Constituent Assembly Debates India

The Constituent Assembly Debates India were a series of debates held by the Constituent Assembly of India from 1946 to 1950. The debates were held to discuss and draft the Constitution of India. The debates were open to the public and were broadcast on radio. The debates were a significant event in Indian history and helped to shape the country’s future.

The Constituent Assembly was a body of 389 members, elected by the provincial legislatures of British India. The Assembly was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad. The Assembly met in New Delhi from December 9, 1946 to November 26, 1950.

The debates covered a wide range of topics, including the form of government, the powers of the central and state governments, the rights of citizens, and the role of religion in the state. The debates were often heated and controversial. However, they were also a valuable opportunity for Indians to discuss their hopes and aspirations for the future of their country.

The Constituent Assembly Debates India are an important source of information about the history and development of India’s democracy. They provide insights into the thinking of the framers of the Constitution and the challenges they faced in creating a new nation. The debates are also a valuable resource for students and scholars of Indian history and politics.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What were the Constituent Assembly Debates India?

The Constituent Assembly Debates India were a series of debates held by the Constituent Assembly of India from 1946 to 1950. The debates were held to discuss and draft the Constitution of India. The debates were open to the public and were broadcast on radio. The debates were a significant event in Indian history and helped to shape the country’s future.

  1. Who were the members of the Constituent Assembly?

The Constituent Assembly was a body of 389 members, elected by the provincial legislatures of British India. The Assembly was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad. The Assembly met in New Delhi from December 9, 1946 to November 26, 1950.

  1. What topics were covered in the Constituent Assembly Debates?

The debates covered a wide range of topics, including the form of government, the powers of the central and state governments, the rights of citizens, and the role of religion in the state. The debates were often heated and controversial. However, they were also a valuable opportunity for Indians to discuss their hopes and aspirations for the future of their country.

  1. Why are the Constituent Assembly Debates India important?

The Constituent Assembly Debates India are an important source of information about the history and development of India’s democracy. They provide insights into the thinking of the framers of the Constitution and the challenges they faced in creating a new nation. The debates are also a valuable resource for students and scholars of Indian history and politics.


  1. The Constituent Assembly Debates India were held from:
    (a) 1946 to 1947
    (b) 1947 to 1948
    (c) 1948 to 1949
    (d) 1949 to 1950

  2. The Constituent Assembly was a body of:
    (a) 289 members
    (b) 389 members
    (c) 489 members
    (d) 589 members

  3. The Constituent Assembly was chaired by:
    (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
    (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
    (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
    (d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

  4. The Constituent Assembly Debates India covered a wide range of topics, including:
    (a) The form of government
    (b) The powers of the central and state governments
    (c) The rights of citizens
    (d) All of the above

  5. The Constituent Assembly Debates India are an important source of information about:
    (a) The history and development of India’s democracy
    (b) The thinking of the framers of the Constitution
    (c) The challenges they faced in creating a new nation
    (d) All of the above
