COP 17 Durban Summit

The following are the subtopics of the COP 17 Durban Summit:

  • Adaptation
  • Finance
  • Technology
  • Loss and Damage
  • Transparency and Accountability
  • Capacity Building
  • Action and Implementation
  • Institutional Framework
  • Other Matters
    The 17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 17) was held in Durban, South Africa, from November 28 to December 11, 2011. The summit was attended by over 190 countries and resulted in a number of agreements on climate change, including the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action.

One of the key issues discussed at COP 17 was adaptation. Adaptation refers to the measures that countries can take to reduce their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. The Durban Platform recognized the need for adaptation and called on countries to develop and implement adaptation plans.

Another key issue discussed at COP 17 was finance. Finance refers to the resources that are needed to support climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. The Durban Platform called on developed countries to provide new and additional financial resources to developing countries to support their climate change efforts.

Technology was also a key issue discussed at COP 17. Technology refers to the tools and knowledge that can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Durban Platform called on developed countries to provide developing countries with access to climate change technologies.

Loss and damage was another key issue discussed at COP 17. Loss and damage refers to the costs that are incurred as a result of the impacts of climate change that cannot be avoided through adaptation. The Durban Platform recognized the need to address loss and damage and called on countries to develop a mechanism to address this issue.

Transparency and accountability was another key issue discussed at COP 17. Transparency and accountability refer to the need for countries to report on their climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. The Durban Platform called on countries to strengthen their transparency and accountability mechanisms.

Capacity building was another key issue discussed at COP 17. Capacity building refers to the need to help developing countries build the capacity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Durban Platform called on developed countries to provide developing countries with support for capacity building.

Action and implementation was another key issue discussed at COP 17. Action and implementation refer to the need for countries to take concrete action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Durban Platform called on countries to accelerate their actions to address climate change.

Institutional framework was another key issue discussed at COP 17. Institutional framework refers to the need to strengthen the institutional framework for climate change negotiations. The Durban Platform called on countries to strengthen the UNFCCC Secretariat and to establish a new standing body to oversee the implementation of the Durban Platform.

Other matters were also discussed at COP 17, including the role of forests in climate change mitigation, the need for a new climate change treaty, and the need to address climate change impacts on the most vulnerable countries.

The Durban Platform was a significant achievement, as it provided a framework for future negotiations on climate change. The platform also recognized the need for adaptation, finance, technology, loss and damage, transparency and accountability, capacity building, action and implementation, institutional framework, and other matters. The Durban Platform was a step forward in the fight against climate change, but more work needs to be done to address this global challenge.

  • What is adaptation?
    Adaptation is the process of adjusting to climate change so that its negative impacts are minimized.

  • Why is adaptation important?
    Adaptation is important because climate change is already having a negative impact on people and the planet. By adapting to climate change, we can reduce the risks and costs of climate change and build a more resilient future.

  • What are some examples of adaptation?
    Some examples of adaptation include building sea walls to protect coastal communities from rising sea levels, developing drought-resistant crops, and improving early warning systems for extreme weather events.


  • What is finance?
    Finance is the provision of money or other financial resources to support a project or activity.

  • Why is finance important for climate change?
    Finance is important for climate change because it is needed to support adaptation and mitigation efforts. Adaptation efforts are needed to help people and communities cope with the impacts of climate change, while mitigation efforts are needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the pace of climate change.

  • What are some sources of finance for climate change?
    Some sources of finance for climate change include international climate finance, national climate finance, and private sector finance.


  • What is technology?
    Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

  • Why is technology important for climate change?
    Technology is important for climate change because it can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy efficiency, and develop new adaptation strategies.

  • What are some examples of climate change technologies?
    Some examples of climate change technologies include renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency technologies, and carbon capture and storage technologies.

Loss and Damage

  • What is loss and damage?
    Loss and damage is the term used to describe the impacts of climate change that cannot be avoided or mitigated.

  • Why is loss and damage important?
    Loss and damage is important because it is a growing problem that is disproportionately affecting developing countries.

  • What are some examples of loss and damage?
    Some examples of loss and damage include the loss of life and property due to extreme weather events, the displacement of people due to sea level rise, and the loss of livelihoods due to droughts and floods.

Transparency and Accountability

  • What is transparency and accountability?
    Transparency and accountability are the principles that governments and other actors should be open and accountable in their actions.

  • Why is transparency and accountability important for climate change?
    Transparency and accountability are important for climate change because they help to ensure that countries are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and that they are providing financial and technical assistance to developing countries.

  • What are some examples of transparency and accountability mechanisms?
    Some examples of transparency and accountability mechanisms include the UNFCCC’s transparency framework and the Green Climate Fund’s performance-based finance mechanism.

Capacity Building

  • What is capacity building?
    Capacity building is the process of developing the skills and knowledge needed to achieve a particular goal.

  • Why is capacity building important for climate change?
    Capacity building is important for climate change because it helps countries to develop the skills and knowledge needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate change, and access climate finance.

  • What are some examples of capacity building activities?
    Some examples of capacity building activities include training programs, technical assistance, and knowledge sharing.

Action and Implementation

  • What is action and implementation?
    Action and implementation are the processes of taking steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change.

  • Why is action and implementation important for climate change?
    Action and implementation are important for climate change because they are necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

  • What are some examples of action and implementation?
    Some examples of action and implementation include developing and implementing national climate plans, investing in renewable energy, and improving energy efficiency.

Institutional Framework

  • What is an institutional framework?
    An institutional framework is a set of institutions that work together to achieve a particular goal.

  • Why is an institutional framework important for climate change?
    An institutional framework is important for climate change because it helps to ensure that countries are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and that they are providing financial and technical assistance to developing countries.

  • What are some examples of institutional frameworks for climate change?
    Some examples of institutional frameworks for climate change include the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement.

Other Matters

  • What are other matters that are important for climate change?
    Other matters that are important for climate change include sustainable development, poverty eradication, and gender equality.
    Question 1

The subtopic of the COP 17 Durban Summit that deals with the ability of countries to cope with the effects of climate change is:

(a) Adaptation
(b) Finance
(c) Technology
(d) Loss and Damage
(e) Transparency and Accountability

Question 2

The subtopic of the COP 17 Durban Summit that deals with the provision of financial resources to help countries mitigate and adapt to climate change is:

(a) Adaptation
(b) Finance
(c) Technology
(d) Loss and Damage
(e) Transparency and Accountability

Question 3

The subtopic of the COP 17 Durban Summit that deals with the transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries is:

(a) Adaptation
(b) Finance
(c) Technology
(d) Loss and Damage
(e) Transparency and Accountability

Question 4

The subtopic of the COP 17 Durban Summit that deals with the compensation for countries that have suffered loss and damage as a result of climate change is:

(a) Adaptation
(b) Finance
(c) Technology
(d) Loss and Damage
(e) Transparency and Accountability

Question 5

The subtopic of the COP 17 Durban Summit that deals with the reporting and verification of countries’ climate change mitigation and adaptation actions is:

(a) Adaptation
(b) Finance
(c) Technology
(d) Loss and Damage
(e) Transparency and Accountability

Question 6

The subtopic of the COP 17 Durban Summit that deals with the building of the capacity of developing countries to address climate change is:

(a) Adaptation
(b) Finance
(c) Technology
(d) Loss and Damage
(e) Capacity Building

Question 7

The subtopic of the COP 17 Durban Summit that deals with the implementation of the decisions of the Conference of the Parties is:

(a) Adaptation
(b) Finance
(c) Technology
(d) Loss and Damage
(e) Action and Implementation

Question 8

The subtopic of the COP 17 Durban Summit that deals with the institutional framework for the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is:

(a) Adaptation
(b) Finance
(c) Technology
(d) Loss and Damage
(e) Institutional Framework

Question 9

The subtopic of the COP 17 Durban Summit that deals with any other matters that may be brought before the Conference of the Parties is:

(a) Adaptation
(b) Finance
(c) Technology
(d) Loss and Damage
(e) Other Matters