Constituent Assembly of India

The Constituent Assembly of India was a body of elected representatives convened in 1946 to draft the Constitution of India. The Assembly was elected by the provincial legislatures of British India, and its members included representatives of all major political parties and religious groups. The Assembly met in New Delhi from 1946 to 1950, and its deliberations were open to the public.

The Constituent Assembly was tasked with drafting a constitution that would establish a sovereign, democratic, and secular republic. The Assembly also had to decide on the form of government, the distribution of powers between the central and state governments, the fundamental rights of citizens, and the electoral system.

The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on 26 November 1949, and it came into effect on 26 January 1950. The Constitution of India is the supreme law of the land, and it guarantees the fundamental rights of all citizens.

The Constituent Assembly was a landmark event in Indian history, and it played a vital role in the establishment of the Republic of India. The Assembly’s deliberations were marked by intense debate and discussion, and its members were able to reach a consensus on a number of difficult issues. The Constitution of India is a living document that has been amended several times since its adoption, but it remains the foundation of the Indian republic.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What was the Constituent Assembly of India?

The Constituent Assembly of India was a body of elected representatives convened in 1946 to draft the Constitution of India. The Assembly was elected by the provincial legislatures of British India, and its members included representatives of all major political parties and religious groups. The Assembly met in New Delhi from 1946 to 1950, and its deliberations were open to the public.

  1. What was the purpose of the Constituent Assembly?

The Constituent Assembly was tasked with drafting a constitution that would establish a sovereign, democratic, and secular republic. The Assembly also had to decide on the form of government, the distribution of powers between the central and state governments, the fundamental rights of citizens, and the electoral system.

  1. Who were the members of the Constituent Assembly?

The Constituent Assembly was composed of 389 members, including 292 elected members and 93 nominated members. The elected members were chosen by the provincial legislatures of British India, while the nominated members were chosen by the Governor-General of India.

  1. What were the key decisions made by the Constituent Assembly?

The Constituent Assembly made a number of key decisions, including the adoption of a parliamentary system of government, the establishment of a federal system of government, the guarantee of fundamental rights, and the adoption of a secular state.

  1. What was the impact of the Constituent Assembly?

The Constituent Assembly had a profound impact on Indian history. The Assembly’s deliberations were marked by intense debate and discussion, and its members were able to reach a consensus on a number of difficult issues. The Constitution of India is a living document that has been amended several times since its adoption, but it remains the foundation of the Indian republic.


  1. The Constituent Assembly of India was convened in:
    (a) 1946
    (b) 1947
    (c) 1948
    (d) 1949

  2. The Constituent Assembly was elected by:
    (a) The people of India
    (b) The provincial legislatures of British India
    (c) The Governor-General of India
    (d) The British Parliament

  3. The Constituent Assembly was tasked with drafting a constitution that would establish:
    (a) A monarchy
    (b) A republic
    (c) A dictatorship
    (d) A communist state

  4. The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on:
    (a) 26 November 1949
    (b) 26 January 1950
    (c) 15 August 1947
    (d) 12 March 1948

  5. The Constitution of India is a living document that has been amended:
    (a) Once
    (b) Twice
    (c) Three times
    (d) Several times

1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (b)
4. (a)
5. (d)
