O’Shaughnessy had built a 21 mile long experimental line near Kolkata. This was protected from the effects of tropical heat and humidity by using thicker cables. He showed how electrical signals could be sent over long distances in India. The telegraph system was basically an imported technology. Local expertise and the political patronage that this imported technology had received speeded its adoption and adaptation to the local conditions.


Impact of Modern Communication and Transport

Negative Impact

  • The colonial exploitation of India got accelerated and India was quickly turned into an exporter of raw materials to feed the British industries and as a market for their finished goods. In a way, they had hampered the growth of indigenous industries in India.
  • Investment of British capital in this sector, amounted to a sizable drain of wealth in the form of interest payments
  • The efficient network of railways and telegraphs had helped the British to easily suppress many internal rebellions, including the Revolt of 1857, and strengthen the imperial control.

Positive Impact

  • The railway network had increased the contact among people at an unprecedented level.
  • Posts and telegraph network were useful for spreading patriotic ideas.
  • The growth of Indian nationalism was attributed to the advent of a modern network of communications and transport.
  • Indian agriculture witnessed a structural transformation with an increase in the cultivation of Cash Crops such as Cotton, jute, tea etc.
  • It also gave rise to a new class – the working class or the proletariat which in later years played a significant role in freedom struggle.


The development of posts and telegraph in British India can be divided into the following subtopics:

  • Early history

The first postal service in India was established by the Mughal emperor Akbar in the 16th century. This service was used to carry official correspondence and was operated by a network of runners.

The Mughal postal service was a well-organized system that used a network of runners to deliver mail. The runners were divided into different categories, based on their speed and distance. The fastest runners were called “dakchis” and they could cover a distance of up to 100 miles in a day. The slower runners were called “chaukidars” and they could cover a distance of up to 50 miles in a day.

The Mughal postal service was used to carry official correspondence, as well as private letters. The service was reliable and efficient, and it played an important role in the administration of the Mughal Empire.

  • British East India Company

The British East India Company took over the Mughal postal service in the 18th century. The company improved the service by introducing a system of post offices and by using horses and carriages to carry mail.

The British East India Company established a network of post offices throughout India. The post offices were used to collect and deliver mail, as well as to provide other services, such as Money transfer and telegraph services.

The British East India Company also introduced a system of mail trains. The mail trains were used to carry mail between major cities in India. The mail trains were a faster and more efficient way to deliver mail than the previous system of runners.

  • British Raj

The British government took over the postal service from the British East India Company in the 19th century. The government further improved the service by introducing a system of mail trains and by building a network of telegraph lines.

The British government continued to expand the network of post offices and telegraph offices. The government also introduced new technologies, such as the use of steamships to carry mail.

The British government also introduced a system of postal codes. The postal codes were used to identify the location of post offices. The postal codes made it easier to deliver mail and to track the movement of mail.

  • Independence

After India gained independence in 1947, the Indian government took over the postal and telegraph services. The government continued to improve the services by introducing new technologies and by expanding the network of post offices and telegraph offices.

The Indian government introduced a number of new technologies, such as the use of computers and the Internet. The government also expanded the network of post offices and telegraph offices. The government also introduced a number of new services, such as e-mail and E-Commerce.

  • Present day

The postal and telegraph services in India are now operated by the Department of Posts and the Department of Telecommunications. These departments are responsible for providing a wide range of services, including mail delivery, parcel delivery, money transfer, and telegraph services.

The Department of Posts is responsible for providing mail delivery services. The department operates a network of post offices throughout India. The post offices are used to collect and deliver mail, as well as to provide other services, such as money transfer and telegraph services.

The Department of Telecommunications is responsible for providing telecommunications services. The department operates a network of telegraph offices throughout India. The telegraph offices are used to send and receive telegrams.

The postal and telegraph services in India are an important part of the country’s Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE. The services play an important role in the economy and in the lives of the people of India.

What is the history of the postal service in India?

The postal service in India has a long and rich history, dating back to the Mughal Empire. The first postal system in India was established by the Mughal emperor Akbar in the 16th century. The system was based on a network of couriers who would carry messages on foot or horseback.

In the 18th century, the British East India Company took over the postal system in India. The company established a network of post offices throughout the country. The post offices were used to send letters, parcels, and money orders.

In the 19th century, the British government took over the postal system in India. The government made a number of improvements to the system, including introducing a uniform postage rate and opening more post offices.

In the 20th century, the postal service in India continued to grow and improve. The government introduced new services, such as airmail and parcel post. The government also opened more post offices in rural areas.

Today, the postal service in India is one of the largest and most efficient in the world. The system is used by millions of people every day to send letters, parcels, and money orders.

What is the history of the telegraph in India?

The telegraph was first introduced to India in the 1830s. The first telegraph line was built between Calcutta and Diamond Harbour. The line was used to send messages about the arrival and departure of ships.

In the 1850s, the British government began to build a network of telegraph lines throughout India. The lines were used to send messages about military and political events.

In the 1860s, the telegraph was opened to the public. The public could use the telegraph to send messages to friends and family.

The telegraph played an important role in the development of India. The telegraph allowed people to communicate with each other over long distances. This helped to improve Trade and Commerce. The telegraph also helped to spread news and information.

What are the benefits of the postal service?

The postal service provides a number of benefits to the people of India. The postal service allows people to send letters, parcels, and money orders to friends and family. The postal service also provides a number of other services, such as bill payment and passport application.

The postal service is an important part of the Indian economy. The postal service employs millions of people and generates billions of rupees in revenue each year.

The postal service is also an important part of the Indian social fabric. The postal service provides a way for people to stay connected with each other, even when they are far apart.

What are the challenges facing the postal service?

The postal service is facing a number of challenges, including competition from private courier companies, declining mail volumes, and rising costs.

Private courier companies are offering faster and more reliable services than the postal service. This is leading to a decline in mail volumes for the postal service.

The postal service is also facing rising costs. The cost of fuel, paper, and other supplies is increasing. This is making it difficult for the postal service to maintain its services.

The postal service is also facing challenges from new technologies, such as email and Social Media. These technologies are making it easier for people to communicate with each other without using the postal service.

Despite these challenges, the postal service remains an important part of the Indian economy and Society. The postal service is committed to providing quality services to the people of India.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the development of posts and telegraph in British India:

  1. The first postal service in India was established in the year:
    (a) 1774
    (b) 1854
    (c) 1861
    (d) 1876

  2. The first telegraph line in India was established in the year:
    (a) 1854
    (b) 1861
    (c) 1876
    (d) 1885

  3. The first telephone service in India was established in the year:
    (a) 1885
    (b) 1892
    (c) 1902
    (d) 1912

  4. The first wireless telegraph service in India was established in the year:
    (a) 1892
    (b) 1902
    (c) 1912
    (d) 1922

  5. The first airmail service in India was established in the year:
    (a) 1911
    (b) 1914
    (c) 1917
    (d) 1920

  6. The first post office in India was located in the city of:
    (a) Calcutta
    (b) Bombay
    (c) Madras
    (d) Delhi

  7. The first telegraph office in India was located in the city of:
    (a) Calcutta
    (b) Bombay
    (c) Madras
    (d) Delhi

  8. The first telephone exchange in India was located in the city of:
    (a) Calcutta
    (b) Bombay
    (c) Madras
    (d) Delhi

  9. The first wireless telegraph station in India was located in the city of:
    (a) Calcutta
    (b) Bombay
    (c) Madras
    (d) Delhi

  10. The first airmail service in India was inaugurated between the cities of:
    (a) Calcutta and Bombay
    (b) Bombay and Madras
    (c) Madras and Delhi
    (d) Delhi and Calcutta