Committee on Public Undertakings

Committee on Public Undertakings

The Committee on Public Undertakings (COPU) is a parliamentary committee in India that examines the functioning of public sector undertakings (PSUs). It was set up in 1964 by the Parliament of India to oversee the working of these undertakings and to ensure that they are run in a fair and efficient manner.

The COPU is a standing committee of the Parliament, which means that it is always in existence and does not have to be re-constituted every time the Parliament is dissolved. The committee consists of 30 members, 15 from the Lok Sabha and 15 from the Rajya Sabha. The members are nominated by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, in consultation with the leaders of the various political parties.

The COPU has the following powers:

  • To examine the reports, accounts and annual statements of the PSUs.
  • To call for information from the PSUs and their officers.
  • To conduct inquiries into the affairs of the PSUs.
  • To make recommendations to the government on the functioning of the PSUs.

The COPU submits its reports to the Parliament every year. These reports are debated in the Parliament and the government is required to take action on the recommendations made by the committee.

The COPU has played a significant role in ensuring that the PSUs are run in a fair and efficient manner. Its reports have brought to light many instances of mismanagement and corruption in the PSUs. The government has taken action on many of the recommendations made by the committee, which has led to improvement in the functioning of the PSUs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Committee on Public Undertakings?
    The Committee on Public Undertakings (COPU) is a parliamentary committee in India that examines the functioning of public sector undertakings (PSUs).

  2. When was the COPU set up?
    The COPU was set up in 1964 by the Parliament of India.

  3. What are the powers of the COPU?
    The COPU has the following powers:

  • To examine the reports, accounts and annual statements of the PSUs.
  • To call for information from the PSUs and their officers.
  • To conduct inquiries into the affairs of the PSUs.
  • To make recommendations to the government on the functioning of the PSUs.
  1. How does the COPU function?
    The COPU is a standing committee of the Parliament, which means that it is always in existence and does not have to be re-constituted every time the Parliament is dissolved. The committee consists of 30 members, 15 from the Lok Sabha and 15 from the Rajya Sabha. The members are nominated by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, in consultation with the leaders of the various political parties.

  2. What are the achievements of the COPU?
    The COPU has played a significant role in ensuring that the PSUs are run in a fair and efficient manner. Its reports have brought to light many instances of mismanagement and corruption in the PSUs. The government has taken action on many of the recommendations made by the committee, which has led to improvement in the functioning of the PSUs.


  1. The Committee on Public Undertakings (COPU) is a parliamentary committee in:
    (a) India
    (b) Pakistan
    (c) Bangladesh
    (d) Sri Lanka

  2. The COPU was set up in:
    (a) 1964
    (b) 1965
    (c) 1966
    (d) 1967

  3. The COPU has the following powers:
    (a) To examine the reports, accounts and annual statements of the PSUs.
    (b) To call for information from the PSUs and their officers.
    (c) To conduct inquiries into the affairs of the PSUs.
    (d) All of the above.

  4. The COPU is a standing committee of the Parliament, which means that:
    (a) It is always in existence and does not have to be re-constituted every time the Parliament is dissolved.
    (b) It is dissolved every time the Parliament is dissolved.
    (c) It is reconstituted every time the Parliament is dissolved.
    (d) None of the above.

  5. The COPU has played a significant role in ensuring that the PSUs are run in a fair and efficient manner. Its reports have brought to light many instances of mismanagement and corruption in the PSUs. The government has taken action on many of the recommendations made by the committee, which has led to improvement in the functioning of the PSUs.
    (a) True
