Critically Endangered (CR)

The following are the sub topics for Critically Endangered (CR):

  • Avian
  • Mammalian
  • Amphibian
  • Reptilian
  • Fish
  • Invertebrate
  • Plant
  • Other
    Critically Endangered (CR) is the highest category of extinction risk on the IUCN Red List. A species is considered critically endangered if it is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future.

There are many reasons why a species might become critically endangered. Habitat loss and degradation are the most common threats, followed by overexploitation, poaching, and the introduction of invasive species. Climate change is also a major threat to many species, as it can lead to changes in temperature, precipitation, and sea level that make it difficult for species to survive.

The consequences of extinction are far-reaching. Extinction can disrupt ecosystems, leading to the loss of other species that rely on the now-extinct species. It can also have a negative impact on human livelihoods, as many people depend on natural resources for food, water, and other essential needs.

There are a number of things that can be done to help prevent species from becoming extinct. One of the most important is to protect their habitat. This can be done by establishing protected areas, such as national parks and nature reserves. It is also important to reduce the threats that species face, such as poaching and overexploitation. Finally, we need to educate people about the importance of biodiversity and the need to protect endangered species.

Here are some examples of critically endangered species from each of the subtopics:

  • Avian: The black-footed albatross is a seabird that lives in the Pacific Ocean. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and overfishing.
  • Mammalian: The Javan rhinoceros is a rhinoceros that lives on the island of Java in Indonesia. It is critically endangered due to poaching and habitat loss.
  • Amphibian: The golden toad is a frog that lives in Costa Rica. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and disease.
  • Reptilian: The Chinese alligator is a crocodile that lives in China. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.
  • Fish: The vaquita is a porpoise that lives in the Gulf of California. It is critically endangered due to illegal fishing.
  • Invertebrate: The Yangtze giant softshell turtle is a turtle that lives in China. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.
  • Plant: The Wollemi pine is a pine tree that lives in Australia. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and disease.
  • Other: The northern white rhinoceros is a rhinoceros that lives in Africa. It is critically endangered due to poaching.

It is important to protect these critically endangered species. We can do this by supporting conservation efforts, such as habitat protection and anti-poaching patrols. We can also educate others about the importance of these species and the need to protect them.

  • What is a critically endangered avian species?
    A critically endangered avian species is a bird that is at an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
  • What are the main threats to critically endangered avian species?
    The main threats to critically endangered avian species are habitat loss, hunting, and the pet trade.
  • What can be done to help critically endangered avian species?
    There are a number of things that can be done to help critically endangered avian species, including protecting their habitats, reducing hunting, and regulating the pet trade.


  • What is a critically endangered mammalian species?
    A critically endangered mammalian species is a mammal that is at an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
  • What are the main threats to critically endangered mammalian species?
    The main threats to critically endangered mammalian species are habitat loss, hunting, and the pet trade.
  • What can be done to help critically endangered mammalian species?
    There are a number of things that can be done to help critically endangered mammalian species, including protecting their habitats, reducing hunting, and regulating the pet trade.


  • What is a critically endangered amphibian species?
    A critically endangered amphibian species is an amphibian that is at an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
  • What are the main threats to critically endangered amphibian species?
    The main threats to critically endangered amphibian species are habitat loss, pollution, and disease.
  • What can be done to help critically endangered amphibian species?
    There are a number of things that can be done to help critically endangered amphibian species, including protecting their habitats, reducing pollution, and controlling disease.


  • What is a critically endangered reptilian species?
    A critically endangered reptilian species is a reptile that is at an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
  • What are the main threats to critically endangered reptilian species?
    The main threats to critically endangered reptilian species are habitat loss, hunting, and the pet trade.
  • What can be done to help critically endangered reptilian species?
    There are a number of things that can be done to help critically endangered reptilian species, including protecting their habitats, reducing hunting, and regulating the pet trade.


  • What is a critically endangered fish species?
    A critically endangered fish species is a fish that is at an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
  • What are the main threats to critically endangered fish species?
    The main threats to critically endangered fish species are habitat loss, overfishing, and pollution.
  • What can be done to help critically endangered fish species?
    There are a number of things that can be done to help critically endangered fish species, including protecting their habitats, reducing overfishing, and controlling pollution.


  • What is a critically endangered invertebrate species?
    A critically endangered invertebrate species is an invertebrate that is at an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
  • What are the main threats to critically endangered invertebrate species?
    The main threats to critically endangered invertebrate species are habitat loss, pollution, and overexploitation.
  • What can be done to help critically endangered invertebrate species?
    There are a number of things that can be done to help critically endangered invertebrate species, including protecting their habitats, reducing pollution, and regulating overexploitation.


  • What is a critically endangered plant species?
    A critically endangered plant species is a plant that is at an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
  • What are the main threats to critically endangered plant species?
    The main threats to critically endangered plant species are habitat loss, overexploitation, and invasive species.
  • What can be done to help critically endangered plant species?
    There are a number of things that can be done to help critically endangered plant species, including protecting their habitats, reducing overexploitation, and controlling invasive species.


  • What is a critically endangered species?
    A critically endangered species is a species that is at an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.
  • What are the main threats to critically endangered species?
    The main threats to critically endangered species are habitat loss, overexploitation, pollution, and climate change.
  • What can be done to help critically endangered species?
    There are a number of things that can be done to help critically endangered species, including protecting their habitats, reducing overexploitation, controlling pollution, and mitigating climate change.
    Question 1

This animal is the only species in its genus and is found in the forests of Madagascar. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.

(A) Aepyornis maximus
(B) Coelacanth
(C) Sifaka
(D) Aye-aye

Question 2

This animal is the largest land mammal in the world and is found in the forests of Siberia. It is critically endangered due to poaching and habitat loss.

(A) Siberian tiger
(B) Giant panda
(C) African elephant
(D) Blue whale

Question 3

This animal is a type of frog that is found in the forests of Central and South America. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and the chytrid fungus.

(A) Golden toad
(B) Axolotl
(C) Chinese giant salamander
(D) Olm

Question 4

This animal is a type of turtle that is found in the oceans around the world. It is critically endangered due to hunting and the accidental capture in fishing nets.

(A) Hawksbill sea turtle
(B) Leatherback sea turtle
(C) Green sea turtle
(D) Loggerhead sea turtle

Question 5

This animal is a type of butterfly that is found in the forests of North America. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and climate change.

(A) Karner blue butterfly
(B) Monarch butterfly
(C) Painted lady butterfly
(D) Viceroy butterfly

Question 6

This plant is a type of orchid that is found in the forests of Southeast Asia. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching.

(A) Ghost orchid
(B) Shenzhen Nongke orchid
(C) Rothschild’s slipper orchid
(D) Vanda coerulea

Question 7

This animal is a type of fish that is found in the waters around the world. It is critically endangered due to overfishing and habitat loss.

(A) Atlantic bluefin tuna
(B) Pacific bluefin tuna
(C) Southern bluefin tuna
(D) Yellowfin tuna

Question 8

This animal is a type of invertebrate that is found in the forests of North America. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and climate change.

(A) American burying beetle
(B) Karner blue butterfly
(C) Monarch butterfly
(D) Viceroy butterfly

Question 9

This plant is a type of tree that is found in the forests of North America. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and climate change.

(A) American chestnut
(B) Eastern white pine
(C) Sugar maple
(D) Yellow birch

Question 10

This animal is a type of bird that is found in the forests of North America. It is critically endangered due to habitat loss and hunting.

(A) Whooping crane
(B) California condor
(C) Black-footed ferret
(D) Northern spotted owl