Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana (DAY-NULM): Empowering India’s Urban Poor

The Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) is a central government scheme aimed at alleviating urban poverty through skill development, self-employment, and the formation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs). It recognizes the unique challenges faced by the urban poor and seeks to create economic opportunities for them to lead dignified lives.

Objectives of DAY-NULM

  • Sustainable Livelihoods: Provide skill development and placement support to enable the urban poor to secure gainful employment or establish micro-enterprises.
  • Self-Help Group (SHG) Promotion: Nurture SHGs, especially among women, to foster collective action, financial inclusion, and community empowerment.
  • Social Mobilization: Build strong community-led institutions of the urban poor for addressing poverty and accessing various public services.
  • Capacity Building: Enhance the capacities of urban local bodies and other stakeholders to effectively implement the scheme.
  • Shelter for the Urban Homeless: Provide shelters equipped with basic amenities for the urban homeless population.

Components of DAY-NULM

  1. Employment through Skills Training and Placement (EST&P): Focuses on skill development and linking the urban poor to employment opportunities.
  2. Self-Employment Programme (SEP): Supports individuals and groups to set up micro-enterprises through financial assistance and training.
  3. Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUSV): Aims to protect the livelihoods of street vendors and provide them with better infrastructure and access to credit.
  4. Scheme of Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH): Provision of permanent shelters for the urban homeless.

Impact of DAY-NULM

  • Skill Development and Employment: The scheme has helped numerous individuals gain skills and secure jobs or start small businesses.
  • Women’s Empowerment: SHGs have become avenues of economic and social empowerment for women in urban areas.

Case Study: From Street Vendor to Shop Owner

A woman street vendor supported by DAY-NULM received training and a loan to establish a small grocery store, improving her income and stability.


  • Who is eligible for DAY-NULM benefits? The scheme targets the urban poor, street vendors, and the homeless.
  • How to access DAY-NULM schemes? Individuals can approach designated Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) or NGOs working in partnership with DAY-NULM.

PAISA – Portal for Affordable Credit and Interest Subvention Access

PAISA is a centralized digital platform that facilitates efficient and transparent delivery of interest subvention benefits under various government schemes to eligible borrowers.

Objectives of PAISA

  • Streamlining Interest Subvention: Simplify the process for borrowers to claim interest subvention benefits, reducing delays and errors.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Enhance transparency in the disbursement of subsidies and minimize leakages.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Enable real-time monitoring of loan and subsidy disbursal for effective oversight.
  • Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT): Facilitate DBT for timely and accurate transfer of benefits to borrowers’ accounts.

How PAISA Works

  • Integration: PAISA integrates with the databases of various government schemes that offer interest subventions and with the lending institutions providing subsidized loans.
  • Verification and Disbursal: The portal verifies borrower eligibility, calculates the interest subvention amount, and facilitates its disbursal to the borrower’s account.

Benefits of PAISA

  • Convenience for borrowers
  • Improved efficiency for lenders
  • Enhanced transparency for government schemes

FAQs about PAISA

  • Which schemes are linked to PAISA? PAISA connects with several credit-linked subsidy schemes across sectors.
  • How does a borrower access PAISA? Borrowers apply through their lending institution, which interacts with the PAISA portal.


PAISA is primarily a platform for:

A. Online shopping

B. Interest subvention disbursal

C. Weather forecasts for farmers

D. Booking train tickets

Who primarily benefits from PAISA?

A. Borrowers under credit-linked subsidy schemes

B. Government officials

C. Lending institutions

D. All of the above

The primary purpose of DAY-NULM is to:

A. Promote export of agricultural products

B. Eradicate urban poverty

C. Promote tourism

D. Train farmers in advanced techniques

Which of these is NOT a component of DAY-NULM?

A. Skill training and placement

B. Self-Help Group (SHG) formation

C. Shelter for the homeless

D. Free distribution of laptops