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The practice of charity means the voluntary giving of help to those in need, as a humanitarian act.

There are instances in India, of great men, who gave their all to the cause of charity. One such man was Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das, the great political leader and a renowned barrister. He donated his house, wealth and all that he had in his possession to his countrymen. In his name, hos­pitals and similar other charitable institutions are still func­tioning successfully.

The Birlas, in India, have donated and built many chari­table institutions in India for the benefit of the common peo­ple. The dharmasalas (a guest-house where pilgrims and travelers are accommodated temporarily free of cost), the hos­pitals, the educational institutions and numerous scholar­ships for the poor but meritorious students are their generous contributions towards their countrymen.

Charity, a noble quality in man, brings welfare in the Society. It enlarges human hearts and spreads the message of brotherhood and innocent love among the people.  The prac­tice of charity was adored in ancient days. The saints and the sages lived on alms offered by the affluent people. It was then an accepted practice to give whatever was possible in charity for the welfare of the people and the society.

India has a long history of civil society. Voluntary organizations were active in cultural promotion, Education, Health, and natural disaster relief as early as the medieval era. Religious organizations also took up work to help the poor to improve their condition. Towards the end of the 19th century the corporate community in India also began setting up organizations dedicated to the welfare and development of the underprivileged and a large number of Corporate Trusts and Societies came into existence.

During the 19th and early 20th century these voluntary organizations received legal recognition as the Government enacted various laws such as the Societies Registration Act of 1860, The Religious Endowments Act of 1863, The Indian Trusts Act of 1882 and the Charitable Endowments Act of 1890. Such enactments gave public recognition to the intention of the founders and extended the protection of the law to their income and property, however these enactments were rather mild and did not impose strong regulatory controls. The British Government later added two more legislations i.e. the Charitable and Religious Trusts Act, 1920 and (ii) the Trade Unions Act, 1926.

All Charitable organizations may exist as non-profit companies, societies or trusts. However, structure or management is not the essence of the charitable organization. It is the objectives, which distinguish a charitable organization from a business organization.

Forms of Activities of Charity

Non-profit organizations in India today encompass a wide-range of activities, including designing and implementing innovative programs in various sectors of development, research, documentation, and training and advocacy. They range from very small people’s organizations to highly sophisticated and technologically advanced research and health care or educational institutions. Some form of activities of charitable organizations include:

  • Advocacy – Charitable organisations working on advocacy or campaigning on issues or causes and they do not implement programs.
  • Consultancy / Research Organizations – Charitable organisation working on social and development research as well as consultancy.
  • Training / Capacity Building Organizations – Charitable organisation helping other charity organizations by training & capacity building.
  • Networking Organizations – Charitable organisations providing networking opportunities in a specific field.
  • Mother NGOs – These charitable organisations have a work focus, but instead of implementing projects, they identify projects and monitor, evaluate and build capacities of participating NGOs.
  • Grass root Organizations -Charitable organisations working directly with the community
  • City Based Organizations – These Charitable organisations restrict their focus to cities.
  • National Organizations – Charitable organisations with national presence.
  • Self Help Groups – Formed by beneficiary communities, typically Women who come together in a group of 10 plus.
  • Religious NGOs


A stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected by the business. The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation are its investors, employees, customers and suppliers. However, the modern theory of the idea goes beyond this original notion to include additional stakeholders such as a community, government or trade association.

Stakeholders can be internal or external. Internal stakeholders are people whose interest in a company comes through a direct relationship, such as EMPLOYMENT, ownership or Investment. External stakeholders are those people who do not directly work with a company but are affected in some way by the actions and outcomes of said business. Suppliers, creditors and public groups are all considered external stakeholders.

Investors are a common type of internal stakeholder and are greatly impacted by the outcome of a business. If, for example, a Venture Capital firm decides to invest $5 million into a technology startup in return for 10% Equity and significant influence, the firm becomes an internal stakeholder of the startup. The return of the company’s investment hinges on the success, or failure, of the startup, meaning it has a vested interest.

External stakeholders are a little harder to identify, seeing as they do not have a direct relationship with the company. Instead, an external stakeholder is normally a person or organization affected by the operations of the business. When a company goes over the allowable limit of carbon emissions, for example, the town in which the company is located is considered an external stakeholder because it is affected by the increased pollution.

Conversely, external stakeholders may also sometimes have a direct effect on a company but are not directly tied to it. The government, for example, is an external stakeholder. When it makes policy changes on carbon emissions, continuing from above, the decision affects the operations of any business with increased levels of carbon.


Charities are organizations that provide help and support to those in need. They can be found in all parts of the world and focus on a variety of causes, including animal welfare, arts and culture, children and youth, community development, disaster relief, education, Environment, health, Human Rights, international development, POVERTY alleviation, religion, social Services, Sports, veterans, women’s issues, and youth development.

Charities play an important role in society by providing much-needed assistance to those who are struggling. They can help to improve the lives of individuals and families, and they can also make a positive impact on communities.

There are many different ways to get involved with charities. You can donate Money, volunteer your time, or even start your own charity. Every little bit helps, and every contribution makes a difference.

If you are looking for a way to make a difference in the world, consider getting involved with a charity. You can find a charity that supports a cause that you care about, and you can make a real difference in the lives of others.

Here are some examples of charities that focus on the following subtopics:

  • Animal welfare: The Humane Society of the United States is a leading animal welfare organization that works to protect animals from cruelty and neglect.
  • Arts and culture: The National Endowment for the Arts is a federal agency that supports the arts in the United States.
  • Children and youth: The Boys & Girls Clubs of America is a youth organization that provides programs and services to help young people succeed in life.
  • Community development: The United Way is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the lives of people in local communities.
  • Disaster relief: The American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization that provides assistance to people affected by disasters.
  • Education: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a private foundation that supports education and other causes around the world.
  • Environment: The Environmental Protection Agency is a federal agency that protects the environment in the United States.
  • Health: The American Cancer Society is a nonprofit organization that funds cancer research and provides support to cancer patients and their families.
  • Human rights: Amnesty International is a human rights organization that works to protect human rights around the world.
  • International development: The World Bank is a financial institution that provides loans and grants to developing countries.
  • Poverty Alleviation: The World Food Programme is a humanitarian organization that provides food assistance to people in need around the world.
  • Religion: The Salvation Army is a Christian organization that provides social services to people in need.
  • Social services: The United Way is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the lives of people in local communities.
  • Sports: The Special Olympics is an organization that provides sports training and competition for people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Veterans: The American Legion is a veterans’ organization that provides support to veterans and their families.
  • Women’s issues: The National Organization for Women is a feminist organization that works to promote Equality for women.
  • Youth development: The Boys & Girls Clubs of America is a youth organization that provides programs and services to help young people succeed in life.

These are just a few examples of the many different charities that are working to make a difference in the world. If you are looking for a way to make a difference, consider getting involved with a charity that supports a cause that you care about.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the following topics:

  • What is a charity?
    A charity is an organization that provides help and support to people in need. Charities can be religious, non-profit, or government-funded.

  • What are the different types of charities?
    There are many different types of charities, but some of the most common include:

    • Humanitarian charities: These charities provide food, shelter, and other basic necessities to people in need.
    • Medical charities: These charities provide medical care and treatment to people who cannot afford it.
    • Educational charities: These charities provide education and training to people who cannot afford it.
    • Environmental charities: These charities protect the environment and promote sustainability.
    • Animal welfare charities: These charities protect animals and promote animal welfare.
  • How do I choose a charity to donate to?
    When choosing a charity to donate to, it is important to consider the following factors:

    • The charity’s mission: Make sure that the charity’s mission is something that you believe in.
    • The charity’s financial transparency: Make sure that the charity is transparent about how it spends its money.
    • The charity’s impact: Make sure that the charity is making a positive impact on the people it serves.
  • How can I donate to a charity?
    There are many ways to donate to a charity. Some of the most common ways include:

    • Making a donation online: You can make a donation online through the charity’s website.
    • Making a donation by mail: You can make a donation by mail by sending a check or money order to the charity’s address.
    • Making a donation by phone: You can make a donation by phone by calling the charity’s phone number.
    • Making a donation in person: You can make a donation in person by visiting the charity’s office.
  • What are the benefits of donating to a charity?
    There are many benefits to donating to a charity. Some of the benefits include:

    • Helping others: When you donate to a charity, you are helping to make a difference in the lives of others.
    • Feeling good: Donating to a charity can make you feel good about yourself and the impact you are making on the world.
    • Reducing taxes: In some cases, you may be able to deduct your charitable donations from your taxes.
    • Making a difference: Donating to a charity can make a real difference in the world.
  • What are the risks of donating to a charity?
    There are some risks associated with donating to a charity. Some of the risks include:

    • The charity may not be legitimate: There are some charities that are not legitimate and do not use the donations they receive to help others.
    • The charity may not be efficient: Some charities are not efficient and do not use the donations they receive in the most effective way.
    • The charity may not be effective: Some charities are not effective and do not make a significant impact on the people they serve.
  • How can I avoid the risks of donating to a charity?
    There are some things you can do to avoid the risks of donating to a charity. Some of the things you can do include:

    • Do your research: Before you donate to a charity, do your research to make sure that it is legitimate and efficient.
    • Give to reputable charities: Give to charities that are well-known and have a good reputation.
    • Donate to charities that are transparent: Give to charities that are transparent about how they spend their money.
    • Donate to charities that are effective: Give to charities that are making a significant impact on the people they serve.

Sure. Here are some multiple choice questions without mentioning the topic of charities:

  1. Which of the following is not a type of non-profit organization?
    (A) Charity
    (B) Foundation
    (C) Social enterprise
    (D) Corporation

  2. Which of the following is the most common type of non-profit organization?
    (A) Charity
    (B) Foundation
    (C) Social enterprise
    (D) Corporation

  3. Non-profit organizations are typically funded by which of the following?
    (A) Donations
    (B) Government grants
    (C) Fees for services
    (D) All of the above

  4. Non-profit organizations are typically exempt from which of the following?
    (A) Income tax
    (B) Property tax
    (C) Sales tax
    (D) All of the above

  5. Which of the following is not a benefit of working for a non-profit organization?
    (A) Making a difference in the world
    (B) Working with a mission that you believe in
    (C) Having the opportunity to learn and grow
    (D) Earning a high salary

  6. Which of the following is the most common challenge faced by non-profit organizations?
    (A) Raising money
    (B) Attracting and retaining employees
    (C) Managing volunteers
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is not a way to support a non-profit organization?
    (A) Donate money
    (B) Volunteer your time
    (C) Buy products or services from the organization
    (D) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is the most effective way to donate money to a non-profit organization?
    (A) Make a one-time donation
    (B) Make a monthly donation
    (C) Donate stock or other assets
    (D) All of the above

  9. Which of the following is the most effective way to volunteer your time to a non-profit organization?
    (A) Find an organization that is working on a cause that you care about
    (B) Contact the organization and ask how you can help
    (C) Attend volunteer orientation and training sessions
    (D) All of the above

  10. Which of the following is the most effective way to buy products or services from a non-profit organization?
    (A) Look for the organization’s logo on the product or service
    (B) Ask the retailer if they donate a portion of the proceeds to the organization
    (C) Do your research to make sure that the organization is a good one
    (D) All of the above