Concepts Of Geometry

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Concepts of geometry

Points, Lines & Planes  

The most fundamental geometric form is a point. It is represented as a dot with a capital alphabet which is its name. A line is a set of points and it extends in opposite directions up to infinity. It is represented by two points on the line and a double headed arrow or a single alphabet in the lower case. A plane is a two dimensional (flat) surface that extends in all directions up to infinity.

A plane has obviously no size and definitely no shape. However it is represented as a quadrangle and a single capital letter ( figure 1.1))


Figure  shows points A, D & Q, line AB, line l and plane P

Some axioms regarding points, lines and planes are given below.

  • An infinite number of lines can be drawn through any given point.
  • One and only one line can be drawn through two distinct points.
  • When two lines intersect they do so at only one point.

Collinear And Coplanar

Three or more points are said to be collinear if a single line contains all of them. Otherwise they are said to be non collinear.


Figure  shows two lines l and m . Line l is such that it passes through A, B and C. Hence points A B and C are collinear. In the case of points P, Q and R there can be no single line containing all three of them hence they are called non-linear.

Similarly points and lines which lie in the same plane are called coplanar otherwise they are called non-coplanar.

Orders of magnitude

An order of magnitude is an exponential change of plus-or-minus 1 in the value of a quantity or unit. The term is generally used in Conjunction with power-of-10 scientific notation.

In base 10, the most common numeration scheme worldwide, an increase of one order of magnitude is the same as multiplying a quantity by 10. An increase of two orders of magnitude is the equivalent of multiplying by 100, or 102. In general, an increase of n orders of magnitude is the equivalent of multiplying a quantity by 10n. Thus, 2315 is one order of magnitude larger than 231.5, which in turn is is one order of magnitude larger than 23.15.

As values get smaller, a decrease of one order of magnitude is the same as multiplying a quantity by 0.1. A decrease of two orders of magnitude is the equivalent of multiplying by 0.01, or 10-2. In general, a decrease of n orders of magnitude is the equivalent of multiplying a quantity by 10-n. Thus, 23.15 is one order of magnitude smaller than 231.5, which in turn is one order of magnitude smaller than 2315.

In the Standard International (SI) System of Units, most quantities can be expressed in multiple or fractional terms according to the order of magnitude. For example, attaching the prefix “kilo-” to a unit increases the size of the unit by three orders of magnitude, or one thousand (103). Attaching the prefix “micro-” to a unit decreases the size of the unit by six orders of magnitude, the equivalent of multiplying it by one millionth (10-6). Scientists and engineers have designated prefix multipliers from septillionths (10-24) to septillions (1024), a span of 48 orders of magnitude.



Geometry is the study of shapes and their properties. It is one of the oldest branches of mathematics, and it has been used to solve problems in many different fields, including architecture, engineering, and art.

The basic Elements of geometry are points, lines, planes, and angles. A point is a location in space. A line is a straight path that extends infinitely in both directions. A plane is a flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions. An angle is formed by two rays that share a common endpoint.

Triangles, quadrilaterals, circles, and curves are all types of polygons. A polygon is a closed figure formed by three or more line segments. A triangle is a polygon with three sides and three angles. A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides and four angles. A circle is a round shape with all points the same distance from the center. A curve is a line that does not have straight segments.

Surfaces are two-dimensional shapes. Solids are three-dimensional shapes. Dimensions are the number of directions in which a shape can extend. Shapes are the outlines of objects. Size is the measurement of the extent of an object. Position is the location of an object relative to other objects. Orientation is the way an object is positioned in space. Symmetry is the property of being the same on opposite sides of a line or plane. Transformations are changes in the shape or position of an object. Measurement is the process of determining the size or extent of something. Proofs are mathematical arguments that show that a statement is true. Constructions are methods for drawing geometric figures. Applications are uses of geometry in other fields.

Geometry is a fascinating and important subject. It has been used to solve problems for centuries, and it continues to be used in many different fields today. If you are interested in Learning more about geometry, there are many Resources available, including books, websites, and even apps.

Here are some additional facts about geometry:

  • The word “geometry” comes from the Greek words “geo,” meaning “earth,” and “metron,” meaning “measure.”
  • Geometry was one of the first branches of mathematics to be developed.
  • The ancient Egyptians and Babylonians used geometry to build pyramids and temples.
  • The ancient Greeks made many important contributions to geometry, including the Pythagorean theorem.
  • Geometry is used in many different fields today, including architecture, engineering, and art.
  • Geometry is a beautiful and elegant subject that has fascinated people for centuries.

Here are some frequently asked questions about geometry, with short answers:

  • What is geometry?
    Geometry is the study of shapes and their properties. It is a branch of mathematics that has been around for centuries.

  • What are the different types of geometry?
    There are many different types of geometry, including Euclidean geometry, non-Euclidean geometry, and differential geometry.

  • What are some important concepts in geometry?
    Some important concepts in geometry include points, lines, planes, angles, shapes, and solids.

  • What are some famous geometric figures?
    Some famous geometric figures include the triangle, the square, the rectangle, the circle, and the sphere.

  • What are some applications of geometry?
    Geometry has many applications in the real world, including architecture, engineering, and art.

  • What are some famous mathematicians who studied geometry?
    Some famous mathematicians who studied geometry include Euclid, Pythagoras, and Archimedes.

  • What are some interesting facts about geometry?
    Geometry is a very old subject, and it has been studied by mathematicians for centuries. Geometry is used in many different fields, including architecture, engineering, and art. Geometry is a very beautiful subject, and it can be used to create many different types of shapes and patterns.

  • What are some challenges in geometry?
    One challenge in geometry is that it can be very abstract. It can be difficult to visualize some of the concepts in geometry. Another challenge in geometry is that it can be very complex. There are many different types of geometry, and each type has its own set of rules and properties.

  • What are some resources for learning more about geometry?
    There are many resources available for learning more about geometry. Some resources include books, websites, and online courses.

Sure, here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic “Concepts Of Geometry”:

  1. What is the sum of the interior angles of a triangle?
    (A) 180 degrees
    (B) 270 degrees
    (C) 360 degrees
    (D) 540 degrees

  2. What is the area of a circle with a radius of 5 cm?
    (A) 78.5 cm2
    (B) 225 cm2
    (C) 314 cm2
    (D) 625 cm2

  3. What is the volume of a cube with a side length of 3 cm?
    (A) 27 cm3
    (B) 54 cm3
    (C) 108 cm3
    (D) 1728 cm3

  4. What is the Pythagorean Theorem?
    (A) a2 + b2 = c2
    (B) a2 – b2 = c2
    (C) a2 / b2 = c2
    (D) b2 / a2 = c2

  5. What is the slope of a line?
    (A) The ratio of the change in the y-coordinate to the change in the x-coordinate.
    (B) The ratio of the change in the x-coordinate to the change in the y-coordinate.
    (C) The absolute value of the ratio of the change in the y-coordinate to the change in the x-coordinate.
    (D) The square of the ratio of the change in the y-coordinate to the change in the x-coordinate.

  6. What is the equation of a line in slope-intercept form?
    (A) y = mx + b
    (B) x = my + b
    (C) y = bx + m
    (D) x = bm + y

  7. What is the equation of a circle with center (h, k) and radius r?
    (A) (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r2
    (B) (x – h)2 – (y – k)2 = r2
    (C) (x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = -r2
    (D) (x – h)2 – (y – k)2 = -r2

  8. What is the volume of a sphere with radius r?
    (A) 4/3Àr3
    (B) 2/3Àr3
    (C) Àr3
    (D) 3Àr3

  9. What is the surface area of a sphere with radius r?
    (A) 4Àr2
    (B) 2Àr2
    (C) Àr2
    (D) 3Àr2

  10. What is the lateral surface area of a cone with radius r and height h?
    (A) Àr2h
    (B) 2Àrh
    (C) Àr2
    (D) 3Àr2

I hope these MCQs are helpful!