Citizen’s charter

Citizen’s Charter

A citizen’s charter is a document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the services that they can expect from the government. It is a way of ensuring that the government is accountable to its citizens and that services are delivered in a fair and efficient way.

The first citizen’s charter was published in the United Kingdom in 1991. It was introduced by the then Prime Minister, John Major, as a way of improving the quality of public services. The charter set out a number of standards that public services should meet, such as waiting times for hospital treatment and response times for the police.

Since then, many other countries have introduced their own citizen’s charters. In Australia, for example, the charter sets out the rights of citizens to access government services, such as education and healthcare. In Canada, the charter sets out the responsibilities of citizens, such as paying taxes and voting.

Citizen’s charters can play an important role in improving the quality of public services. They can help to ensure that services are delivered in a fair and efficient way, and that citizens have a say in how services are delivered.

Benefits of Citizen’s Charters

There are a number of benefits to having a citizen’s charter. These include:

  • Improved quality of public services: Citizen’s charters can help to improve the quality of public services by setting out standards that services should meet. This can help to ensure that services are delivered in a fair and efficient way.
  • Increased accountability of the government: Citizen’s charters can help to increase the accountability of the government by setting out the rights and responsibilities of citizens. This can help to ensure that the government is responsive to the needs of its citizens.
  • Increased transparency of government: Citizen’s charters can help to increase the transparency of government by setting out information about how public services are delivered. This can help to make government more accountable to its citizens.
  • Increased citizen participation: Citizen’s charters can help to increase citizen participation in government by setting out ways in which citizens can have a say in how public services are delivered. This can help to make government more responsive to the needs of its citizens.

Challenges of Citizen’s Charters

There are also a number of challenges associated with citizen’s charters. These include:

  • Implementation: Implementing a citizen’s charter can be challenging. It requires a commitment from the government and from public service providers.
  • Cost: Implementing a citizen’s charter can be costly. It requires resources to develop and implement the charter, and to monitor and evaluate its impact.
  • Compliance: It can be difficult to ensure that public service providers comply with the requirements of a citizen’s charter.
  • Public awareness: It can be difficult to raise public awareness of a citizen’s charter and its benefits.


Despite the challenges, citizen’s charters can play an important role in improving the quality of public services. They can help to ensure that services are delivered in a fair and efficient way, and that citizens have a say in how services are delivered.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a citizen’s charter?

A citizen’s charter is a document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the services that they can expect from the government.

What are the benefits of citizen’s charters?

There are a number of benefits to having a citizen’s charter. These include improved quality of public services, increased accountability of the government, increased transparency of government, and increased citizen participation.

What are the challenges of citizen’s charters?

There are also a number of challenges associated with citizen’s charters. These include implementation, cost, compliance, and public awareness.


  1. What is a citizen’s charter?
    (A) A document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the services that they can expect from the government.
    (B) A document that sets out the responsibilities of citizens to the government.
    (C) A document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of the government to its citizens.
    (D) A document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of both citizens and the government.

  2. What are the benefits of citizen’s charters?
    (A) Improved quality of public services.
    (B) Increased accountability of the government.
    (C) Increased transparency of government.
    (D) Increased citizen participation.

  3. What are the challenges of citizen’s charters?
    (A) Implementation.
    (B) Cost.
    (C) Compliance.
    (D) All of the above.
