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Relationship between an individual and a state to which the individual owes allegiance and in turn is entitled to its protection. Citizenship implies the status of freedom with accompanying responsibilities. Citizens have certain rights, duties, and responsibilities that are denied or only partially extended to aliens and other noncitizens residing in a country. In general, full political rights, including the right to vote and to hold public office, are predicated upon citizenship. The usual responsibilities of citizenship are allegiance, Taxation, and military service.

Citizenship is the most privileged form of nationality. This broader term denotes various relations between an individual and a state that do not necessarily confer political rights but do imply other privileges, particularly protection abroad. It is the term used in international law to denote all persons whom a state is entitled to protect. Nationality also serves to denote the relationship to a state of entities other than individuals; corporations, ships, and aircraft, for example, possess a nationality.

The concept of citizenship first arose in towns and city-states of ancient Greece, where it generally applied to property owners but not to Women, slaves, or the poorer members of the community. A citizen in a Greek city-state was entitled to vote and was liable to taxation and military service. The Romans first used citizenship as a device to distinguish the residents of the city of Rome from those peoples whose territories Rome had conquered and incorporated. As their empire continued to grow, the Romans granted citizenship to their allies throughout Italy proper and then to peoples in other Roman provinces, until in AD 212 citizenship was extended to all free inhabitants of the empire. Roman citizenship conferred important legal privileges within the empire.

The concept of national citizenship virtually disappeared in Europe during the Middle Ages, replaced as it was by a system of feudal rights and obligations. In the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the holding of citizenship in various cities and towns of Italy and Germany became a guarantee of immunity for merchants and other privileged persons from the claims and prerogatives of feudal overlords. Modern concepts of citizenship crystallized in the 18th century during the American and French Revolutions, when the term citizen came to suggest the possession of certain liberties in the face of the coercive powers of absolutist monarchs.

The principal grounds for acquiring citizenship (apart from international transactions such as transfer of territory or option) are birth within a certain territory, descent from a citizen parent, marriage to a citizen, and naturalization. There are two main systems used to determine citizenship as of the time of birth: jus soli, whereby citizenship is acquired by birth within the territory of the state, regardless of parental citizenship; and jus sanguinis, whereby a person, wherever born, is a citizen of the state if, at the time of his birth, his parent is one. The United States and the countries of the British Commonwealth adopt the jus soli as their basic principle; they also recognize acquisition of nationality by descent but subject it to strict limitations. Other countries generally adopt the jus sanguinis as their basic principle, supplementing it by provisions for Acquisition of Citizenship in case of combination of birth and domicile within the country, birth within the country of parents born there, and so on. The provisions of nationality laws that overlap often result in dual nationality; a person may be a citizen of two countries. Alternatively, the lack of uniform rules on citizenship acquisition and loss have sometimes produced lack of citizenship (statelessness).

The acquisition of citizenship by a woman through marriage to a citizen was the prevailing principle in modern times until after World War I. Under this system, the wife and children shared the nationality status of the husband and father as head of the family. From the 1920s, under the impact of woman suffrage and ideas about the Equality of men and women, a new system developed in which a woman’s nationality was not affected by marriage. The resulting mixed-nationality marriages sometimes create complications, particularly in regard to the nationality status of the children, and accordingly various mixed systems have been devised, all stressing the woman’s and child’s freedom of choice.




Citizenship under Indian Constitution

ARTICLE 5 made certain persons as Indian citizens at the time of the commencement of Indian Constitution. The first condition to be an Indian Citizen is of „domicile‟ i.e. a person has domicile in the territory of India.

The term „domicile‟ has not been defined in the Indian Constitution. „Domicile‟ means the place where a person‟s habitation is fixed without any present intention of moving there from. Every person has a domicile at his birth called the domicile of origin. The domicile of origin remains unchanged until the person acquires a new domicile, i.e. by actually settling in another country with the intention of permanently residing there. Till then the domicile of origin continues even if he has left the country with an intention of never returning again. The onus to prove that a person has changed his domicile of origin lies upon him.  It has been held by The Supreme Court that there must be factum and animus to constitute the existence of domicile in India. Similarly, the Supreme Court said in Louis Raedt v Union of India , that the person should show his appropriate state of mind required for acquisition of domicile by choice.

In Pradeep Jain v Union of India , the Supreme Court held that there is only one domicile in India. The court said that the domicile does not change with the change of residence within India.

A minor or married person does not have the legal capacity to make a change of domicile. Therefore, a minor carries the domicile of his father and a married woman gets the domicile of her husband.

Both Articles 6 and 7 use the term „migrated‟. The meaning of the term „migrated‟ came into consideration of Supreme Court in Kulathi v State of Kerala . The majority held that the word „migrate‟ was used in a wider sense of moving from one country to another with the qualification that such movement was not for a short visit or for a special purpose.

Article 8 provides for the Rights of citizenship of certain persons of Indian origin residing outside India. Article 9 provides that no person shall be a citizen of India by virtue of Article 5, or be deemed to be a citizen of India by virtue of Article 6 or Article 8, if he has voluntarily acquired the citizenship of any foreign State. It deals only with voluntary acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state before the Constitution came into force. Under Article 10 Parliament may take away the right of citizenship of any person.

Citizenship under the CITIZENSHIP ACT, 1955

Parliament has enacted the Citizenship Act, 1955, to provide for the acquisition and determination of Indian Citizenship. The Act provides for acquisition of Indian citizenship after the commencement of the Constitution in five ways, i.e., birth, descent, registration, naturalization and incorporation of territory.

Citizenship by Birth

A person acquires citizenship by birth if he is born on or after 26th January 1950 but before 1st July, 1987. In this case, there is no need to determine the nationality of his parents. But in case where he born on or after 1st July,1987 but before 3rd December, 2004, it is necessary that either of his parents is a citizen of India at the time of his birth. After 3rd December, 2004, he acquires citizenship by birth if both the parents are citizens of India or one of the parents is a citizen of India and the other is not an illegal migrant at the time of his birth. An „illegal migrant‟ means a foreigner who entered India without a valid passport or documents or remains in India beyond the permitted period of time.






Citizenship is the status of being a citizen of a particular country. A citizen of a country has certain rights and responsibilities, such as the right to vote and the obligation to pay taxes.

There are four main ways to acquire citizenship: by birth, by descent, by naturalization, and by marriage.

Citizenship by birth is the most common way to acquire citizenship. A person is born a citizen of a country if they are born within the country’s borders or if one of their parents is a citizen of the country.

Citizenship by Descent is a way to acquire citizenship if one of your parents or grandparents was a citizen of the country. In some countries, you can also acquire citizenship by descent if you were born outside of the country but your parents were citizens of the country at the time of your birth.

Citizenship by naturalization is a way to acquire citizenship if you are not born a citizen of a country but have lived in the country for a certain number of years and meet other requirements, such as passing a language test and a civics test.

Citizenship by marriage is a way to acquire citizenship if you marry a citizen of a country. In some countries, you can only acquire citizenship by marriage if you have been married to a citizen of the country for a certain number of years.

In addition to the four main ways to acquire citizenship, there are a few other ways to acquire citizenship, such as through Investment or military service.

Citizenship is a complex issue, and the laws governing citizenship vary from country to country. If you are considering acquiring citizenship in another country, it is important to consult with an immigration lawyer to understand the requirements and process.

Here are some additional details about each of the four main ways to acquire citizenship:

  • Citizenship by birth: A person is born a citizen of a country if they are born within the country’s borders or if one of their parents is a citizen of the country. For example, if you are born in the United States, you are automatically a U.S. citizen, regardless of your parents’ citizenship. Similarly, if your parents are U.S. citizens, you are automatically a U.S. citizen, regardless of where you are born.
  • Citizenship by descent: A person can acquire citizenship by descent if one of their parents or grandparents was a citizen of the country. In some countries, you can also acquire citizenship by descent if you were born outside of the country but your parents were citizens of the country at the time of your birth. For example, if your mother is a U.S. citizen, you are automatically a U.S. citizen, even if you were born in another country. Similarly, if your grandparents were U.S. citizens, you may be able to acquire U.S. citizenship through them, even if your parents were not U.S. citizens.
  • Citizenship by naturalization: A person can acquire citizenship by naturalization if they are not born a citizen of a country but have lived in the country for a certain number of years and meet other requirements, such as passing a language test and a civics test. The requirements for naturalization vary from country to country. For example, in the United States, you must have been a permanent resident of the United States for at least five years, you must be at least 18 years old, you must be a person of good moral character, and you must be able to read, write, and speak basic English.
  • Citizenship by marriage: A person can acquire citizenship by marriage if they marry a citizen of a country. In some countries, you can only acquire citizenship by marriage if you have been married to a citizen of the country for a certain number of years. For example, in the United States, you must have been married to a U.S. citizen for at least three years before you can apply for U.S. citizenship.

In addition to the four main ways to acquire citizenship, there are a few other ways to acquire citizenship, such as through investment or military service. For example, some countries offer citizenship to people who invest a certain amount of Money in the country’s economy. Other countries offer citizenship to people who serve in the country’s military.

Citizenship is a complex issue, and the laws governing citizenship vary from country to country. If you are considering acquiring citizenship in another country, it is important to consult with an immigration lawyer to understand the requirements and process.

What is a passport?

A passport is a document that is issued by a government to its citizens and allows them to travel internationally. It contains the holder’s name, date of birth, nationality, and other personal information.

What is a visa?

A visa is a stamp or sticker that is placed in a passport and allows the holder to enter a specific country. It is issued by the government of the country that the holder wishes to visit.

What is a green card?

A green card is a document that is issued by the United States government to allow a foreign national to live and work permanently in the United States. It is also known as a Permanent Resident Card.

What is a work visa?

A work visa is a type of visa that allows a foreign national to work in a specific country. It is issued by the government of the country that the holder wishes to work in.

What is a student visa?

A student visa is a type of visa that allows a foreign national to study in a specific country. It is issued by the government of the country that the holder wishes to study in.

What is a tourist visa?

A tourist visa is a type of visa that allows a foreign national to visit a specific country for tourism purposes. It is issued by the government of the country that the holder wishes to visit.

What is a marriage visa?

A marriage visa is a type of visa that allows a foreign national to marry a citizen of a specific country and live in that country permanently. It is issued by the government of the country that the holder wishes to marry a citizen of.

What is a refugee visa?

A refugee visa is a type of visa that allows a foreign national who is fleeing persecution in their home country to live in a safe country. It is issued by the government of the country that the holder wishes to live in.

What is an asylum seeker?

An asylum seeker is a person who has fled their home country and is seeking protection in another country. They are not yet a refugee, but they are claiming asylum in the hope of being granted refugee status.

What is a stateless person?

A stateless person is a person who does not have a nationality. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as being born to parents who are stateless or being born in a country that does not recognize their nationality.

What is dual citizenship?

Dual citizenship is when a person is a citizen of two countries. This can happen if a person is born to parents who are citizens of different countries or if a person naturalizes as a citizen of a second country.

What is naturalization?

Naturalization is the process by which a foreign national becomes a citizen of a country. To naturalize, a person must meet certain requirements, such as living in the country for a certain number of years and passing a test on the country’s history and government.

What is citizenship?

Citizenship is the status of being a citizen of a country. Citizens of a country have certain rights and responsibilities, such as the right to vote and the obligation to pay taxes.

Sure, here are some multiple choice questions without mentioning the topic of citizenship:

  1. What is the name of the document that grants citizenship to a person?
    (A) Passport
    (B) Visa
    (C) Green Card
    (D) Birth Certificate

  2. What is the process of becoming a citizen of a country called?
    (A) Naturalization
    (B) Immigration
    (C) Emigration
    (D) Expatriation

  3. What is the right to vote in a country called?
    (A) Suffrage
    (B) Franchise
    (C) Enfranchisement
    (D) Emancipation

  4. What is the right to hold public office in a country called?
    (A) Eligibility
    (B) Qualification
    (C) Ineligibility
    (D) Disqualification

  5. What is the right to live and work in a country called?
    (A) Residency
    (B) Domicile
    (C) Sojourn
    (D) Asylum

  6. What is the right to own property in a country called?
    (A) Inheritance
    (C) Alienation
    (D) Escheat

  7. What is the right to travel freely in a country called?
    (A) Perambulation
    (B) Locomotion
    (C) Transit
    (D) Voyage

  8. What is the right to freedom of speech in a country called?
    (A) Expression
    (B) Association
    (C) Assembly
    (D) Religion

  9. What is the right to Freedom of Assembly in a country called?
    (A) Demonstration
    (B) Protest
    (C) Rassemblement
    (D) Riot

  10. What is the right to freedom of religion in a country called?
    (A) Worship
    (B) Piety
    (C) Devotion
    (D) Faith

I hope these questions were helpful!