
Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Combustion/Incineration:

  • Combustion
  • Combustion chamber
  • Combustion efficiency
  • Combustion products
  • Combustion rate
  • Combustion temperature
  • Incineration
  • Incinerator
  • Incinerator emissions
  • Incinerator efficiency
  • Incinerator safety
  • Pyrolysis
  • Pyrolysis gas
  • Pyrolysis oil
  • Pyrolysis process
  • Thermal decomposition
  • Thermal treatment
  • Waste-to-energy
    Combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs between a fuel and an oxidizer, usually oxygen, to produce heat and light. The combustion process is exothermic, meaning that it releases energy. The amount of energy released depends on the type of fuel and the amount of oxygen present.

Combustion can occur in a variety of ways, including:

  • Rapid combustion: This is the type of combustion that occurs in a fire. It is characterized by a rapid release of heat and light.
  • Slow combustion: This is the type of combustion that occurs in a furnace. It is characterized by a slower release of heat and light.
  • Spontaneous combustion: This is the type of combustion that occurs when a fuel is heated to its ignition temperature without the presence of an external ignition source.

Combustion is a very important process in many industries, including:

  • Power generation: Combustion is used to generate electricity in power plants.
  • Heating: Combustion is used to heat homes, businesses, and other buildings.
  • Transportation: Combustion is used to power vehicles, such as cars, trucks, and airplanes.
  • Manufacturing: Combustion is used to produce a variety of products, such as paper, plastics, and chemicals.

Combustion is a complex process that is affected by a number of factors, including:

  • The type of fuel: The type of fuel used will affect the rate of combustion, the amount of heat produced, and the types of emissions produced.
  • The amount of oxygen: The amount of oxygen present will affect the rate of combustion and the amount of heat produced.
  • The temperature: The temperature of the fuel and the oxidizer will affect the rate of combustion.
  • The pressure: The pressure of the fuel and the oxidizer will affect the rate of combustion.
  • The surface area: The surface area of the fuel will affect the rate of combustion.
  • The mixing: The mixing of the fuel and the oxidizer will affect the rate of combustion.

Combustion is a very important process that has a significant impact on our lives. It is important to understand the principles of combustion in order to use it safely and effectively.

Incineration is a process that involves burning waste at high temperatures to reduce its volume and produce heat. Incineration is often used to dispose of hazardous waste, such as medical waste and industrial waste. It can also be used to generate electricity.

Incineration is a controversial process. Some people believe that it is a safe and effective way to dispose of waste, while others believe that it is harmful to the environment. The main concerns about incineration are the emissions that are produced, such as dioxins and furans. These emissions can cause health problems, such as cancer.

Incinerator emissions can be reduced by using modern technology, such as filters and scrubbers. However, even with these technologies, some emissions will always be produced.

Incineration is a complex issue with both pros and cons. It is important to weigh the risks and benefits of incineration before deciding whether or not to use it to dispose of waste.

Pyrolysis is a process that involves heating organic materials in the absence of oxygen to produce pyrolysis products, such as pyrolysis gas, pyrolysis oil, and char. Pyrolysis is a clean and efficient way to convert waste into energy.

Pyrolysis gas can be used to generate electricity or to produce chemicals. Pyrolysis oil can be used as a fuel or as a feedstock for the production of chemicals. Char can be used as a fuel or as a soil amendment.

Pyrolysis is a promising technology for the treatment of waste. It is a clean and efficient way to convert waste into energy or other useful products.

Thermal decomposition is a process that involves heating a material to a high temperature in the absence of oxygen. This process can be used to convert a variety of materials into different products, such as gases, liquids, and solids.

Thermal decomposition is a versatile process that can be used to treat a variety of materials. It is a clean and efficient process that can be used to produce valuable products.

Thermal treatment is a process that involves heating a material to a high temperature. This process can be used to modify the properties of a material, such as its strength, hardness, or ductility.

Thermal treatment is a common process that is used in a variety of industries, such as the metalworking industry and the plastics industry. It is a versatile process that can be used to produce a variety of materials with different properties.

Waste-to-energy is a process that involves converting waste into energy. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as incineration, pyrolysis, and gasification.

Waste-to-energy is a promising technology for the treatment of waste. It is a clean and efficient way to convert waste into energy.

Combustion is a chemical reaction that occurs between a fuel and an oxidizer, releasing heat and light. The most common fuels are hydrocarbons, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, and natural gas. The most common oxidizers are oxygen and air.

Combustion chamber

A combustion chamber is a chamber in which combustion takes place. It is typically a closed vessel with a fuel-air mixture that is ignited by a spark or flame. The combustion chamber is designed to maximize the efficiency of the combustion process.

Combustion efficiency

Combustion efficiency is the percentage of the fuel energy that is converted into heat. The higher the combustion efficiency, the less fuel is wasted. Combustion efficiency is affected by a number of factors, including the type of fuel, the design of the combustion chamber, and the operating conditions.

Combustion products

The combustion products are the gases and solids that are produced when a fuel is burned. The most common combustion products are carbon dioxide, water vapor, and nitrogen. Other combustion products may include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter.

Combustion rate

The combustion rate is the speed at which a fuel is burned. The combustion rate is affected by a number of factors, including the type of fuel, the temperature, and the pressure. The combustion rate is important because it affects the amount of heat that is produced.

Combustion temperature

The combustion temperature is the temperature at which a fuel is burned. The combustion temperature is affected by a number of factors, including the type of fuel, the amount of oxygen, and the pressure. The combustion temperature is important because it affects the amount of heat that is produced.


Incineration is the process of burning waste at high temperatures to reduce its volume and produce ash. Incineration is used to dispose of a variety of wastes, including municipal solid waste, hazardous waste, and medical waste.


An incinerator is a device that is used to incinerate waste. Incinerators are typically large, industrial-scale facilities. Incinerators are designed to minimize the emissions of pollutants into the environment.

Incinerator emissions

Incinerator emissions are the pollutants that are released into the environment from an incinerator. The most common incinerator emissions are particulate matter, dioxins, and furans. Incinerator emissions are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Incinerator efficiency

Incinerator efficiency is the percentage of the waste that is destroyed in an incinerator. The higher the incinerator efficiency, the less waste is left over after incineration. Incinerator efficiency is affected by a number of factors, including the type of waste, the design of the incinerator, and the operating conditions.

Incinerator safety

Incinerator safety is the prevention of accidents and injuries at an incinerator. Incinerators are designed with a number of safety features to prevent accidents. These safety features include fire suppression systems, emergency shutdown systems, and air pollution control systems.


Pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition process that occurs in the absence of oxygen. Pyrolysis is used to convert organic materials into a variety of products, including pyrolysis gas, pyrolysis oil, and biochar.

Pyrolysis gas

Pyrolysis gas is a gas that is produced during pyrolysis. Pyrolysis gas is a mixture of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen. Pyrolysis gas can be used to generate electricity or to produce chemicals.

Pyrolysis oil

Pyrolysis oil is a liquid that is produced during pyrolysis. Pyrolysis oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds. Pyrolysis oil can be used as a fuel or as a feedstock for the production of chemicals.

Pyrolysis process

The pyrolysis process is a thermal decomposition process that occurs in the absence of oxygen. The pyrolysis process is used to convert organic materials into a variety of products, including pyrolysis gas, pyrolysis oil, and biochar.

Thermal decomposition

Thermal decomposition is a chemical reaction that occurs when a substance is heated to a high temperature. Thermal decomposition is used to convert organic materials into a variety of products, including pyrolysis gas, pyrolysis oil, and biochar.

Thermal treatment

Thermal treatment is a process that uses heat to modify the properties of a material. Thermal treatment is used to a variety of materials, including metals, plastics, and ceramics.


Waste-to-energy is a process that converts waste into energy. Waste-to-energy facilities typically use incineration or gasification to convert waste into heat or electricity.

  1. The process of burning a material in the presence of oxygen to produce heat and light is called:
    (a) Combustion
    (b) Pyrolysis
    (c) Thermal decomposition
    (d) Waste-to-energy

  2. The main products of combustion are:
    (a) Carbon dioxide and water vapor
    (b) Carbon monoxide and water vapor
    (c) Hydrogen and oxygen
    (d) Methane and carbon dioxide

  3. The rate of combustion is affected by:
    (a) The temperature of the fuel
    (b) The concentration of oxygen
    (c) The surface area of the fuel
    (d) All of the above

  4. The temperature at which combustion occurs is called the:
    (a) Ignition temperature
    (b) Combustion temperature
    (c) Flame temperature
    (d) Decomposition temperature


  1. Incineration is the process of:
    (a) Burning a material in the presence of oxygen to produce heat and light
    (b) Heating a material to a high temperature in the absence of oxygen to produce a gas
    (c) Heating a material to a high temperature in the presence of oxygen to produce a solid
    (d) None of the above

  2. Incinerators are used to:
    (a) Destroy hazardous waste
    (b) Generate electricity
    (c) Both (a) and (b)
    (d) None of the above

  3. Incinerator emissions include:
    (a) Dioxins and furans
    (b) Heavy metals
    (c) Acid gases
    (d) All of the above

  4. Incinerator efficiency is the percentage of the waste that is converted to heat:
    (a) True
    (b) False


  1. Pyrolysis is the process of:
    (a) Burning a material in the presence of oxygen to produce heat and light
    (b) Heating a material to a high temperature in the absence of oxygen to produce a gas
    (c) Heating a material to a high temperature in the presence of oxygen to produce a solid
    (d) None of the above

  2. Pyrolysis products include:
    (a) Pyrolysis gas
    (b) Pyrolysis oil
    (c) Char
    (d) All of the above

  3. Pyrolysis is a more efficient way to destroy hazardous waste than incineration because:
    (a) It produces fewer emissions
    (b) It produces less ash
    (c) It can be used to recover valuable materials
    (d) All of the above

Thermal decomposition

  1. Thermal decomposition is the process of:
    (a) Burning a material in the presence of oxygen to produce heat and light
    (b) Heating a material to a high temperature in the absence of oxygen to produce a gas
    (c) Heating a material to a high temperature in the presence of oxygen to produce a solid
    (d) None of the above

  2. Thermal decomposition is used to:
    (a) Destroy hazardous waste
    (b) Generate electricity
    (c) Both (a) and (b)
    (d) None of the above

  3. Thermal decomposition products include:
    (a) Pyrolysis gas
    (b) Pyrolysis oil
    (c) Char
    (d) All of the above

Thermal treatment

  1. Thermal treatment is the process of:
    (a) Burning a material in the presence of oxygen to produce heat and light
    (b) Heating a material to a high temperature in the absence of oxygen to produce a gas
    (c) Heating a material to a high temperature in the presence of oxygen to produce a solid
    (d) None of the above

  2. Thermal treatment is used to:
    (a) Destroy hazardous waste
    (b) Generate electricity
    (c) Both (a) and (b)
    (d) None of the above

  3. Thermal treatment products include:
    (a) Pyrolysis gas
    (b) Pyrolysis oil
    (c) Char
    (d) All of the above


  1. Waste-to-energy is the process of:
    (a) Burning waste to produce heat and electricity
    (b) Recycling waste
    (c) Landfilling waste
    (d) None of the above

  2. Waste-to-energy plants are used to:
    (a) Reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills
    (b) Generate electricity
    (c) Both (a) and (b)
    (d) None of the above

  3. Waste-to-energy plants produce emissions, including:
    (a) Di