Chaukhandi Stupa

Chaukhandi Stupa is a Buddhist stupa located in the village of Chaukhandi, about 10 kilometers from the city of Dehradun in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. The stupa is a large, white structure that is said to date back to the 5th century CE. It is one of the most important Buddhist sites in the region and is a popular pilgrimage destination.

  • History and Significance
  • Architectural Style
  • Features and Decorations

History and Significance:

The Chaukhandi Stupa’s exact origins remain debated. While some attribute its construction to Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE, most scholars believe it was built during the Gupta period (3rd-6th century CE). Chinese traveler Xuanzang documented the stupa in the 7th century CE, highlighting its importance as a Buddhist pilgrimage site. The monument’s name, “Chaukhandi,” translates to “four-sided,” referencing its square base.

Architectural Style:

The Chaukhandi Stupa deviates from the traditional circular stupa design. It features a square base with three receding stories constructed from solid brick and rubble. This tiered pyramid structure, unique among stupas, is believed to have been inspired by funerary monuments from earlier periods. The monument’s vast size is another distinguishing characteristic.

Features and Decorations:

The Chaukhandi Stupa’s exterior walls were likely adorned with stucco ornamentation, although much of it has been lost over time. Evidence suggests depictions of Buddhist symbols and possibly Jataka tales (stories of the Buddha’s previous births). Each story of the structure features niches that may have housed statues or lamps, though none remain today. The topmost story culminates in a harmika, a square structure that traditionally housed relics in stupas.

The Chaukhandi Stupa is a square structure that is about 30 meters high. It is made of brick and is covered in white plaster. The stupa has four entrances, each of which is flanked by a pair of lions. The top of the stupa is crowned with a large, gilded dome.

The Chaukhandi Stupa is said to have been built by the Gupta emperor Kumaragupta I. It is believed that the stupa was built to commemorate the victory of Kumaragupta I over the Huns. The stupa is also said to be the burial place of a Buddhist saint.

The Chaukhandi Stupa is a popular pilgrimage destination for Buddhists from all over the world. The stupa is also a popular tourist destination. Visitors to the stupa can climb to the top of the structure for stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

The Chaukhandi Stupa is a significant historical and cultural monument. It is a reminder of the rich Buddhist heritage of the region. The stupa is also a popular pilgrimage destination and a tourist attraction.

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What is the Chaukhandi Stupa?

The Chaukhandi Stupa is a Buddhist stupa located in the village of Chaukhandi, about 10 kilometers from the city of Dehradun in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. The stupa is a large, white structure that is said to date back to the 5th century CE. It is one of the most important Buddhist sites in the region and is a popular pilgrimage destination.

When was the Chaukhandi Stupa built?

The Chaukhandi Stupa is said to have been built by the Gupta emperor Kumaragupta I. It is believed that the stupa was built to commemorate the victory of Kumaragupta I over the Huns. The stupa is also said to be the burial place of a Buddhist saint.

What is the significance of the Chaukhandi Stupa?

The Chaukhandi Stupa is a significant historical and cultural monument. It is a reminder of the rich Buddhist heritage of the region. The stupa is also a popular pilgrimage destination and a tourist attraction.

How can I visit the Chaukhandi Stupa?

The Chaukhandi Stupa is located in the village of Chaukhandi, about 10 kilometers from the city of Dehradun in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. The stupa is open to the public and can be visited at any time of the day.

What are the best times to visit the Chaukhandi Stupa?

The best times to visit the Chaukhandi Stupa are early morning and late evening. The weather is cooler during these times and the views of the surrounding countryside are stunning.

What is the historical significance of the ancient structure located in Sarnath?

The ancient structure holds historical significance due to its association with important events or figures from ancient times.

Where is the structure located, and what makes it notable?

The structure is located in a prominent area and is notable for its unique architectural features or historical context.

Who built the structure, and when was it constructed?

The structure was constructed by ancient builders or rulers during a specific period in history.

What purpose did the structure serve in ancient times?

The structure served various purposes in ancient times, ranging from religious worship to administrative functions or commemoration of events.

What are some distinctive features of the structure?

The structure possesses distinctive architectural, artistic, or symbolic features that set it apart from other structures of its time.

How does the structure contribute to our understanding of ancient civilizations?

The structure provides valuable insights into the architectural techniques, cultural practices, and religious beliefs of ancient civilizations.

What role does the structure play in contemporary society?

The structure continues to be revered, studied, or utilized in contemporary society for its historical, cultural, or religious significance.

How does the preservation of the structure impact future generations?

The preservation of the structure ensures that future generations can appreciate and learn from its historical and cultural importance, enriching their understanding of the past.


The Chaukhandi Stupa is located in:

  • (A) Dehradun
  • (B) Haridwar
  • (C) Rishikesh
  • (D) Mussoorie

The Chaukhandi Stupa is said to have been built by:

  • (A) The Gupta emperor Kumaragupta I
  • (B) The Mauryan emperor Ashoka
  • (C) The Kushan emperor Kanishka
  • (D) The Mughal emperor Akbar

The Chaukhandi Stupa is a popular pilgrimage destination for:

  • (A) Hindus
  • (B) Muslims
  • (C) Christians
  • (D) Buddhists

The Chaukhandi Stupa is a significant historical and cultural monument because:

  • (A) It is a reminder of the rich Buddhist heritage of the region
  • (B) It is a popular pilgrimage destination
  • (C) It is a tourist attraction
  • (D) All of the above

The best times to visit the Chaukhandi Stupa are:

  • (A) Early morning and late evening
  • (B) Midday and afternoon
  • (C) Nighttime
  • (D) All of the above

Where is the ancient structure located in India?

  • A) Sarnath
  • B) Varanasi
  • C) Bodh Gaya
  • D) Lumbini

What is the historical significance of the structure?

  • A) It marks the birthplace of a famous ruler
  • B) It commemorates a significant battle
  • C) It is associated with an important religious figure
  • D) It served as a royal palace

Who was responsible for the construction of the structure?

  • A) The Mauryan Empire
  • B) The Gupta Empire
  • C) The Mughal Empire
  • D) The British Raj

When was the structure built?

  • A) 5th century BC
  • B) 2nd century AD
  • C) 10th century AD
  • D) 15th century AD

What purpose did the structure serve in ancient times?

  • A) Religious worship
  • B) Military defense
  • C) Agricultural storage
  • D) Scientific research

What are some distinctive architectural features of the structure?

  • A) Gothic arches
  • B) Minarets
  • C) Stained glass windows
  • D) Intricate carvings

How does the structure contribute to our understanding of ancient civilizations?

  • A) By providing insights into trade routes
  • B) By revealing advanced technology
  • C) By reflecting cultural practices and beliefs
  • D) By demonstrating military strategy

What role does the preservation of the structure play in contemporary society?

  • A) Promoting tourism
  • B) Fostering economic development
  • C) Preserving biodiversity
  • D) Enhancing telecommunications

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