Devadasi System

Devadasi System

In parts of southern and eastern India, a devadasi was a young woman who dedicated her life to the worship and service of a Hindu deity or a temple. Devadasis could be as young as 7 years old when they were initiated into this way of life. The initiation or ‘Pottukattu’ ceremony was similar to Hindu marriage in some aspects and the Devadasi was expected to take up the traditional duties performed by a Hindu wife belonging to that time period. In addition to taking care of the temple and performing rituals, these Women also learned and practiced classical Indian artistic traditions like Bharatanatyam and Odissi dances. They had a high social status, as dance and music were an essential part of temple worship.  After becoming Devadasis, these young women would spend their time Learning religious rites, rituals and dance. They had children by high officials or priests who were also taught their skills of music or dance.

Despite the repeated denials by the successive governments, Devadasi system continues to thrive in rural areas of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.  According to a report submitted by one man commission headed by Justice Raghunath Rao, the two states together have about 80,000 Devadasi women. The figures are much higher than the number of the AP social welfare commission, which put the figure at 24, 273.

Acting on a Public Interest Litigation (PIL), Supreme Court had directed the then united AP government to file a report on the condition of Devadasi women. The government gave the task to Justice Raghunath Rao, who visited all the districts and held discussions with all stakeholders including the victims.  Devadasi system is a religious practice in south India mostly in Karnataka and Telangana, and partly in Andhra Pradesh. Parents, mostly of dalit communities, marry’ off their daughters to a local deity or a temple. The girls are forced to perform dances and are subjected to cruel beating. The `marriage’ usually occurs before the girl attains puberty. She is later forced to become a sex worker. This system is known by different names in different areas. Religious beliefs, caste and male domination, and POVERTY are main reasons behind this social problem.  The National Comission for Women on Sunday convened meeting with women commissions of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, AP and Telangana where the discussed the Devadasi system and how it started. They suggested that the Centre should come out with a legislation banning Devadasis.,


What is the caste system?

The caste system is a social hierarchy that divides people into different groups based on their birth. It is a system that has been in place for centuries in India, and it is still a major factor in Society/”>Indian Society today.

What are the different castes?

The four main castes are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. Brahmins are the highest caste, and they are considered to be the priests and teachers of society. Kshatriyas are the warriors and rulers of society. Vaishyas are the merchants and traders of society. Shudras are the farmers and laborers of society.

What are the different sub-castes?

There are many different sub-castes within each of the four main castes. These sub-castes are often based on occupation, region, or religion.

How does the caste system affect people’s lives?

The caste system affects people’s lives in many ways. It determines their social status, their job opportunities, and their marriage prospects. It can also affect their access to Education and healthcare.

Is the caste system still a problem in India?

Yes, the caste system is still a problem in India. It is a major factor in discrimination and inequality. It is also a major obstacle to development.

What is being done to address the caste system?

The Indian government has taken some steps to address the caste system. These steps include laws that prohibit discrimination based on caste, and affirmative action programs that give preferential treatment to members of lower castes. However, these efforts have not been enough to eliminate the caste system.

What can be done to further address the caste system?

There are many things that can be done to further address the caste system. These include:

  • Raising awareness about the caste system and its impact on people’s lives.
  • Promoting education and EMPLOYMENT opportunities for members of lower castes.
  • Enforcing laws that prohibit discrimination based on caste.
  • Supporting affirmative action programs that give preferential treatment to members of lower castes.
  • Changing social attitudes about caste.

What are the benefits of abolishing the caste system?

There are many benefits to abolishing the caste system. These include:

  • Increased social mobility: People would be able to move up the social ladder based on their own merit, rather than their birth.
  • Reduced discrimination: People would not be discriminated against based on their caste.
  • Increased Economic Development: The caste system is a major obstacle to economic development. Abolishing it would allow India to reach its full economic potential.
  • Increased social harmony: The caste system is a major source of social tension in India. Abolishing it would help to create a more harmonious society.

What are the challenges of abolishing the caste system?

There are many challenges to abolishing the caste system. These include:

  • The caste system is deeply ingrained in Indian society. It has been in place for centuries, and it is a major part of Indian culture.
  • The caste system is supported by many powerful people in India. These people would not want to see the caste system abolished.
  • Abolishing the caste system would require a major change in social attitudes. This would be a difficult and time-consuming process.

Despite the challenges, it is important to abolish the caste system. It is a system that is based on discrimination and inequality. It is a major obstacle to development and social harmony. Abolishing it would be a major step forward for India.

Question 1

The Devadasi system was a practice in which young girls were dedicated to a temple or deity. They were then forced to live a life of servitude and prostitution.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why the Devadasi system was abolished?

(A) It was seen as a form of child abuse.
(B) It was seen as a form of prostitution.
(C) It was seen as a form of religious exploitation.
(D) It was seen as a form of social injustice.



The Devadasi system was abolished because it was seen as a form of child abuse, prostitution, and religious exploitation. It was not seen as a form of social injustice.

Question 2

The Devadasi system was practiced in India for centuries. It was finally abolished in 1988.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why the Devadasi system was so difficult to abolish?

(A) It was deeply rooted in Hindu culture.
(B) It was supported by many powerful people.
(C) It was difficult to track down and prosecute those who were involved in the system.
(D) It was difficult to rehabilitate the women who had been involved in the system.



The Devadasi system was so difficult to abolish because it was deeply rooted in Hindu culture, it was supported by many powerful people, and it was difficult to track down and prosecute those who were involved in the system. It was not difficult to rehabilitate the women who had been involved in the system.

Question 3

The Devadasi system had a devastating impact on the lives of the women who were involved in it.

Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the Devadasi system?

(A) The women were often forced to live a life of poverty.
(B) The women were often subjected to physical and sexual abuse.
(C) The women were often ostracized from their communities.
(D) The women were often denied access to education and employment.



The women who were involved in the Devadasi system were often forced to live a life of poverty, subjected to physical and sexual abuse, ostracized from their communities, and denied access to education and employment.

Question 4

The Devadasi system is a reminder of the dark side of human history. It is a system that should never be forgotten.

Which of the following is NOT a way to remember the Devadasi system?

(A) By learning about its history.
(B) By speaking out against it.
(C) By supporting organizations that are working to help the women who were involved in the system.
(D) By ignoring it.



The Devadasi system is a reminder of the dark side of human history. It is a system that should never be forgotten. We can remember the Devadasi system by learning about its history, speaking out against it, and supporting organizations that are working to help the women who were involved in the system.