Cropping Intensity

CroppingCropping Intensity

Cropping intensity is a measure of how much land is being used for agriculture. It is calculated by dividing the number of crops grown in a year by the number of years that the land is in production. A higher cropping intensity indicates that more land is being used for agriculture, while a lower cropping intensity indicates that less land is being used.

Cropping intensity can be affected by a number of factors, including climate, SoilSoil type, and water availability. In areas with a long growing season and abundant water, cropping intensity can be high. In areas with a short growing season or limited water, cropping intensity is typically lower.

Cropping intensity can have a number of impacts on the EnvironmentEnvironment. When land is used for agriculture, it can lead to Soil erosion, water pollution, and the loss of BiodiversityBiodiversity. In addition, the use of fertilizers and pesticides can contaminate groundwater and surface water.

There are a number of ways to reduce the environmental impact of cropping intensity. One way is to use conservation TillageTillage practices, which help to prevent soil erosion. Another way is to use Drip Irrigation, which helps to conserve water. In addition, farmers can plant cover crops, which help to improve soil health and prevent erosion.

Cropping intensity is an important factor in agricultural sustainability. By reducing the environmental impact of cropping intensity, farmers can help to protect the Environment and ensure the long-term sustainability of agriculture.

  • Definition
  • Calculation
  • Factors Affecting Cropping Intensity
  • Increasing Cropping Intensity
  • Significance of Cropping Intensity
  • DefinitionCropping intensity is an agricultural metric that expresses the degree to which a piece of land is productively used throughout a year. It represents the number of crops grown on the same land within an agricultural year and is often expressed as a percentage. 

    Factors Affecting Cropping Intensity

    Several factors influence a region’s cropping intensity:

    • Irrigation Availability: Reliable water supply enables Multiple Cropping cycles in a year, increasing intensity.
    • Climate and Growing Season: Regions with long growing seasons or suitable for year-round cultivation facilitate higher cropping intensities.
    • Soil Fertility: Highly fertile soils can support multiple harvests without declining yields.
    • Mechanization: Access to efficient planting and harvesting equipment speeds up operations, making multiple cropping cycles possible.
    • Market Demand: Strong demand for specific crops may drive farmers to maximize production through higher cropping intensities.

    Increasing Cropping Intensity

    Farmers can adopt various strategies to increase their cropping intensity:

    • IntercroppingIntercropping: Growing two or more compatible crops simultaneously in the same field, maximizing land use.
    • Relay Cropping: Planting a second crop before the first one is fully harvested, overlapping growing seasons.
    • Crop Rotation: Alternating crops with different nutrient needs improves soil health, facilitating more frequent cropping.
    • Short Duration Varieties: Using fast-maturing crop varieties allows squeezing more crop cycles into a year.

    Significance of Cropping Intensity

    Cropping intensity has significant implications for agricultural productivity and sustainability:

    • Higher Food Production: Increased cropping intensity means more food can be produced from a given area of land, addressing growing populations’ needs.
    • Farmer Income: Higher cropping intensity can lead to increased income for farmers, improving their livelihoods.
    • Resource Pressure: Increased cropping intensity without sustainable measures can place strain on soil fertility and water resources.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is cropping intensity?

Cropping intensity is a measure of how much land is being used for agriculture. It is calculated by dividing the number of crops grown in a year by the number of years that the land is in production. A higher cropping intensity indicates that more land is being used for agriculture, while a lower cropping intensity indicates that less land is being used.

What are the factors that affect cropping intensity?

Cropping intensity can be affected by a number of factors, including climate, soil type, and water availability. In areas with a long growing season and abundant water, cropping intensity can be high. In areas with a short growing season or limited water, cropping intensity is typically lower.

What are the impacts of cropping intensity on the environment?

Cropping intensity can have a number of impacts on the environment. When land is used for agriculture, it can lead to soil erosion, water pollution, and the loss of Biodiversity. In addition, the use of fertilizers and pesticides can contaminate groundwater and surface water.

What are the ways to reduce the environmental impact of cropping intensity?

There are a number of ways to reduce the environmental impact of cropping intensity. One way is to use conservation Tillage practices, which help to prevent soil erosion. Another way is to use drip irrigation, which helps to conserve water. In addition, farmers can plant cover crops, which help to improve soil health and prevent erosion.

What is agricultural sustainability?

Agricultural sustainability is the practice of farming in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable Agriculture practices include using renewable resources, conserving water, and protecting the environment.


  1. What is cropping intensity?
    (A) A measure of how much land is being used for agriculture
    (B) A measure of how much water is being used for agriculture
    (CC) A measure of how much fertilizer is being used for agriculture
    (D) A measure of how much pesticides are being used for agriculture
  2. What are the factors that affect cropping intensity?
    (A) Climate
    (B) Soil type
    (C) Water availability
    (D) All of the above
  3. What are the impacts of cropping intensity on the environment?
    (A) Soil erosion
    (B) Water pollution
    (C) Loss of biodiversity
    (D) All of the above
  4. What are the ways to reduce the environmental impact of cropping intensity?
    (A) Use conservation tillage practices
    (B) Use drip irrigation
    (C) Plant cover crops
    (D) All of the above
  5. What is agricultural sustainability?
    (A) The practice of farming in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
    (B) The practice of farming in a way that minimizes the use of pesticides
    (C) The practice of farming in a way that maximizes the use of fertilizers
    (D) The practice of farming in a way that maximizes the use of water
    • A farmer plants corn, and immediately after harvest, sows soybeans in the same field. This practice is an example of:
      • A) Intercropping
      • B) Relay cropping
      • C) Crop rotation
      • D) MonocultureMonoculture
    • Which factor would likely have the BIGGEST impact on the number of crops a farmer can grow in a year?
      • A) Availability of fertilizers
      • B) The length of the growing season
      • C) Farmer’s skill level
      • D) Market Price of the crop
    • To maximize food production on a limited amount of land, a farmer would be MOST likely to:
      • A) Plant a crop variety with a very long growing season
      • B) Leave half of the land fallow each year to rest
      • C) Choose crops that can be grown close together
      • D) Avoid using any fertilizers or pesticides

    Factors and Calculations

    • A farmer has 100 acres. He plants 80 acres with wheat and 40 acres with soybeans. There is no overlap between these crops. What can you determine from this information?
      • A) The cropping intensity is 120%
      • B) The cropping intensity is 80%
      • C) The cropping intensity is 40%
      • D) You need the harvest yield to calculate cropping intensity
    • Which situation would result in the HIGHEST cropping intensity?
      • A) One crop of rice per year on 50 acres of land
      • B) Two crops of short-duration vegetables per year on 50 acres of land
      • C) Three crops of wheat per year on 50 acres of land
      • D) LivestockLivestock grazing with no cultivated crops on 50 acres of land

