Central Zoo Authority

The Central Zoo Authority (CZA) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. It was established in 1972 under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. The CZA is responsible for the conservation of wildlife in zoos in India. It also regulates the establishment and functioning of zoos in the country.

The CZA has the following sub-topics:

  • Administration
  • Animal Welfare
  • Conservation Education
  • Research
  • Veterinary Services
  • Zoo Planning and Development
    The Central Zoo Authority (CZA) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. It was established in 1972 under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. The CZA is responsible for the conservation of wildlife in zoos in India. It also regulates the establishment and functioning of zoos in the country.

The CZA has the following sub-topics:

  • Administration
  • Animal Welfare
  • Conservation Education
  • Research
  • Veterinary Services
  • Zoo Planning and Development


The CZA is headed by a Director General who is appointed by the Central Government. The Director General is assisted by a Deputy Director General and a number of other officers. The CZA has its headquarters in New Delhi.

The CZA is responsible for the overall administration of zoos in India. It issues licenses to zoos, monitors their functioning, and takes action against erring zoos. The CZA also provides financial assistance to zoos for their development and maintenance.

Animal Welfare

The CZA is responsible for the welfare of animals in zoos. It lays down guidelines for the care and management of animals in zoos. The CZA also conducts inspections of zoos to ensure that the guidelines are being followed.

The CZA has a number of measures in place to ensure the welfare of animals in zoos. These include:

  • Providing adequate space for animals
  • Providing appropriate food and water
  • Providing veterinary care
  • Providing enrichment activities for animals
  • Conducting research on animal welfare

Conservation Education

The CZA is responsible for promoting conservation education through zoos. It organizes workshops, seminars, and other events to educate the public about the importance of conservation. The CZA also produces educational materials, such as brochures and posters, to promote conservation education.


The CZA is responsible for promoting research on wildlife conservation. It funds research projects on wildlife conservation and provides grants to researchers. The CZA also collaborates with other organizations, such as universities and research institutes, to promote research on wildlife conservation.

Veterinary Services

The CZA is responsible for providing veterinary services to zoos. It maintains a team of veterinarians who provide medical care to animals in zoos. The CZA also conducts research on animal diseases and provides training to zoo veterinarians.

Zoo Planning and Development

The CZA is responsible for planning and developing zoos in India. It lays down guidelines for the construction and development of zoos. The CZA also provides financial assistance to zoos for their development and maintenance.

The CZA has a number of measures in place to ensure the quality of zoos in India. These include:

  • Laying down guidelines for the construction and development of zoos
  • Providing financial assistance to zoos for their development and maintenance
  • Conducting inspections of zoos to ensure that the guidelines are being followed
  • Promoting research on zoo design and management
  • Providing training to zoo staff

The CZA is playing a vital role in the conservation of wildlife in India. It is working to ensure the welfare of animals in zoos, promote conservation education, and conduct research on wildlife conservation. The CZA is also working to improve the quality of zoos in India.

  • What is the Central Zoo Authority (CZA)?
    The Central Zoo Authority (CZA) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. It was established in 1972 under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. The CZA is responsible for the conservation of wildlife in zoos in India. It also regulates the establishment and functioning of zoos in the country.

  • What are the functions of the CZA?
    The functions of the CZA are as follows:

    • To advise the Central Government on matters relating to the conservation of wildlife in zoos in India.
    • To regulate the establishment and functioning of zoos in the country.
    • To inspect zoos and take necessary action to ensure that they are being run in accordance with the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and the CZA’s guidelines.
    • To promote research in the field of zoo management and conservation.
    • To provide training to zoo staff.
    • To disseminate information on zoo management and conservation.
  • What are the powers of the CZA?
    The CZA has the following powers:

    • To grant or refuse permission for the establishment of a zoo.
    • To grant or refuse permission for the transfer of animals from one zoo to another.
    • To lay down standards for the care and management of animals in zoos.
    • To inspect zoos and take necessary action to ensure that they are being run in accordance with the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and the CZA’s guidelines.
    • To suspend or cancel the registration of a zoo.
  • What are the responsibilities of the CZA?
    The responsibilities of the CZA are as follows:

    • To ensure the conservation of wildlife in zoos in India.
    • To regulate the establishment and functioning of zoos in the country.
    • To inspect zoos and take necessary action to ensure that they are being run in accordance with the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and the CZA’s guidelines.
    • To promote research in the field of zoo management and conservation.
    • To provide training to zoo staff.
    • To disseminate information on zoo management and conservation.

Animal Welfare

  • What is animal welfare?
    Animal welfare is the practice of ensuring the well-being of animals. It is concerned with the physical and mental health of animals, as well as their treatment and care.

  • What are the principles of animal welfare?
    The principles of animal welfare are as follows:

    • Animals should be free from pain, suffering, and distress.
    • Animals should be able to express their natural behaviors.
    • Animals should be housed in a clean and comfortable environment.
    • Animals should be provided with adequate food, water, and shelter.
    • Animals should be treated with respect and compassion.
  • What are the laws and regulations related to animal welfare?
    The laws and regulations related to animal welfare in India are as follows:

    • The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
    • The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
    • The Central Zoo Authority (CZA) Rules, 1975.
    • The Zoo Licensing Rules, 1992.
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of the CZA in relation to animal welfare?
    The CZA is responsible for the conservation of wildlife in zoos in India. It also regulates the establishment and functioning of zoos in the country. The CZA has the following roles and responsibilities in relation to animal welfare:

    • To lay down standards for the care and management of animals in zoos.
    • To inspect zoos and take necessary action to ensure that they are being run in accordance with the provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and the CZA’s guidelines.
    • To suspend or cancel the registration of a zoo.

Conservation Education

  • What is conservation education?
    Conservation education is the process of teaching people about the importance of conserving wildlife and the environment. It is aimed at raising awareness of the threats facing wildlife and the environment, and encouraging people to take action to protect them.

  • What are the benefits of conservation education?
    The benefits of conservation education are as follows:

    • It can help to raise awareness of the threats facing wildlife and the environment.
    • It can encourage people to take action to protect wildlife and the environment.
    • It can help to build a constituency for conservation.
    • It can help to change people’s attitudes and behaviors towards
    • The Central Zoo Authority (CZA) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. It was established in 1972 under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. The CZA is responsible for the conservation of wildlife in zoos in India. It also regulates the establishment and functioning of zoos in the country.

Which of the following is not a sub-topic of the CZA?

(A) Administration
(B) Animal Welfare
(C) Conservation Education
(D) Research
(E) Veterinary Services

  1. The CZA is responsible for the following, except:

(A) Regulating the establishment and functioning of zoos in India
(B) Conserving wildlife in zoos in India
(C) Promoting research on wildlife
(D) Providing veterinary services to zoos
(E) Educating the public about wildlife

  1. The CZA was established in:

(A) 1972
(B) 1973
(C) 1974
(D) 1975
(E) 1976

  1. The CZA is a statutory body under the Ministry of:

(A) Environment, Forest and Climate Change
(B) Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
(C) Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
(D) Science and Technology
(E) Human Resource Development

  1. The CZA is responsible for the following, except:

(A) Regulating the import and export of wildlife
(B) Regulating the trade in wildlife products
(C) Regulating the captive breeding of wildlife
(D) Regulating the hunting of wildlife
(E) Regulating the use of wildlife in films and television shows