Chief Justice of India

The Chief Justice of India (CJI) is the head of the Supreme Court of India and the highest-ranking judge in the country. The CJI is appointed by the President of India, on the advice of the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice of India. The CJI holds office until he or she attains the age of 65 years.

The CJI is responsible for the administration of the Supreme Court and for the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court and the High Courts. The CJI also has the power to grant special leave to appeal to the Supreme Court from the decisions of the High Courts.

The CJI is the presiding judge of the Supreme Court and has the power to assign cases to other judges of the Supreme Court. The CJI also has the power to constitute benches of the Supreme Court and to assign cases to those benches.

The CJI is the final authority on the interpretation of the Constitution of India. The CJI also has the power to issue directions to the government and to other authorities in the country.

The CJI is a very important position in the Indian judiciary. The CJI is responsible for the administration of justice in the country and for the protection of the rights of the people.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is the current Chief Justice of India?

The current Chief Justice of India is Justice N.V. Ramana. He was appointed as the CJI on 18 April 2021.

  1. How is the Chief Justice of India appointed?

The Chief Justice of India is appointed by the President of India, on the advice of the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice of India.

  1. What are the powers of the Chief Justice of India?

The Chief Justice of India is responsible for the administration of the Supreme Court and for the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court and the High Courts. The CJI also has the power to grant special leave to appeal to the Supreme Court from the decisions of the High Courts.

  1. What is the role of the Chief Justice of India in the Indian judiciary?

The Chief Justice of India is the final authority on the interpretation of the Constitution of India. The CJI also has the power to issue directions to the government and to other authorities in the country.

  1. What are the qualifications for the post of Chief Justice of India?

A person must be a judge of the Supreme Court for at least five years to be eligible for the post of Chief Justice of India.


  1. Who is the current Chief Justice of India?

(a) Justice N.V. Ramana
(b) Justice S.A. Bobde
(c) Justice Ranjan Gogoi
(d) Justice Dipak Misra

  1. How is the Chief Justice of India appointed?

(a) By the President of India
(b) By the Prime Minister
(c) By the Chief Justice of India
(d) By the Parliament

  1. What are the powers of the Chief Justice of India?

(a) To administer the Supreme Court
(b) To appoint judges to the Supreme Court and the High Courts
(c) To grant special leave to appeal to the Supreme Court from the decisions of the High Courts
(d) All of the above

  1. What is the role of the Chief Justice of India in the Indian judiciary?

(a) To be the final authority on the interpretation of the Constitution of India
(b) To issue directions to the government and to other authorities in the country
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

  1. What are the qualifications for the post of Chief Justice of India?

(a) A person must be a judge of the Supreme Court for at least five years
(b) A person must be a citizen of India
(c) A person must be at least 35 years of age
(d) All of the above
