Citizen Centric Governance

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The “key word” to be used in this is the “citizens engagement” in the various phases of the service definition, development, refining and monitoring, and the whole concept of user-centric Services is based on “putting the citizen (user) at the centre of innovative services” starting from enabling of a specific procedure: citizens shall be involved in the user-centric services development driven by what users want and operate on a scale that is relevant to them.

The whole approach can be actualised through very different ways and using very different tools, often not only ICT-based; public workshops and consultation are still a powerful instrument to create a co-operative debate

Indeed ICT is only a tool, both for information gathering and information delivering, as we can elicit useful information through face-to-face discussions, and the first challenge is to define the most suitable interface for users/citizens we shall use to empower the citizen to interact.

Citizen-centric governance means also creating a so-called ‘smart Environment that see the users/citizens as their main stakeholders. The user-centricity will be the basis for adopting a shared approach: people living in a smart multimodal environment which maximizes the economies of scope and scale across its multiple Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE layers. Here, the ‘smartness’ shall not be referred uniquely to the technologies, but includes a broader view of ensuring a minimum QoS for public and private services, the direct contact and management of the Resources in the territory, the coopetition among citizens and the other actors (government, Industry, academia) working together to co-drive structural changes. It’s the application of the Quadruple Helix model, introduced within the Open Innovation 2.0 (OI20) main vision, and applied to the territorial open government.

The ideal citizen centric governance scenario might be described as one with freedom of choice to participate in the design, delivery and review of public services with governments that focus on enabling user initiating and implementing levels. However, realising this relies on a number of factors, among all the interactivity and including active citizen participation through discussion, dialogue and debate, possibly supported by social networks and platforms. It has been emphasised that techniques such as narratives, games or even art may be important vehicles for expressing evidence and forming opinion.

Following this preliminary analysis, and keeping in mind that an informed citizenry might engage with experts from many domains in generating scenarios for improving the quality of urban life and urban performance, we can list some initial recommendation targeted to the Community at large:

  • It’s important to assess methodologies for users and citizens’ engagement that imply the active participation of users especially in the phase of the service definition. Empowering citizens to be decision makers: individuals, small communities and organizations can participate in the entire DECISION MAKING process in a manner that was not possible earlier.


  • The use of new technologies and the 2.0 tools through mobile devices empowers the co-participation of users, being these the interface that almost all citizens and users are going to use for the management of all the information of his/her daily life. The focus shall be on ways in which citizens can first access information about what is happening in their communities and cities but also explore ways in which a wide range of different groups can become actively involved in the design and planning process, both remotely and in face-to-face situations using data, models and scenarios all informed by contemporary ICT.


  • The business perspective for the service’ sustainability is a boundary requirement when thinking about the need of provision of added-value content information. More users, more trust, more engagement, more feedback, more info to be elaborated by third parties.


  • Core Principles for Making Governance Citizen Centric



  • In our country there is a tendency for some enforcement agencies not to rigorously enforce the provisions of law. This is particularly evident in case of traffic related violations, civic offences, infringement of pollution control laws etc. For their part, sometimes, the citizens are equally to blame for flouting rules with impunity and without regard to public Health, safety and consideration for others. A crackdown on these types of offences in some cities like Delhi, whether enforced by Courts or otherwise, have tended to operate as campaigns and may therefore be unable to create and sustain a long term impact because they are driven by personalities or by court verdicts rather than by the institutions themselves.
  • Hence all public agencies should adopt a zero Tolerance strategy towards crime, in order to create a Climate of compliance with laws leading to maintenance of public order. This strategy should be institutionalized in the various public agencies by creating appropriate statistical databases, backed up by modern technology, to monitor the level and trends of various types of offences and link these to a system of incentives and penalties for the officials working in these agencies. It should be combined with initiatives to involve the community in crime prevention measures. The core principles for making governance citizen centric are:
  • Making Institutions Vibrant, Responsive and Accountable
  • Active Citizens’ Participation – Decentralization and Delegation
  • Transparency
  • Civil Service Reforms
  • Ethics in Governance
  • Process Reforms
  • Periodic & Independent Evaluation of the Quality of Governance


Citizen expects Good Governance and high quality performance from Government. Good governance brings prosperity. Instead bad governance, brings conflict result in civil war, as it restricts opportunities of its citizen which make them frustrated.

Having said all this, it is important to re-iterate that the success of the governance depends on proper policy making and policy implementation which in turn depends on the successful implementation of different methodologies of good governance at the ground level rather than managerial skills of the administrators, mainly because of the in-built variable and dynamic nature of the problems wherein the success of the decisions more depend on whether the understanding of the administrator is congruent to the nucleus of the problem as it was perceived by the public at large. Further not only the administrators are expected to identify the issues but also the relative weights which needs to ascribed to the various issues and their related aspects. Lastly the manner in which the issues are addressed again is very organic and fluid which ascribes ultimate importance to the sensitivities and perceptions of the clientele in accordance with the situational features. Thus, participation of all stakeholders as government, judiciary, institutions, civil Society and citizens are necessary to bring good governance.


Citizen-centric governance is a government approach that focuses on the needs and interests of citizens. It is based on the idea that citizens should be at the center of all government decision-making and service delivery.

There are many benefits to citizen-centric governance. It can lead to improved public services, increased citizen satisfaction, and greater trust in government. It can also help to build a more resilient and inclusive society.

There are a number of ways to implement citizen-centric governance. One approach is to use technology to make it easier for citizens to interact with government. For example, governments can use online platforms to provide information and services, and to collect feedback from citizens.

Another approach is to involve citizens in decision-making. This can be done through public consultations, focus groups, and citizen juries. Governments can also create opportunities for citizens to participate in the delivery of public services.

Citizen-centric governance is a complex and challenging undertaking. However, it is essential for building a more responsive and accountable government.

Here are some specific examples of how citizen-centric governance has been implemented in different countries:

  • In the United States, the Obama administration launched the Open Government Initiative in 2009. This initiative aimed to make the federal government more transparent and accountable to citizens. One of the key components of the Open Government Initiative was the launch of, a website that makes government data available to the public.
  • In the United Kingdom, the government has launched a number of initiatives aimed at making government more citizen-centric. One of these initiatives is the “What Works” program, which aims to improve the use of evidence in policymaking. Another initiative is the “Open Public Services” program, which aims to make public services more accessible and responsive to citizens.
  • In Australia, the government has launched a number of initiatives aimed at making government more citizen-centric. One of these initiatives is the “MyGov” portal, which provides a single point of access to government services. Another initiative is the “Better Regulation Agenda”, which aims to reduce red tape and make it easier for businesses to operate in Australia.

These are just a few examples of how citizen-centric governance has been implemented in different countries. There are many other examples, and the field of citizen-centric governance is constantly evolving.

The benefits of citizen-centric governance are clear. It can lead to improved public services, increased citizen satisfaction, and greater trust in government. It can also help to build a more resilient and inclusive society.

However, there are also challenges associated with citizen-centric governance. One challenge is that it can be difficult to involve all citizens in decision-making. Another challenge is that it can be difficult to ensure that citizen-centric initiatives are actually effective.

Despite these challenges, citizen-centric governance is an essential approach for building a more responsive and accountable government.

What is a citizen-centric government?

A citizen-centric government is one that puts the needs of its citizens first. It does this by providing services that are accessible, responsive, and efficient. A citizen-centric government also works to create a more equitable society by addressing issues such as POVERTY, inequality, and discrimination.

What are the benefits of a citizen-centric government?

There are many benefits to a citizen-centric government. For one, it can lead to increased trust and satisfaction among citizens. When citizens feel like their government is responsive to their needs, they are more likely to be engaged in the political process. Additionally, a citizen-centric government can help to improve the Quality Of Life for its citizens by providing better services and addressing important issues.

What are some examples of citizen-centric governments?

There are many examples of citizen-centric governments around the world. One example is the city of Seoul, South Korea. Seoul has been working to become a more citizen-centric government for many years. One of the ways that Seoul has done this is by creating a “one-stop shop” for government services. This website allows citizens to access a wide range of government services, such as paying taxes, applying for permits, and registering for social services.

Another example of a citizen-centric government is the city of Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona has been working to become a more citizen-centric government by using technology to improve the way that it interacts with its citizens. For example, Barcelona has created a mobile app that allows citizens to report problems, such as potholes or graffiti, to the city government.

What are some challenges to implementing a citizen-centric government?

There are a number of challenges to implementing a citizen-centric government. One challenge is that it can be difficult to get all levels of government to work together. Additionally, it can be expensive to implement new technologies and services. Finally, it can be difficult to change the culture of a government to be more citizen-centric.

What are some best practices for implementing a citizen-centric government?

There are a number of best practices for implementing a citizen-centric government. One best practice is to start by listening to the needs of citizens. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, and other methods. Once you have a good understanding of the needs of citizens, you can start to develop new services and programs that meet those needs.

Another best practice is to use technology to improve the way that you interact with citizens. Technology can be used to make it easier for citizens to access government services, report problems, and get involved in the political process.

Finally, it is important to change the culture of your government to be more citizen-centric. This means making sure that all levels of government are committed to putting the needs of citizens first. It also means creating a culture of innovation and collaboration.

  1. Which of the following is not a principle of citizen-centric governance?
    (A) Transparency
    (B) Accountability
    (C) Efficiency
    (D) Inclusivity

  2. Which of the following is not a benefit of citizen-centric governance?
    (A) Improved efficiency
    (B) Increased transparency
    (C) Reduced costs
    (D) Decreased citizen satisfaction

  3. Which of the following is not a challenge of citizen-centric governance?
    (A) Lack of resources
    (B) Lack of political will
    (C) Lack of public trust
    (D) Lack of technology

  4. Which of the following is not a tool for citizen-centric governance?
    (A) E-government
    (B) Open data
    (C) Social Media
    (D) Citizen engagement platforms

  5. Which of the following is not a goal of citizen-centric governance?
    (A) To improve the quality of life for citizens
    (B) To increase citizen participation in government
    (C) To make government more efficient and effective
    (D) To reduce Corruption

  6. Which of the following is not a characteristic of citizen-centric governance?
    (A) It is focused on the needs of citizens.
    (B) It is transparent and accountable.
    (C) It is efficient and effective.
    (D) It is participatory and inclusive.

  7. Which of the following is not a way to measure the success of citizen-centric governance?
    (A) Citizen satisfaction
    (B) Government efficiency
    (C) Corruption levels
    (D) Economic Growth

  8. Which of the following is not a barrier to citizen-centric governance?
    (A) Lack of resources
    (B) Lack of political will
    (C) Lack of public trust
    (D) Lack of technology

  9. Which of the following is not a strategy for overcoming the barriers to citizen-centric governance?
    (A) Investing in technology
    (B) Building public trust
    (C) Increasing political will
    (D) Reducing corruption

  10. Which of the following is not a way to improve citizen-centric governance?
    (A) Making government more transparent
    (B) Making government more accountable
    (C) Making government more efficient
    (D) Making government more participatory