Charvaka School or Lokayata Philosophy

Charvaka School or Lokayata Philosophy


The Charvaka school, also known as Lokayata, is a materialist school of Indian philosophy that flourished in the 6th century BCE. The Charvakas rejected the authority of the Vedas and other religious texts, and they advocated for a hedonistic lifestyle based on the pursuit of pleasure.


The Charvaka school is thought to have originated in the city of Benares (Varanasi) in the 6th century BCE. The founder of the school is traditionally held to be Brihaspati, a sage who is also mentioned in the Vedas.

The Charvaka school was one of the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy, along with the Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, and Vedanta schools. However, the Charvaka school was eventually eclipsed by the other schools, and it is now considered to be a heterodox school.


The Charvakas were materialists, and they believed that the only reality is matter. They rejected the existence of God, the soul, and the afterlife.

The Charvakas also rejected the authority of the Vedas and other religious texts. They believed that these texts were the product of human imagination, and that they had no basis in reality.

The Charvakas advocated for a hedonistic lifestyle based on the pursuit of pleasure. They believed that the goal of life is to enjoy the pleasures of the senses, and that there is nothing wrong with satisfying one’s desires.


The Charvaka school was criticized by other schools of Indian philosophy, such as the Nyaya and Vaisheshika schools. These schools argued that the Charvakas’ materialism was based on a misunderstanding of reality, and that their hedonistic lifestyle was immoral.


What is the Charvaka school?

The Charvaka school is a materialist school of Indian philosophy that flourished in the 6th century BCE. The Charvakas rejected the authority of the Vedas and other religious texts, and they advocated for a hedonistic lifestyle based on the pursuit of pleasure.

Who are the founders of the Charvaka school?

The founder of the Charvaka school is traditionally held to be Brihaspati, a sage who is also mentioned in the Vedas.

What are the main tenets of the Charvaka school?

The Charvakas were materialists, and they believed that the only reality is matter. They rejected the existence of God, the soul, and the afterlife. They also rejected the authority of the Vedas and other religious texts.

What is the Charvaka school’s view on the afterlife?

The Charvakas believed that there is no afterlife. They believed that when a person dies, their body decomposes and their soul ceases to exist.

What is the Charvaka school’s view on morality?

The Charvakas believed that there is no such thing as objective morality. They believed that morality is subjective, and that what is right for one person may be wrong for another.

What is the Charvaka school’s view on the goal of life?

The Charvakas believed that the goal of life is to enjoy the pleasures of the senses. They believed that there is nothing wrong with satisfying one’s desires, and that one should not feel guilty about doing so.

What is the Charvaka school’s view on religion?

The Charvakas were atheists, and they rejected the authority of the Vedas and other religious texts. They believed that religion is a tool used by the powerful to control the weak.

What is the Charvaka school’s view on social class?

The Charvakas were egalitarians, and they believed that all people are equal. They rejected the caste system, and they believed that everyone should have the opportunity to pursue their own happiness.

What is the Charvaka school’s view on women?

The Charvakas were relatively progressive in their views on women. They believed that women should have the same rights as men, and that they should be allowed to participate in all aspects of society.

What is the Charvaka school’s view on education?

The Charvakas believed that education is important for everyone, regardless of their social class or gender. They believed that education should be practical and useful, and that it should prepare people for life in the real world.

What are the key beliefs of the Charvaka school?

They advocate for materialism, skepticism of metaphysical concepts like karma and rebirth, and emphasize empirical evidence as the only valid source of knowledge.

Who were notable proponents of the Charvaka school?

Brhaspati and Ajita Kesakambali are among the prominent figures associated with the Charvaka school.

What is the origin of the Charvaka philosophy?

Its origins trace back to ancient Indian thinkers around the 6th century BCE.

How does Charvaka philosophy differ from other Indian philosophical traditions?

Unlike other schools that focus on spirituality and metaphysics, Charvaka philosophy prioritizes the material world and rejects supernatural beliefs.

What criticisms were raised against the Charvaka school?

Critics often accused it of promoting hedonism, nihilism, and lacking moral principles due to its rejection of religious doctrines.

Is the Charvaka school still relevant today?

While not as prominent as other Indian philosophies, its emphasis on skepticism and empirical evidence continues to influence modern thought.

Did the Charvaka school have any impact on Indian society?

Yes, it contributed to philosophical debates and influenced subsequent schools of thought, despite not being widely accepted during its time.

What texts or scriptures are associated with the Charvaka tradition?

Few texts survive, but references to Charvaka beliefs can be found in various ancient Indian philosophical texts and scriptures.

How does Charvaka philosophy approach ethics and morality?

It tends to prioritize pleasure and the pursuit of self-interest in this life, rejecting notions of moral responsibility beyond material existence.


Which philosophical school emphasized the material world as the only reality, rejecting the existence of souls and gods?

  • A. Idealism (focuses on ideas)
  • B. Dualism (separates mind and body)
  • C. Materialism (Charvaka)
  • D. Existentialism (focuses on individual existence)

Which school of thought rejected the authority of the Vedas and other religious texts, believing them to be human creations?

  • A. Hinduism (Vedas hold central importance)
  • B. Charvaka School (Lokayata)
  • C. Buddhism (focuses on achieving enlightenment)
  • D. Confucianism (emphasizes social order)

Which philosophy advocated for a life focused on pursuing pleasure and fulfilling desires?

  • A. Stoicism (emphasizes reason and virtue)
  • B. Charvaka School (Lokayata)
  • C. Asceticism (practices self-denial)
  • D. Utilitarianism (focuses on maximizing happiness)

What school believed that knowledge is derived solely through sense perception, rejecting the concept of innate ideas or intuition?

  • A. Rationalism (emphasizes reason)
  • B. Charvaka School (Lokayata)
  • C. Empiricism (focuses on experience)
  • D. Skepticism (doubts the possibility of certain knowledge)

Which philosophy denied the existence of an afterlife and focused on living a good life in the present world?

  • A. Hinduism (belief in reincarnation)
  • B. Charvaka School (Lokayata)
  • C. Christianity (belief in heaven and hell)
  • D. Ancient Egyptian Religion (emphasis on the afterlife)