Delhi Sultanat and Mazor Dynasties for RAS/RTS Prelims

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SlaveQutbuddinDied while playing Chaugan. Aram Shah (short period)AibakShamsuddinHe defeated Yalduz of Ghazni & Qubacha of Multan. Captured theIltutmishfort  of  Ranthambor,  Lakhnauti.  Organized  the  iqta  system  (landassignment) & currency (introduced copper tanka & silver jital).Razia SultanaMarried  Malik  Altunia  (Governor  of  Bhatinda).  Turkish  Aamirsplayed  the dominant  role  &  after Razia,  they enthroned  BahramShah, Masud Shah & Nasiruddin Mahmud in that order.Balban (UlughBalban  was  Turkish  slave  of  Iltutmish.  He  poisoned  his  masterKhan)Nasiruddin Mahmud. Killed the rebel governor of Bengal, TughrilKhan.  He  revived  the  practice  of  sijda  (prostration)  &  paibos(kissing monarch’s feet).Kaikhusrau, Kaiquabad & Kaimurs had short duration.KhaljiJalaluddin KhaljiDescended at the age of seventy. Later Alauddin murdered his uncle& father in law Jalaluddin & seized the throne.Alauddin KhaljiLay  seige  to  Ranthambor  which  was  under  redoubtable  HammirDeva  which  continued  till  one  year.  Later  Chittor  under  RatanSingh (wife Padmini) fell & was renamed Kizhrabad. Malik KafurcampaignedagainstKaktiyas(Warangal),Hoysalas(Dwarasamudra) & Pandyas. Mubarak Shah (son) & Khusrau khanhad short rule.Kharaj  (land  tax  –  50%),  Charai,  Gharii  (dwelling  tax).  First  tointroduce permanent standing army, dagh &   chehra. Afghans &Sultan’s Indian officers rose to prominence.TughlaqGhiyasuddinEarlier called Ghazi Malik. Ghiasuddin had repelled mongol attackTughlaqunder khaljis before ascending throne. Attaked Kaktiyas & Bengalsuccesfully. Founded third city of Delhi – Tughlaqabad.Muhammad binOpen consorting with Hindus & Jogis. Killed Ulemas, qazis whoTughlaqrose in rebellion. Shifted capital to Devagiri (renamed Daulatabad),token currency (bronze coin-jittal). Shifted to Swargadwari duringfamine. At his death Barani commented, ‘at last the people got ridof him & he got rid of the people’. First sultan to visit the shrine ofMoinuddin Chisti. Disciple of Shaikh Alauddin & Jinaprabha Suri.Firuz ShahNot a military leader. Conqured Thatta, Orissa (uprooted JagannathTughlaqidol),  Nagarkot.  Distributed  iqtas, made  them heritable increasedsalaries.   Founded   Fatehabad,   Hissar,   Firuzpur,   Jaunpur   &Firuzabad. Built canals. Influence of Ulema revived. First muslimruler to impose Jaziya on Brahmins but abolished Ghari & Charai.Visited  the  shrine  of  Salar  Masud  Ghazi  &  became  fanatical.Removed   paintings   from   palace.   Got   many   sanskirt   workstranslated in PersianTimurTimur 1398 ADDuring the reign of Mahmud Tughlaq who fled the city. HeInvastionassigned Delhi to Khizr Khan & hence Sayyid dynasty was born.SayyidsKhizr KhanKhizr Khan’s reign as well as that of his successors, Mubarak Shah,Muhammad Shah & Alauddin Alam Shah was spent trying tocontrol the rebellious leaders (esp. Khokhars led by Jasrath).LodisBahlul LodiFirst dynasty to be headed by Afghans. Principal event of BahlulLodi’s life was the annexation of Juanpur kingdom.Sikander LodiContemporary of Mahmud Begarha of Gujarat & Rana Sanga ofMewar. The rent rolls of his reign formed the basis during SherShah Suri period. Imposed the Jaziya. The Bahluli coin remained incirculation till Akbar’s rule. He was the only sultan to be killed inthe battle field.


The Delhi Sultanate was a Muslim empire that ruled over much of the Indian subcontinent from 1206 to 1526. It was founded by Qutb-ud-din Aibak, a former slave of Muhammad Ghori, who conquered Delhi in 1192. The sultanate reached its peak under the rule of Alauddin Khalji (1296-1316), who expanded its territory and built a strong military. The sultanate declined in the 15th century, and was finally overthrown by Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, in 1526.

The major dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate were:

  • The Mamluk dynasty (1206-1290)
  • The Khalji dynasty (1290-1320)
  • The Tughlaq dynasty (1320-1414)
  • The Sayyid dynasty (1414-1451)
  • The Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526)

The Delhi Sultanate was a period of great cultural and Economic Development in India. The sultans built many mosques, tombs, and other monuments, and patronized the arts and sciences. The sultanate also played a major role in the spread of Islam in India.

The following are some of the sub topics that you should be familiar with for the RAS/RTS Prelims exam:

  • The founding of the Delhi Sultanate by Qutb-ud-din Aibak
  • The expansion of the sultanate under Alauddin Khalji
  • The decline of the sultanate in the 15th century
  • The overthrow of the sultanate by Babur
  • The major dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate
  • The cultural and economic development of India under the Delhi Sultanate
  • The spread of Islam in India under the Delhi Sultanate

The founding of the Delhi Sultanate by Qutb-ud-din Aibak

Qutb-ud-din Aibak was a former slave of Muhammad Ghori, who conquered Delhi in 1192. After Ghori’s death in 1206, Aibak declared himself sultan and founded the Delhi Sultanate. He ruled for four years until his death in 1210.

The expansion of the sultanate under Alauddin Khalji

Alauddin Khalji was the most powerful sultan of the Delhi Sultanate. He came to power in 1296 and ruled for 20 years. During his reign, he expanded the sultanate’s territory to include much of northern India. He also built a strong military and a well-organized Bureaucracy.

The decline of the sultanate in the 15th century

The Delhi Sultanate began to decline in the 15th century. This was due to a number of factors, including internal strife, economic problems, and foreign invasions. The sultanate was finally overthrown by Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, in 1526.

The overthrow of the sultanate by Babur

Babur was a descendant of Timur and Genghis Khan. He invaded India in 1526 and defeated the last sultan of the Delhi Sultanate, Ibrahim Lodhi, at the Battle of Panipat. Babur then founded the Mughal Empire, which ruled over much of India for the next three centuries.

The major dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate

The Delhi Sultanate was ruled by five major dynasties: the Mamluks, the Khaljis, the Tughlaqs, the Sayyids, and the Lodhis. The Mamluks were the first dynasty to rule the sultanate, from 1206 to 1290. The Khaljis ruled from 1290 to 1320, the Tughlaqs from 1320 to 1414, the Sayyids from 1414 to 1451, and the Lodhis from 1451 to 1526.

The cultural and economic development of India under the Delhi Sultanate

The Delhi Sultanate was a period of great cultural and economic development in India. The sultans built many mosques, tombs, and other monuments, and patronized the arts and sciences. The sultanate also played a major role in the spread of Islam in India.

The spread of Islam in India under the Delhi Sultanate

Islam was introduced to India by Arab traders and missionaries in the 7th century. However, it was not until the Delhi Sultanate that Islam began to spread rapidly in India. The sultans encouraged the conversion of Hindus to Islam, and built mosques and schools to promote the religion. As a result, Islam became the dominant religion in northern India by the 16th century

The Delhi Sultanate was a Muslim empire that ruled over much of the Indian subcontinent from 1206 to 1526. It was founded by Qutb-ud-din Aibak, a former slave of Muhammad Ghori, who conquered Delhi in 1192. The sultanate reached its peak under the rule of Alauddin Khalji (1296-1316), who expanded its territory and built a strong military. The sultanate declined in the 14th century, and was finally overthrown by Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, in 1526.

The major dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate were the Mamluk (1206-1290), Khalji (1290-1320), Tughlaq (1320-1414), Sayyid (1414-1451), and Lodi (1451-1526).

The Mamluk dynasty was founded by Qutb-ud-din Aibak, who was a former slave of Muhammad Ghori. Aibak conquered Delhi in 1192, and established the Delhi Sultanate. The Mamluk dynasty was a period of consolidation and expansion for the sultanate.

The Khalji dynasty was founded by Alauddin Khalji, who came to power in 1296. Alauddin Khalji was a powerful and ruthless ruler. He expanded the sultanate’s territory, and built a strong military. He also introduced a number of reforms, including the introduction of a new currency and the construction of a new canal system.

The Tughlaq dynasty was founded by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, who came to power in 1320. The Tughlaq dynasty was a period of instability and decline for the sultanate. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq was a successful military commander, but he was also a harsh and unpopular ruler. His son, Muhammad bin Tughluq, was even more unpopular. Muhammad bin Tughluq was a brilliant but eccentric ruler. He introduced a number of reforms, but they were not successful. He also moved the capital of the sultanate from Delhi to Daulatabad, which was a disaster.

The Sayyid dynasty was founded by Khizr Khan, who came to power in 1414. The Sayyid dynasty was a period of recovery and stability for the sultanate. Khizr Khan was a wise and just ruler. He restored order to the sultanate, and he rebuilt the economy.

The Lodi dynasty was founded by Bahlul Lodi, who came to power in 1451. The Lodi dynasty was a period of further decline for the sultanate. Bahlul Lodi was a successful military commander, but he was not a good administrator. His son, Sikandar Lodi, was even worse. Sikandar Lodi was a cruel and oppressive ruler. He was also a poor military commander.

The Delhi Sultanate was finally overthrown by Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, in 1526. Babur was a brilliant military commander, and he defeated the Lodi army at the Battle of Panipat. The Delhi Sultanate came to an end, and the Mughal Empire was born.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Delhi Sultanate:

  1. Who founded the Delhi Sultanate?

The Delhi Sultanate was founded by Qutb-ud-din Aibak, a former slave of Muhammad Ghori.

  1. What were the major dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate?

The major dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate were the Mamluk (1206-1290), Khalji (1290-1320), Tughlaq (1320-1414), Sayyid (1414-1451), and Lodi (1451-1526).

  1. What was the peak of the Delhi Sultanate?

The Delhi Sultanate reached its peak under the rule of Alauddin Khalji (1296-1316).

  1. What was the decline of the Delhi Sultanate?

The Delhi Sultanate declined in the 14th century, and was finally overthrown by Babur, the founder of the Mughal Empire, in 1526.

  1. What were the major achievements of the Delhi Sultanate?

The major achievements of the Delhi Sultanate were the expansion of its territory, the construction of a strong military, and the introduction of a number of reforms.

  1. What were the major failures of the Delhi Sultanate?

The major failures of the Delhi Sultanate were the instability and decline of the sultanate in the 14th century, and the overthrow of the sultanate by Babur

  1. The first Sultan of Delhi was:
    (A) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
    (B) Muhammad Ghori
    (C) Iltutmish
    (D) Balban

  2. The most famous ruler of the Khilji dynasty was:
    (A) Alauddin Khilji
    (B) Jalaluddin Khilji
    (C) Ghiyasuddin Balban
    (D) Muhammad bin Tughluq

  3. The founder of the Tughlaq dynasty was:
    (A) Ghiyasuddin Balban
    (B) Muhammad bin Tughluq
    (C) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
    (D) Muhammad Tughluq

  4. The most famous ruler of the Lodhi dynasty was:
    (A) Bahlul Lodhi
    (B) Sikandar Lodhi
    (C) Ibrahim Lodhi
    (D) Alauddin Lodhi

  5. The Mughal Empire was founded by:
    (A) Babur
    (B) Humayun
    (C) Akbar
    (D) Jahangir

  6. The most famous ruler of the Mughal Empire was:
    (A) Akbar
    (B) Jahangir
    (C) Shah Jahan
    (D) Aurangzeb

  7. The founder of the MARATHA EMPIRE was:
    (A) Shivaji Maharaj
    (B) Sambhaji Maharaj
    (C) Rajaram Maharaj
    (D) Shahu Maharaj

  8. The most famous ruler of the Maratha Empire was:
    (A) Shivaji Maharaj
    (B) Sambhaji Maharaj
    (C) Rajaram Maharaj
    (D) Shahu Maharaj

  9. The founder of the Sikh Empire was:
    (A) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
    (B) Guru Gobind Singh Ji
    (C) Guru Hargobind Ji
    (D) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

  10. The most famous ruler of the Sikh Empire was:
    (A) Guru Nanak Dev Ji
    (B) Guru Gobind Singh Ji
    (C) Guru Hargobind Ji
    (D) Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji

  11. The British East India Company was founded in:
    (A) 1600
    (B) 1612
    (C) 1615
    (D) 1618

  12. The first British Governor-General of India was:
    (A) Warren Hastings
    (B) Robert Clive
    (C) Lord Cornwallis
    (D) Lord Dalhousie

  13. The Indian Rebellion of 1857 was also known as:
    (A) The Sepoy Mutiny
    (B) The First War of Indian Independence
    (C) The Indian Mutiny
    (D) The Great Rebellion

  14. The British Raj was established in:
    (A) 1858
    (B) 1877
    (C) 1885
    (D) 1892

  15. The Indian National Congress was founded in:
    (A) 1885
    (B) 1892
    (C) 1906
    (D) 1914

  16. The first President of the Indian National Congress was:
    (A) W.C. Bonnerjee
    (B) Dadabhai Naoroji
    (C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
    (D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

  17. The Indian Independence Act was passed in:
    (A) 1947
    (B) 1948
    (C) 1949
    (D) 1950

  18. India became a republic on:
    (A) 15 August 1947
    (B) 26 January 1950
    (C) 14 August 1947
    (D) 25 January 1950

  19. The first Prime Minister of India was:
    (A) Jawaharlal Nehru
    (B) Lal Bahadur Shastri
    (C) Indira Gandhi
    (D) Rajiv Gandhi

  20. The current Prime Minister of India is:
    (A) Narendra Modi
    (B) Rahul Gandhi
    (C) Sonia Gandhi
    (D) Manmohan Singh