Concepts Of Crime

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Concepts of Crime

The concept of crime is essentially concerned with the conduct of individuals in Society. It is as eternal as society and everywhere some human beinghave fallen outside the pattern of permitted crime. It is best to accept the fact thatcrime cannot be abolished except in non-existent utopia. Weakness, anger, greed, jealousy, some from the human aberration has come to the surface everywhere andhuman sanctions have vainly beaten against the irrational, the misguidedimpulsive and ill conditioned, A code of legal conduct is prescribed by thelegislature in order to protect life and property and preservation of humantranquility. Some violations of law are bowed to occur by the members of society.The crime is inevitable and universal phenomenon.

“crime or offence (or criminal offence) is an act harmful not only to some individual but also to a community, society or the state (“a public wrong”). Such acts are forbidden and punishable by law. While every crime violates the law, not every violation of the law counts as a crime”.

Actus Reus and Mens Rea in statutory offences

Mens Rea in Statutory Offences  In the field of law, it is important to understand each and every cause of each and every act. Only then can a Sound judgment be given in a case. If the judge does not consider all possible aspects and possibilities, then he will draw the correct legal conclusion most of the times but, not always. One of the most important things to consider with regard to any offence is the mens rea, or the guily intention. This element of crime (mens rea) has been in the picture almost ever since criminal law has been known to exist. It had been incorporated in definitions of crimes as far back as The Code of Hammurabi (1700 B.C.) through the use of words like “intend” and “knowledge”. But, as the years have passed, complexities regarding the use of mens rea have arisen and the courts constantly keep trying to resolve the issues regarding the application of the rule. Generally the question that arises in cases is that whether mens rea is present or absent in the offender. But, sometimes, the question is whether it is required or not. This happens in case of statutory offences. They may expressly or impliedly rule out the requirement of mens rea. The current research study critically analyzes this situation and takes into account the existing views and decisions on the issue.

Statutory Offence

An offence is basically a violation of law. In legal parlance, the word “offence” is generally construed as a criminal wrong. Hence, offence means a wrong in penal law. The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 defines “offence”as “any act or omission made punishable by any law for the time being in force and includes any act in respect of which a complaint may be made under section 20 of the Cattle-trespass Act, 1871( 1 of 1871)”. This is a guideline for offences related to the Code. But, there are other types of offences too; the ones that are created by different statutes, like those related to Taxation, national security, etc.. These are commonly referred to as Statutory offences. Offences have been classified in many ways. But, for this study, the relevant Classification of offences would be into offences malum in se and offences malum prohibitum. Offences that are malum in se are the ones that are inherently wrong or evil, like murder, rape, etc.. The society at large recognizes them as wrong. They have developed as offences over the years and through decisions of the court. Hence, these are also called Common Law offences as they are developed through precedents. On the other hand, offences that are malum prohibitum are the acts that are wrong because they are prohibited by statutes. For example, offences created by Road Traffic Rules are not inherently wrong but, since they are the rules that have to be followed on the road, their violation would lead to penalty. Travelling in a car on the right side of the road is not inherently wrong but, it is an offence as the law does not allow it. It is these kinds of offences that are referred to as Statutory Offences. They are the ones that are created by statutes which require strict interpretation.

Statutory Offences are needed because, it is not only the crimes in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 that can harm the society but, another very important class of crimes (White Collar Crimes) also poses a big threat on the society. Numerous scams have been unveiled in the past 20 years. From Harshad Mehta to 2G scam, all have contributed towards harming the society. In fact, in 1962, the Government of India under Lal Bahadur Shastri (the then Home Minister) set up a Committee (Santhanam Committee) on Prevention of Corruption, which proposed certain socio-economic offences to be made a part of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 as a new Chapter. But, unfortunately this did not happen.

Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea

The above well-known latin maxim describes the relation between mens rea and a crime in general. Actus reus means a wrongful act. Mens rea means a wrongful intention. The maxim means that an act does not itself make one guilty unless the mind is also guilty. The mere commission of a criminal act or violation of law is not enough to constitute a crime. These generally require, in addition, some Elements of wrongful intent or other fault. Mens Rea is a technical term. It means some blameworthy condition of the mind, the absence of which on any particular occasion negatives the condition of crime. It is one of the essential ingredients of criminal liability. A criminal offences is said to have been committed only when an act, which is regarded as an offence in law, is done voluntarily. Hence, an act becomes criminal only when done with a guilty mind.



Crime is an act that is prohibited by law and is punishable by the state. It is a social problem that has been around for centuries and has been the subject of much debate and discussion. There are many different types of crime, and the causes of crime are complex and varied. The consequences of crime can be devastating for both victims and offenders, and crime prevention and control are important public policy issues.

The criminal Justice system is the set of agencies and institutions that are responsible for enforcing the law and punishing criminals. It includes the police, courts, and prisons. The criminal justice system is designed to protect society from crime, but it is also important to ensure that the rights of individuals are protected.

Criminology is the study of crime and criminals. It is a multidisciplinary field that draws on Sociology, psychology, law, and other disciplines. Criminologists seek to understand the causes of crime, the characteristics of criminals, and the effectiveness of crime control policies.

Penology is the study of punishment. It is concerned with the goals of punishment, the types of punishment that are used, and the effectiveness of punishment. Penologists also study the conditions in prisons and other correctional facilities.

Victimology is the study of victims of crime. It is concerned with the experiences of victims, the impact of crime on victims, and the needs of victims. Victimologists also study the factors that contribute to victimization and the effectiveness of victim Services.

Forensic science is the application of scientific knowledge to the law. It is used to investigate crimes, identify criminals, and provide evidence in court. Forensic scientists work in a variety of fields, including criminalistics, toxicology, and odontology.

The police are the primary law enforcement agency in most countries. They are responsible for preventing crime, investigating crimes, and apprehending criminals. The police are also responsible for maintaining order and public safety.

Courts are the institutions that adjudicate criminal cases. They are responsible for determining guilt or innocence, imposing sentences, and ordering restitution. Courts are also responsible for ensuring that the rights of individuals are protected.

Prisons are institutions where criminals are incarcerated. They are designed to punish criminals, protect society from criminals, and rehabilitate criminals. Prisons are also used to detain criminals who are awaiting trial or who have been sentenced to a term of imprisonment.

Probation is a form of community-based corrections. It is used to supervise offenders who have been convicted of a crime but who are not considered to be a danger to society. Probationers are required to meet with their probation officer regularly, obey the law, and complete any other conditions of their probation.

Parole is a form of early release from prison. It is used to release offenders who have been convicted of a crime and who have served a portion of their sentence. Parolees are supervised by a parole officer and are required to obey the law and complete any other conditions of their parole.

Rehabilitation is a goal of the criminal justice system. It is the process of helping offenders to change their behavior and become law-abiding citizens. Rehabilitation can be achieved through a variety of programs, including Education, counseling, and job training.

Deterrence is a goal of the criminal justice system. It is the process of discouraging people from committing crimes. Deterrence can be achieved through a variety of methods, including punishment, the threat of punishment, and education.

Incapacitation is a goal of the criminal justice system. It is the process of preventing criminals from committing crimes. Incapacitation can be achieved through a variety of methods, including imprisonment, community supervision, and electronic monitoring.

Retribution is a goal of the criminal justice system. It is the process of punishing criminals for their crimes. Retribution is based on the idea that criminals deserve to be punished for their crimes.

Rehabilitation is a goal of the criminal justice system. It is the process of helping offenders to change their behavior and become law-abiding citizens. Rehabilitation is based on the idea that offenders can change their behavior and that they should be given the opportunity to do so.

Restorative justice is a goal of the criminal justice system. It is the process of repairing the harm that has been caused by a crime. Restorative justice is based on the idea that crime is a harm to both the victim and the community, and that the focus of the criminal justice system should be on repairing that harm.

What is crime?

Crime is an act that is prohibited by law and is punishable by the state.

What are the different types of crime?

There are many different types of crime, but some of the most common include:

  • Violent crime: This includes crimes such as murder, rape, and assault.
  • Property crime: This includes crimes such as burglary, theft, and vandalism.
  • Drug crime: This includes crimes such as possession, sale, and trafficking of illegal drugs.
  • White-collar crime: This includes crimes such as fraud, embezzlement, and insider trading.
  • Organized crime: This includes crimes that are committed by groups or organizations, such as gangs, cartels, and mafias.

What are the causes of crime?

There are many factors that can contribute to crime, including:

  • POVERTY: People who live in poverty are more likely to commit crimes because they may feel like they have no other choice.
  • Lack of education: People who lack education are more likely to commit crimes because they may not have the skills or knowledge to get a good job.
  • Substance abuse: People who abuse drugs or alcohol are more likely to commit crimes because they may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol when they commit the crime.
  • Mental illness: People with mental illnesses are more likely to commit crimes because they may not be able to control their behavior.
  • Social Disorganization: Social disorganization is a condition in which a community is unable to provide its members with the support and Resources they need to live a law-abiding life. This can lead to crime because people may feel like they have no one to turn to for help and may turn to crime as a way to survive.

What are the consequences of crime?

Crime can have many negative consequences, including:

  • Victimization: Victims of crime can suffer physical, emotional, and financial harm.
  • Fear of crime: People who live in areas with high crime rates may be afraid to leave their homes or go out at night.
  • Economic costs: Crime can have a negative impact on the economy, as businesses may be less likely to invest in areas with high crime rates.
  • Social costs: Crime can damage the social fabric of a community, as people may become distrustful of each other.

What can be done to prevent crime?

There are many things that can be done to prevent crime, including:

  • Investing in education: Education can help people get good jobs and avoid poverty, which are two factors that can contribute to crime.
  • Providing job training: Job training can help people get the skills they need to get good jobs, which can help them avoid poverty and crime.
  • Providing mental Health services: Mental health services can help people with mental illnesses get the treatment they need, which can help them avoid crime.
  • Addressing social disorganization: Addressing social disorganization can help communities provide their members with the support and resources they need to live a law-abiding life.
  • Increasing police presence: Increasing police presence can deter crime by making criminals less likely to commit crimes.
  • Using technology: Technology can be used to prevent crime by, for example, installing security cameras and using facial recognition Software.
  • Involving the community: Involving the community in crime prevention efforts can help to build trust and cooperation between the community and the police, which can help to reduce crime.
  1. Which of the following is not a crime in the United States?
    (A) Murder
    (B) Theft
    (C) Speeding
    (D) Jaywalking

  2. Which of the following is the most common type of crime in the United States?
    (A) Property crime
    (B) Violent crime
    (C) Drug crime
    (D) Organized crime

  3. Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to crime?
    (A) Poverty
    (B) Unemployment
    (C) Lack of education
    (D) Good parenting

  4. Which of the following is the most effective way to reduce crime?
    (A) Increase the number of police officers
    (B) Build more prisons
    (C) Provide more social services
    (D) Crack down on illegal drugs

  5. Which of the following is not a constitutional right of criminals?
    (A) The right to a fair trial
    (B) The right to an attorney
    (C) The right to remain silent
    (D) The right to vote

  6. Which of the following is not a purpose of punishment?
    (A) Deterrence
    (B) Incapacitation
    (C) Rehabilitation
    (D) Retribution

  7. Which of the following is the most common type of punishment in the United States?
    (A) Imprisonment
    (B) Fines
    (C) Community service
    (D) Death penalty

  8. Which of the following is not a factor that influences the severity of punishment?
    (A) The type of crime committed
    (B) The defendant’s criminal history
    (C) The defendant’s age
    (D) The defendant’s race

  9. Which of the following is the most common form of alternative to incarceration?
    (A) Probation
    (B) Parole
    (C) House arrest
    (D) Community service

  10. Which of the following is not a goal of restorative justice?
    (A) To repair the harm caused by the crime
    (B) To hold the offender accountable
    (C) To promote healing and reconciliation
    (D) To punish the offender