Demographic Dividend And Transition

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Demographic dividend and transition

Demographic dividend

The term “demographic dividend” (DD) refers to the accelerated economic Growth that a country can achieve when it has a low dependency ratio or, in other words, when the proportion of its Population that is of working age is greater than the proportion of its population that doesn’t work (e.g. children and the elderly). This population structure frees up household and state Resources that would otherwise be used to support dependent groups. These resources can then be invested to improve productivity and to generate economic growth.

Demographic transition

The population structure associated with a DD is a natural stage of the demographic transition, which is when countries change from having high birth and death rates to having low birth and death rates. The first stage of the transition is typically a fall in child mortality due to improvements in healthcare, Nutrition and overall living standards. This causes population to grow as more and more young people survive childhood, eventually resulting in a Society with a large working age population. This stage is followed by a fall in birth rates. The point after this fall, where few children are born but before the large working age population has reached retirement age, is the point at which a DD can be obtained. Beyond this point, the size of the working age population relative to dependents will decrease, as improvements in life expectancy allow people to live longer after retirement.

When a country’s labour force grows more rapidly than the people dependent on it, there is an increase in the availability of resources, at both domestic and state level, which can be invested to create a more productive economy.

For example, people with fewer children or elderly relatives to support will find themselves with more disposable income. This income can be invested in activities such as improving nutrition, pursuing Education and acquiring new skills — all things which can help make people more productive. This income can also be invested in businesses, thereby helping to encourage economic growth. Similarly, having fewer nonworking people to support frees up resources for states to invest in Health, education, enterprise and also other productive investments such as Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE.

Furthermore, because Women have historically been responsible for providing care for children and elderly relatives, a low dependency ratio gives women more free time which they can use to pursue education and to participate in the labour force. Thus a low dependency ratio can also boost economic growth by allowing economies to significantly increase the size of their workforces.

Important points to achieve demographic dividend

Some argue that simply having a large workforce is sufficient to achieve a DD, but this is not the case, as having a large supply of labour merely provides a window of opportunity. To achieve a DD, and make the most of this opportunity, countries must create the conditions set out below:

Low fertility rates

Without a fall in fertility rates, a country’s working age population will have to support large numbers of children, thereby preventing women from entering the workforce and limiting the resources available to households and states to spend on productive investments. According to the UN, under such conditions, “countries will have a difficult time investing in the Human Capital needed to secure the well-being of its people and to stimulate economic growth.”1 In order to lower fertility rates, governments can take a number of different measures, but the two most important methods are increasing access to family planning Services and improving girls’ access to education.

To lower fertility rates, governments must invest in sexual and reproductive health and ensure that everyone who needs family planning services can access them.

Healthy and educated population

Economic growth requires increasing a country’s productivity. Simply having a large working age population relative to dependents will not provide this increase. It can, however, help make resources available that households and governments can invest to boost productivity. One of the most important productivityenhancing investments that they can make is investing in education.

Education and training are required to help people become better-skilled workers, but also to help workers learn new skills and to adapt to new businesses and a rapidly changing industrial Environment. If countries cannot implement education policies that help workers adapt to labour market needs, then they will be unable to move away from low-value-added labourintensive production, and unable to develop new, diverse and more productive industries.

Female labour force participation

Accelerated economic growth associated with a demographic dividend is, in part, based on women’s increased participation in the labour force. In order for this to happen, states must create a social and legal environment in which women are able to pursue education and to work. If women are, for example, prohibited from obtaining EMPLOYMENT by legislation, or compelled by custom to only work in the home, then countries will not be able to achieve a dividend dividend.

One very important way to enhance women’s Empowerment and to create a more gender equitable environment is to lower fertility rates through the methods outlined earlier, as this frees up time and Money which women can use to pursue education, to enter the labour force and to participate in public life. It is for this reason that women’s empowerment is often inversely correlated with fertility rates.

Positive Investment Climate and appropriate infrastructure

In order to reap the economic benefits of a low dependency ratio, female participation in the labour force and a large, healthy, educated working age population, states must create an environment that encourages investment and stimulates job creation.

In order to do so, they must develop appropriate infrastructure, including financial infrastructure. This is because without, for example, transport systems and reliable banks, it will be very difficult for businesses to operate. Similarly, governments must also develop reliable legal institutions to encourage investment and business growth. This is because without adequate laws and legal systems, people will be hesitant to invest, out of fear that contracts will not be honoured.




Demographic dividend is the economic benefit that a country or region can experience when a large portion of its population is of working age. This can happen when fertility rates fall and life expectancy increases, leading to a larger working-age population relative to the dependent population (children and the elderly).

Demographic transition is the process of change in a population’s Age structure, from a high proportion of children and young people to a high proportion of adults and older people. This can happen due to changes in fertility rates, mortality rates, and Migration.

The subtopics on Demographic Dividend and Transition are interrelated. For example, Population Growth can lead to a larger working-age population, which can in turn lead to economic growth. However, population growth can also put a strain on resources and lead to environmental problems.

The subtopics on Demographic Dividend and Transition are also important for policy makers. For example, policy makers need to consider how to manage population growth and how to invest in the education and health of the working-age population.

Population growth is the increase in the number of people in a population. It can be caused by a number of factors, including natural increase (births minus deaths), immigration, and emigration. Population growth can have a number of effects on a country or region, including economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability.

Age structure is the distribution of a population by age. It is important because it can affect a country or region’s economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability. A population with a large proportion of young people may have a high demand for education and healthcare, but may also have a low workforce participation rate. A population with a large proportion of older people may have a high demand for healthcare, but may also have a low workforce participation rate.

Fertility rate is the Average number of children that a woman has in her lifetime. It is important because it can affect a country or region’s population growth. A high fertility rate can lead to rapid population growth, while a low fertility rate can lead to population decline.

Mortality rate is the average number of deaths per 1,000 people in a population. It is important because it can affect a country or region’s population growth. A high mortality rate can lead to population decline, while a low mortality rate can lead to population growth.

Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. It can be caused by a number of factors, including economic opportunity, political instability, and environmental change. Migration can have a number of effects on a country or region, including economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability.

Labor force is the portion of a population that is employed or actively looking for work. It is important because it can affect a country or region’s economic growth. A large labor force can lead to increased production and economic growth.

Economic growth is the increase in the amount of goods and services produced by a country or region. It is important because it can lead to improved living standards, increased employment, and reduced POVERTY.

Poverty reduction is the process of reducing the number of people living in poverty. It is important because it can lead to improved health, education, and social welfare.

Social development is the process of improving the Quality Of Life for all people in a society. It is important because it can lead to improved health, education, and social welfare.

Environmental sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is important because it can lead to a cleaner environment and a more secure future.

Governance is the process of making and implementing decisions that affect a country or region. It is important because it can affect a country or region’s economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability.

Conflict and violence are the use of force to achieve political, economic, or social goals. They can have a number of negative effects on a country or region, including economic decline, social unrest, and environmental damage.

International cooperation is the collaboration between countries to address common problems. It is important because it can help to solve problems that are beyond the capacity of any one country to solve.

The subtopics on Demographic Dividend and Transition are complex and interrelated. They are important for policy makers and for everyone who wants to understand the world around them.

What is a demographic dividend?

A demographic dividend is a period of economic growth that can occur when a country’s working-age population is larger than its dependent population (children and the elderly). This can lead to increased labor productivity, Savings, and investment, which can in turn boost economic growth.

What are the causes of a demographic dividend?

A demographic dividend is caused by a decline in fertility rates and a rise in life expectancy. As fertility rates fall, the number of children per woman decreases. This means that there are fewer people to support in the dependent population, which frees up resources that can be used to invest in the working-age population. At the same time, as life expectancy increases, the number of people in the working-age population increases. This means that there are more people who are able to work and contribute to the economy.

What are the benefits of a demographic dividend?

A demographic dividend can lead to a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased economic growth: As the working-age population increases, there is more labor available to produce goods and services. This can lead to increased economic output and growth.
  • Increased savings and investment: As people have more disposable income, they are more likely to save and invest. This can lead to increased Capital Formation, which can in turn boost economic growth.
  • Reduced poverty: As economic growth occurs, it can lead to a reduction in poverty. This is because people have more money to spend on basic necessities, such as food, shelter, and clothing.
  • Improved education and health: As economic growth occurs, governments are more likely to invest in education and health care. This can lead to a more educated and healthier population, which can in turn boost economic growth.

What are the challenges of a demographic dividend?

A demographic dividend also comes with a number of challenges, including:

  • Labor shortages: As the working-age population increases, there may be a shortage of skilled labor. This is because the education system may not be able to keep up with the demand for skilled workers.
  • Inequality: The benefits of a demographic dividend may not be evenly distributed. This is because the wealthy may be able to take advantage of the opportunities created by the demographic dividend, while the poor may not be able to do so.
  • Environmental Degradation: The rapid economic growth that can occur during a demographic dividend can lead to environmental degradation. This is because there is an increased demand for resources, such as land, water, and energy.

How can a country maximize the benefits of a demographic dividend?

There are a number of things that a country can do to maximize the benefits of a demographic dividend, including:

  • Invest in education and health care: This will help to ensure that the population is healthy and has the skills needed to take advantage of the opportunities created by the demographic dividend.
  • Promote labor mobility: This will help to ensure that workers are able to move to areas where there are jobs available.
  • Invest in infrastructure: This will help to improve the productivity of the economy.
  • Reduce inequality: This will help to ensure that the benefits of the demographic dividend are shared by everyone.
  • Protect the environment: This will help to ensure that the economic growth that occurs during a demographic dividend is sustainable.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to a demographic dividend?

(A) A high birth rate
(B) A low death rate
(C) A large working-age population
(D) A small elderly population


(A) A high birth rate is not a factor that contributes to a demographic dividend. A high birth rate means that there are more children to support, which can put a strain on resources. A low birth rate, on the other hand, means that there are fewer children to support, which can free up resources that can be used to invest in the economy. A large working-age population is also a factor that contributes to a demographic dividend, as this population is able to produce goods and services that can be used to support the economy. A small elderly population is also a factor that contributes to a demographic dividend, as this population requires less support from the working-age population.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a challenge that can arise from a demographic transition?

(A) An aging population
(B) A shrinking workforce
(C) A decline in economic growth
(D) An increase in social unrest


(D) An increase in social unrest is not a challenge that can arise from a demographic transition. An aging population, a shrinking workforce, and a decline in economic growth are all challenges that can arise from a demographic transition. An aging population means that there are more elderly people to support, which can put a strain on resources. A shrinking workforce means that there are fewer people to produce goods and services, which can lead to a decline in economic growth. A decline in economic growth can lead to Unemployment, which can lead to social unrest.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a policy that can be used to address the challenges of a demographic transition?

(A) Raising the retirement age
(B) Encouraging immigration
(C) Investing in education and training
(D) Providing social security benefits


(D) Providing social security benefits is not a policy that can be used to address the challenges of a demographic transition. Social security benefits are a form of income support for the elderly, but they do not address the challenges of an aging population, such as a shrinking workforce and a decline in economic growth. Raising the retirement age, encouraging immigration, and investing in education and training are all policies that can be used to address the challenges of an aging population. Raising the retirement age would mean that people would have to work longer, which would increase the size of the workforce. Encouraging immigration would mean that more people would be coming into the country, which would also increase the size of the workforce. Investing in education and training would mean that people would be more productive, which would also help to increase economic growth.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a benefit of a demographic dividend?

(A) Increased economic growth
(B) Reduced poverty
(C) Improved health outcomes
(D) Increased social unrest


(D) Increased social unrest is not a benefit of a demographic dividend. Increased economic growth, reduced poverty, and improved health outcomes are all benefits of a demographic dividend. A demographic dividend occurs when a country has a large working-age population relative to its dependent population. This can lead to increased economic growth, as there are more people to produce goods and services. It can also lead to reduced poverty, as there are more people working and earning money. And it can lead to improved health outcomes, as there are more resources available to invest in healthcare.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a factor that can contribute to a demographic transition?

(A) A decline in the birth rate
(B) An increase in the death rate
(C) An increase in life expectancy
(D) A decrease in the number of children per woman


(B) An increase in the death rate is not a factor that can contribute to a demographic transition. A decline in the birth rate, an increase in life expectancy, and a decrease in the number of children per woman are all factors that can contribute to a demographic transition. A decline in the birth rate means that there are fewer babies being born, which can lead to an aging population. An increase in life expectancy means that people are living longer, which can also lead to an aging population. And a decrease in the number of children per woman means that women are having fewer children, which can also lead to an aging population.